Hillary recently made a speech in which she
excoriated “society” for putting so many black males in prison,
ignoring completely that black males commit the MOST CRIME. If they
didn't, they wouldn't BE in prison. Liberals always do this: look at
the RESULT of “crime prevention” and criticize it while insisting
we ignore the LACK of results in their own “programs” because
they “mean well. The proof of their IGNORANCE is that they can't
see the CONTRADICTIONS in their actions and their words.
WON'T BE TOLERATED”: That's what Hillary Clinton seems to think.
She sees the church's objections to being FORCED, against their
religious beliefs, to perform gay weddings as something not to be
tolerated. She says, “religious beliefs need to be changed.”
CHANGED! For political purposes, change religious beliefs, even
though the Constitution says, “NO LAW shall be made regarding
religion or the practice thereof.” What part of 'NO LAW” doesn't
this fool understand? And some people are actually considering her to
“CLINTON MISTAKE”: The Clintons said it was a “mistake” for
their foundation to accept “donations” (translation: “bribes”)
from foreign sources. But the interesting thing is that they made the
SAME “mistake 1.100 times! And they really think we believe this
bullderm! Somebody needs to REALLY call them on such things. We know
it's a LOAD, but the “powers that be” (usually Democrats) BUY
their bullcrap. So does the liberal media
ONE LIES? They're asking which one is telling the truth: John Kerry
or Iran? I don't think there's any question. It's BOTH of them. Iran
because it's “their way” to lie in support of their agenda. For
Kerry, it's routine for him to lie to support OBAMA'S agenda, whether
true, or not. It's bad when you can't depend on your president to tell
the truth at ANY time, but there's one thing sure with Obama. If he
says it, it's a LIE. It works out that way. If you KNOW it's a lie,
you KNOW just the opposite is the truth.
KNEW IT! Freddie Gray caused HIS OWN back injury IN the “wagon”
in a successful attempt to hurt himself and thus caused all the
hooraw in Baltimore. That was leaked by a fellow PRISONER in the
“wagon.”Which proves, again, that mobs believe what they WANT to
believe, and ANYTHING that lets them “run wild and loot” honest
businesses. It's an identical situation to Ferguson, MO, where some
of the witnesses (who were Brown's accomplices) LIED and the others
were IGNORED so they could riot and loot. Now mobs in other cities
are taking up the “:hue and cry” that allows them to steal and
destroy. The “cancer” is metastasizing.
WITH ARREST: Obama is very afraid! His “common Core” scam is
falling flat because so many people can see through it and are
stopping their children from taking his tests. Now a group of parents
in South Carolina are being threatened with “criminal
accountability” (under I don't know what law unless they twist
something) for refusing to allow their children to take this
DICTATORIAL and IMPOSSIBLE test. Somebody needs to take Obama to the woodshed.