Wednesday, September 30, 2020

"It's Established Law"

That’s what even conservatives say about abortion. Yes, it is “established law” because it has been enforced for decades, while millions of innocent, helpless babies have been murdered at the behest of their parents, by people who murder them for profit. Planned Parenthood is today’s “Murder Incorporated,” and can be depended upon to murder that child (for a fee) when the parents have unprotected sex and are using abortion as a method of birth control. Being “established law” doesn’t make mass murder of infants right. It is still WRONG. It stills a beating heart, which PP sells, along with that infant’s other organs, for a clear profit.

STOP TEACHING HISTORY!” That’s what at least one liberal thinks we should do. Oh, Michelle Obama thinks so, too. Mostly because they’re so ashamed of the things they have done that have made things so much worse than they had to be, and they don’t want us to know about them so we will make the same mistakes that have allowed them to run most major cities into the ground. Mistakes like New York electing DiBlaso as mayor and Chicago electing Lightbrain as their mayor. The liberal “leadership” in these, and many other cities have paved the way for bankruptcy, rising crime rates and rising murder rates. It can all be traced back to incompetent “rulings” by liberal mayors and other ranking liberal members of their administrations.

HE BROKE NO LAWS: Ever since President Trump’s tax returns were released, that showed he had not paid any income taxes for ten years, the Dumbocrats have been “having a field day” with it. Never mind Trump broke no laws, and did nothing wrong. He did what every taxpayer is entitled to do—he AVOIDED TAXES WHEN HE DIDN’T MAKE ANY MONEY. But the Dumbocrats have pushed the idea that it was somehow wrong that he paid no income taxes in those years. What they ignore is the REASON he paid no income taxes in those years. He was busy LOSING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, which is WHY he paid no taxes—HE DIDN’T OWE ANY. Nor would you if you made no money in that time.

THEY CALL IT HIJRAH: I’ve always suspected that there was a plan involving all the Muslim “immigrants” who hated America, yet came her to live. Muslim extremists plan way ahead—not just days, months, years, but further than that, decades ahead if necessary. Now I find there is even a name for it—Hijrah. A “slow invasion” of Muslim extremists into our country by immigration, using their “status as a pseudo religion to stop any criticism of what they do, until we are crippled when trying to criticize anything they do until they outnumber real Americans and have infiltrated our most sacred institutions, as several Muslim extremists have done by getting themselves elected to Congress, there to do their dirty work, right out in the open, rebuffing any criticism by claiming “religious intolerance” until their eventual takeover is complete.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: CNN anchor Don Lemon says Trump supporters are “cultists” who need to be deprogrammed before the election. If he really believes that, HE’S the cultist who needs to be deprogrammed… The Dumbocrats have talked incessantly about what to do if TRUMP refuses to accept the results of the election. And now Hillary (last election’s failed candidate) is saying BIDEN should not concede under any circumstances. I think she really thinks that will cause him to win. I think she’s that stupid… Nancy Peelosi says Trump and the Republicans are “enemies of the state.” Actually, the only “enemies of state” here are Nancy and her bunch. Trump’s not trying to turn us into socialists


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

They'll Always Tell Us

You can always figure out what hurts the left the most, and do it. They will always tell you what hurts them the most. They’ll scream at you if you do it. So the louder they oppose what you’re dong is all the more reason to do it—and right now. What they want to will almost always be WRONG, but they will think it’s right. But they will be wrong, so do the opposite of anything they want you to do. It’s a given. They always try and give us advice on what to do. So use that as a guideline as to what is the best thing to do, and do what they’re telling you NOT to do.

VIOLENCE AS A PERSUADER: The liberal Dumbocrats have run out of arguments, even they lying ones, so now they’re threatening violence if they don’t get their way. And they’ve already committed enough violence that you know they’re serious. They’ve told us that if Trump replaced Ginsberg before the election, there will be burning, looting, and assaults. They’ve threatened the same if Trump gets re-elected. It gets boring. So why not just commit the violence (or try to) so we can put somebody in jail and shut them up. They really think they can keep those things from happening by threatening violence, but they don’t expect us to be ready to repel that violence and punish them for it. They really think their threats of violence will stop us from doing what’s right, but it will not.

BIDEN IS DELUDED: Not only is he not fit to be president, he is deluded, too. He thinks the Second Amendment, which was made specifically to guarantee us the right to be armed for self defense, does not protect an individual right. There can be no more of an individual right than that of self defense, and to own and use the means to that end, a gun. Where he gets it that this is not an “individual right” is a mystery, only known in his fevered mind. Biden is “setting the stage” for the firearms banning he aims to do if he manages to get elceted, which is a far reach, since he is mostly afraid to come out of his basement to campaign against a powerhouse like Donald Trump.

IT DOESN’T MATTER TO THEM: Even if a black man is trying his best to kill a cop,, if he or she shoots back, ANTIFA and/or BLM will cause a riot that hurts people, gets some killed, and causes much property damage in response. When a cop is just sitting in his well-marked vehicle, wearing his distinctive uniform, that guy walking up to the window might just want to ask a question—or he might just shoot them, without warning. So why does anybody blame them if they are “on their guard” and quick to shoot? Of course, in today’s political climate, even if it is a “good shoot,” will the politicians in charge in his city charge HIM with a crime for defending himself from an armed criminal who is shooting at him?

WHO PAYS FOR THE RIOTS? Recently, I saw a U-Haul truck pull up, the doors were opened, and the thugs going to the riot started unloading all the tools they would need for the riot: signs, baseball bats, knives, guns, and the like. Barriers, and other things. Who paid for all that equipment? Moreover, who paid to rent that U-Haul? Somebody is the money man, even if his name is well-hidden. This is proof, even if you can’t name the money man, that these riots are a well-planned, well financed operation. The FBI needs to investigate this, and find out why local politicians do not arrest the rioters—and when they do, the politicians let them go. The idea that these are “peaceful protests” is a big load of bullsh-t.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Ilian Omar had the temerity recently to actually say “This is MY country.” It is NOT. She is an anti-American IMMIGRANT and has no right to say such stupid things. This is OUR COUNTRY, not hers… Adam, uh, Schiff says Republican Trump staff “of good conscience” to resign. What the hell FOR? Trump is doing many great things for America, and “good conscience” requires them to stay. Adam just doesn’t understand that because he doesn’t know what “good conscience” means. Except in the Republican Party. Adam is not only stupid, he’s arrogant, too. But then, he’s a DumbocratJoe Biden is really out of it, in case nobody but Republicans has noticed. One of his most recent gaffes is that he thinks he was first elected to Congress 180 YEARS AGO…


Monday, September 28, 2020

Well, It Happened

I was pretty “out of it” for a couple of days last week, and it was decided to put me in “Hospice Care.” Which means there will be a team of nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel in close contact with me 24 hours a day, not to try and cure me of anything—they’ve given up on that. Now they’re mostly interested in “keeping me comfortable," which means mostly pain-free, I guess. It also gives me better access to my medicines, since part of it is “clearing the decks” for me to get some medicines they didn’t want to prescribe before. The best part of it is they come to me. I no longer have to go to doctor’s offices to get help of I need it. They have regular visits by nurses and other medical professionals to monitor me and when those people talk, people listen. I still have a clear, sharp mind, and I intend to use it for as long as I can. I’ll keep these blogs going as long as I can, but don’t be surprised if the posting is sometimes “spotty,” depending on how well I feel on any given day. I'll have good days and bad days, and that will affect it.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Who Is Paying?

Repeated domestic abuse. Sexual conduct with a minor. Strangulation. Disorderly conduct. Disobedience to officers. That’s just a sampling of the crimes that have been committed by some of those “peaceful demonstrators.” You know: the people somebody is financing to send them around the country to all the hot spots, to make things worse? Somebody WANTS to make things worse and they’re PAYING these people to travel around the country to do it. All of these people have been in all the “hot spots. How did they get there? Who pays for their lodging and food? SOMEBODY is.

THEY WONDER WHY: Those obstreperous Black Lives Matter fools are so interested in stopping police killings of black criminals that they sponsor violent “demonstrations” that hurt, and even kill people to make their point. But I wonder why the cops are so “trigger happy” when a black man makes a violent move toward them. If I were forced to run around in a distinctively marked car, dressed in a distinctively known uniform while people I have no way of identifying want to kill me, and often do, I’d be trigger happy, too. But there is no “Cops Lives Matter” organization to promote MY safety. I’m on my own.

THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE: The Dumbocrats have run out of arguments. Even the ones based on lies they love so much. So now they’re turning almost exclusively to violence. Aside from their forays into restaurants to harass diners, their sponsorship of riots, looting, and property damage, their burning down the property of innocent people attacking and assaulting people who are proud Trump supporters, until Trump supporters—especially us ‘old ones,” don’t wear them out any more, now they’re coming right out and threatening a civil war if Trump wins the election. Not just the candidate refusing to concede—as if that would stop “the wheels from turning” and Trump renominated, even without Joe’s concession.

STARTING TO FIGHT BACK: Violent Dumbocrat outfits like Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the like are going to start “running into a buzz-saw” if they continue their intimidating violence. Outfits like “The Proud Boys,” The “Michigan Militia,” and the heavily-armed “Oath Keepers,” are gearing up to oppose them, anywhere they show up. If they’re not careful, some of those people might even start showing up at their “private meetings,”where they meet to plot their attacks, and put them down, there. They won’t be able to hide, and these people are going to outnumber the PAID troublemakers in the “Soros Squads.” Violence begets violence. Usually in opposition to the original violence, and with more powerful violence.

IT’S NOT TRANSPHOBIA, DUMMY! It’s a scientific fact: men CANNOT menstruate! Period (No pun intended) they don’t have the PLUMBING to menstruate. That photo of him with blood all over hos crotch is a phony. It could NOT be real. I don’t know what his point is, but it is a scientific FACT that men cannot menstruate. If that was real blood, coming from somewhere near his genitals, it probably came out of his anus, and shows a possibility he needs emergency medical attention—immediately. Whatever, this whole thing is a big con. I don’t know what he hopes to prove by this subterfuge, but loony liberals will accept it a true, and cite it, and broadcast it, to “prove” their silliness—without physically examining him without the pants in between. And in case he really believes this BS, he has a real mental problem, and should seek help before he actually does commit suicide.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Cheap shots: The director of the upcoming “Wonder Woman” movie says Donald Trump was his inspiration for his “villain” in the movie. Typical Hollywood bullsh*t… Demonstrators in Portland really know how to piss people off. They come to their houses and spend the nights screaming epithets at them, to keep them from sleeping. What they don’t think about is, that keeps THEM awake, too. And a pair of ear plugs will defeat them… A BLM fool claims he lost a testicle when the cops shot him in the groin during a riot in which he was a participant. He’s suing the cops, but I don’t think he’ll get anything because they’ll bring up the crimes he was committing that led up to that shooting and the cops will be shown to be justifiedChicago Mayor Lightbrain is “begging” businesses NOT to leave Chicago, to save her butt. But does she actually think they’ll buy her crap and stay? I don’t think so…


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Where I've Been

If you’re a regular reader Of This Blog, You’ve probably Wondered Where I’ve Been The Last Few Days. I’ve been in the hospital for the last more than a week, and was released on Monday. I was so exhausted Monday and Tuesday after getting home I just couldn’t update. So it’s back to business today—until I can no longer do it. Which might come sooner than you think.


MORE ANTI-GUN HYSTERIA: The anti-gun fools are losing their marbles. A 12-year-old boy from Colorado Springs, Colorado was suspended from school because of “threatening gestures” made during his online “Zoom Class.” What did he do? He briefly held up a neon green gun with the words “Zombie Hunter” on it during the class. It was just a toy gun. The kind you get your kid for Christmas. It could not hurt anybody, nor could he with it. He picked it up and moved it out of the way. But the “School authorities, in their infinite wisdom, got their panties in a twist and suspended him, then called the cops. Making a mountain out of a molehill and creating a hard time for everybody—and for nothing. But this is what anti-gun fools do.

DEMOCRATS READY FOR WAR: They have said so. If Trump wins a second term, they’re going to “go to war” to get him out of the office he won for a second time, fair and square—which is more than I can say for most Dumbocrat office holders. They were counting so much on their “front man,” Joe Biden. He of the confused sentences and forgetting where he is, while raging and threatening all kinds of meanness, including taxing us to death, and destroying several essential industries without coming up with a viable alternative. Biden is rightfully slipping at the polls, and that frightens them. They want so much to continue looting the United States, and they know if Trump wins another term, they won’t be able to do it.

CUTIES” OFFENDS ME: Netflix has always “pushed the envelope.” but this time they’ve ripped the envelope right up. I’m not a prude. I like women as much as the next guy. Women. Not flat-chested children. When a young, almost flat-chested girl in this movie struts around and shows her breasts, that offends me, and not from a biblical standpoint, from a human standpoint. What the hell ever moved the Netflix executives to ever produce, much less distribute such a film, distresses me. What were they THINKING? Netflix swears there is no underage sex in this movie. Which tells me they looked carefully for girls that LOOKED like they were underage, which is just as bad. I have to ask myself: what market were they making this movie for? The only market for this film is pedophiles, who are probably drooling over this film.

QUITS IN DISGUST: The police chief in Dallas, TX has resigned in disgust after she had her people arrest 647 “demonstrators” (rioters) who unlawfully blocked a freeway were released without charges by the incompetent liberal politicians running the city. The charges were good, and convictions would have come, but for those incompetent politicians. They turned them all loose and said, “you’re free to go.” Go and do what? Block another freeway while the new chief, knowing the politicians didn’t have his back, looked on. It is this kind of damnfoolishness that is the reason why the “demonstrators” are getting bolder and bolder, and will soon be hurting and killing people in the name of their “cause.” Some of them are doing it, already.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Joe Biden’s acceptance speech “exceeded expectations.” We knew it would be full of that stinky brown stuff, and he delivered—in spades. He spouted many generalities, and NO specifics—because he has none anybody (but a Dumbocrat) would want… They keep saying “Trump painted Biden as far left,” But Biden IS “far left, without Trump saying anything… A Dumbocrat tells Trump he needs to “go away from his base” in the RNC Convention. Why does anybody think we need advice from a “loser party?” I don’t think ANY Dumbocrats want to help us win, even if they could… Every day I hear of yet another Dumbocrat assaulting someone for wearing a Trump “MAGA” hat. They know they’re going to lose, and they’re very frustrated, so they resort to violence instead of debate. They won’t debate us because they know they have nothing…


Friday, September 18, 2020

Whipping Up Hate

Joe Biden has joined the bigots that lecture us on bigotry. Such as the father of a petty thief, rapist, and violator of a restraining order to rape again son, who got shot 7 times for his trouble as he reached for a knife in his attempt to escape from the cops who were trying to arrest him for his crimes. His father is a 100% Farrakhan supporter and bigot in his own right. Farrakhan, the man who refers to Jews as “crackers” and hates all white people. Biden’s latest ad suggests that black people should be afraid to leave their homes because the cops are “out hunting them” and “want to kill them.”

LIES AS USUAL: The cops shot an ARMED teenager who refused to give up his gun when ordered. So they shot him and he died of stupidity. So out come those Black Lives Matter fools, who said he was “unarmed,” and that the cops “shot him in the back.” Then disaster hit them with the release of body cam video that clearly shows him holding a gun and threatening the cops with it. Which proves those BLM bozos to be liars—again. Those fools are simply out to demonize the cops every chance they get, and their very insistence on body cameras are shutting them down. If you point a gun at a cop, you’re gonna get shot. That’s a given. Learn it. Live it. Especially with thugs everywhere threatening the cops and making them nervous.

50 MILLION FIGHTING HUNGER: It has been estimated that 50 million Americans will be facing hunger this year. But nobody has said WHO estimated it, so I suspect that is more “fake news.” I’d really like to know who makes up such numbers. We are returning to yet another Trump boom, with unemployment numbers back at record low levels, manufacturing numbers at high record levels, and all the other economic indicators reflecting the boom. And that’s in spite of the fact that many local governors keep extending their blockage to good business.

VOTE JOE OR CITIES BURN: That’s the word the Dumbocrats are putting out today. There’s only one problem with that: cities are ALREADY burning, such fires started by those Dumbocrat constructs, ANTIFA and BLM. Trump did nothing to cause them to be set on fire. Left wing mobsters did. Biden either ignores the violence or tries to make light of it. Doing it helps Dumbocrats at the polls, and they know it. So they condone it because their people caused it. They’re now admitting the fact that Trump is going to win the election, but they’re saying they will not accept the result of the election; something they accused Trump of. Does that mean they’re going to try another coup if he wins?

ATLANTIC’S FAKE NEWS: Atlantic Magazine must be desperate to be noticed, amid general losses in numbers of readers for all magazines. So they publish a patently false story, based on “unnamed sources” (of course), that President Trump called soldiers who died in action “losers.” Something no president in his right mind would EVER do-- yet they try and foist it upon us using anonymous sources. Trump has, of course, denied it. If Atlantic really wants to be believed, they will come forward, identify their sources and provide proof—if there is any. Which is doubtful.

JACOB BLAKE WAS ARMED: That’s in addition to the knife he was feeling for in his car when he was shot. That was just revealed by AG Barr, but you can count on it being denied by the BLM fools, who just don’t understand HONESTY in a dispute, because they have none. ANY time a black person gets shot by a cop, they’re immediately out with words that he/she was unarmed—before it could have ever known whether or not he/she was. It’s a pattern, that tells us when they speak, they WILL be lying. They re thoroughly discredited. Nobody with any degree of intelligence believes a word they say.

THEY BELIEVE IT: Because they WANT to believe anything bad that gets told about President Trump. Which is why Dumbocrats have come out so strongly about the Atlantic Magazine’s charge that Trump called “wounded warriors” losers, without any kind of proof, as usual. Story based on “unnamed sources” of course. So I was not a bit surprised when Dumbocrat puppet Joe Biden condemned Trump for it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: The Constitution clearly says, in one simple sentence: “There shall be “NO bill of attainder or ex post facto laws passed.” That means lawmakers cannot make illegal something you did today when it was legal, then punish you for it. Why then, do I see such laws being passed every day and enforced, with nobody saying anything? You cannot ignore the Constitution in lawmaking… Obama says Biden and Harris believe a politician shouldn’t use their office to enrich themselves. After he, Biden, and Harris did just that. Obama, for one, is building or buying houses all over the country and the world. Houses he will not send more than a day every once in a while in, but strangely has enough money to buy or build, after entering the presidency as “poor as a churchmouse”… Communist China newspaper says they’d rather do business with Biden because he is “smoother to deal with.” Meaning, of course, they can more easily manipulate him than President Trump…


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cuomo Shows His True Colors

NY Gov. Cuomo is a thug. He cares not for his constituents. He proved that by sending thousands of sick old people to their deaths by “ordering” nursing homes to “take them in” if they had the virus. Something for which he has no regrets. He blames their deaths on President Trump, of all people. Trump gets the false blame from liberals all over to divert it from themselves. Now he’s warning the president of the United States not to come to New York, or he might be killed, because he isn’t going to dedicate any resources to his protection. He thinks he has that right because Trump threatened his “easy money” if he didn’t “straighten up and fly right.

A GOOD WAY TO DIE: So-called “demonstrators” told the ICE officers trying to remove illegal alien violent criminals from this country, “We know where your children live,” making a serious threat against those children. Do they really think that will make those ICE agents “back off?” Not a chance. Those agents know how to deal with those malcontent rioters. They will be “taken down.” And if they commit violence in return, many of them are going to die. Those that are not killed will spend long years in prison. And if they actually DO go after the children of these officers, I hate to see what kind of fate awaits them.

LAWLESSNESS AT ITS WORST: There are 36 armed troops (gang members) in Mayor Lightbrain’s Chicago, and they have signaled that they will kill any cop who shows up with his gun drawn—which seals the fate of each gang member who shows up at ANY crime scene. That very threat gives every cop “probable cause” to search any gang member they see to see if he or she is illegally armed. These criminal fools think they’re going to be able to take on a well-trained bunch of cops with guns they have no idea how to use. The very way it’s popular to hold the gun while firing shows that. They turn it sideways, so the ejected shells will do themselves more damage than can the bullets from the cop’s guns.

"WE’LL SHOOT BACK”: The Sheriff of Butler County, Ohio is my kind of cop. He doesn’t take sh-t from anybody, like many of today’s law officers do. Some naturally, others under the misguided orders of the politicians that tie their hands. It pains me to see thugs pretending to be simple “demonstrators” hitting cops and not getting hit in return. Rioters holding up their cell phones in case a cop does strike back are ubiquitous at all the riots because they know the liberals in government will punish those cops, rather than the rioters if they do. Sheriff Richard K. Jones told those fools a simple message: “You shoot at us, we’re going to shoot back.” No pussy-footing around with this law enforcement officer.

WHIPPING UP HATE: Joe Biden has joined the bigots that lecture us on bigotry. Such as the father of a petty thief, rapist, and violator of a restraining order to rape again son, who got shot 7 times for his trouble as he reached for a knife in his attempt to escape from the cops who were trying to arrest him for his crimes. His father is a 100% Farrakhan supporter. Farrakhan, the man who refers to Jews as “crackers” and hates all white people. Biden’s latest ad suggests that black people should be afraid to leave their homes because the cops are “out hunting them” and “want to kill them.” ANY TIME a black man gets shot by a cop an “instant riot” ensues, even if that black man has a gun and is ready to kill that cop.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Michelle Obama is he most ignorant former first lady since Hillary. She’s now saying “This country belongs to the Muslims.” which is totally an ignorant statement. The Muslims have NO “ownership interest” in this country, and to think so shows an ignorance that is complete. This bimbo should shut up, because every time she opens her blow hole she demonstrates her ignorance… They call them “demonstrators,” but they’re just thugs taking advantage of the chaos created by incompetent liberal politicians not doing their jobs, who allow things like a thug running up and kicking a man in the head after others beat him to the ground for trying to help a woman they were beating on. He thought he could do that without paying a price, but he may be wrong… The Dumbocrats keep saying that Trump will not accept the results of the election. But why not? He will be the winner, so why should he? It’ll be a moot point…


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"Changing History"

Michelle Obama recently said, “We need to change history,” but that’s impossible. History IS. It is an absolute. It HAS happened, and it cannot be changed, no matter how much crooked politicians like Michele and Obama want to change it. What they CAN do is lie about it. Cover up what really happened, and change the dialogue about it, hoping people like me (83 years old) will not remember things as they really happened. A college professor recently even said we need to stop teaching history because knowledge of history causes trouble, Nasty break, professor! Forgetting history means we will repeat it, good or bad. And if we don’t teach history, we will continue to repeat it, over and over, warts and all.

MISUSE OF THE LAW: The liberal prosecutors who charged Kyle Rittenhouse with murder for defending himself from deadly rioters bent on killing him for trying to defend a private business they wanted to destroy are committing a crime by doing so. They are ignoring facts that proved Rittenhouse killed those two thugs and wounded another IN SELF DEFENSE. They refuse to recognize the deadly threat he was under. This is what anti-gun fools want. They’re not really interested in “getting rid of guns,” as they say, they want to get rid of the concept of self defense, altogether.

RIP TRUMP FROM WHITE HOUSE: That’s what BLM thugs are planning to do (if they can). But I predict that, if they try, there will be fewer BLMers left to plague the world. They will have bitten off much more than they can chew. They are not trained in such things, and the Secret Service IS. And they’re well equipped to defend the White House and its occupants. That’s why there has never been a successful attack on the White House, and there isn’t going to be one, now. The BLM fools have enjoyed a measure of success up to now because they mostly choose “soft targets” that can’t effectively fight back, and they are supported by fool liberal politicians. Not so if they attack the White House.

SHOWING SOLIDARITY”: Squads of BLM fools go around accosting innocent diners in outdoor restaurants (many more of which have been created by the virus) and demanding they “raise their fist in solidarity” with their foolishness. If one of those fools came up to me and made such a demand, I would raise my fist, all right, and punch him in the face with it. You don’t get people to agree with you by violently attacking them and DEMANDING “solidarity.” Even if they “go through the motions” of agreement, you will not have gained agreement in any way. As soon as you leave, they will be laughing at you.

JUST WANTA DESTROY”: When the rioters in Portland, OR attacked the liberal mayor’s residence, they revealed themselves. They don’t care who they attack, vandalize, or hurt. They just want to destroy things and are USING this “Black Lives Matter” and ANTIFA foolishness as cover. This mayor SUPPPORTED their efforts, yet they came to his HOME and tried to set it on fire. I don’t think he supports their efforts any longer. They’re “eating their own!” Incompetent governing is responsible for the rise of the “riot culture.” And this Dumbocrat mayor is one of the incompetents. But after the attack on his home, he may be “wising up.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: With gun violence increasing, liberal lawmakers seek to punish gun makers when they should be targeting the USERS of those guns. Guns can be used fir good or evil (like fire), depending on who owns them, and the ones committing the crime likely got them illegally. Going after gun makers is really stupid. They have no culpability. But they aren’t smart enough to know that. That’s like going after auto makers when their cars kill somebodyJoe Biden looks surprised as he accepts the Dumbocrat Party’s nomination to run for president on the Dumbocrat Party’s ticket. Like it came as a surprise to him. I don’t think so. He only looks that way because it is expected of him. He knows “the fix is in.” All phony, as with his family “jumping out of the woodwork” throwing pom-poms and other celebratory devices. I’m sure that was carefully planned as a photo op. The liberal media is “all worked up” about it. I wonder how “worked up” they’ll be when Donald Trump is “nominated” for re-election. Predictably, not very


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"We're Special"

Nancy Peelosi is just the latest power-mad politician to openly violate her own restrictions. NO, she didn’t herself apply those restrictions, but she fully supports them—and the politicians who impose them--for us, but not for her. She was recently seen in a salon, walking around with wet hair, without a mask, all of it in violation of the “health ordinances” placed by mostly liberal politicians, and daily violated by them. Of course, everybody remembers Chicago Mayor Lightbrain getting a haircut after prohibiting her city’s residents from doing the same. Politicians all over do something similar: make rules for us, but not for themselves. It’s common. They all think themselves “special,” so they don’t have to obey the same rules as they impose on us “peons.” “Some animals better than others.”

FALSE PANIC: George Foreman didn’t die because of that cop’s knee on his neck. He died of an overdose that he took just before being accosted by the cops while trying to pass a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. He is not the “angel” the liberals are trying to paint him to be. He was a small-time grifter, thief, drug addict (and possibly pusher) and counterfeiter who was wanted by the cops for several crimes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he took that overdose by accident to prevent the cops from finding drugs on him. But that doesn’t make any difference to the fools rioting in response. They know it, but they ignore it because it gives them an excuse to run around looting, burning, assaulting innocent people, and generally causing chaos.

PUSHING RACISM: That’s what the liberals in this country are doing. They’re “weaponizing” racism and using it as a crutch to avoid having to answer our questions, yet be able to claim victory in a debate. And they’re CREATING racism against white people, with the obvious goal of replacing blacks as he objects of racism, making them the “the second class citizens.” They CLAIM to be trying to eliminate racism, but what they’re doing is diverting it to victimize white people. “White Supremacy” is the phony word used to accomplish this, and should be recognize for what it is. It is the “N_word” for today, and is applied to white people. It has permeated our society as liberals try hard to brainwash us.

DRACONIAN PUNISHMENTS UNDER LAW: The Constitution prohibits punishments being “cruel and unusual.” I ask you: is it “cruel and unusual to find a business owner $10,000.00 for being open against regulations?” (Not laws, passed by a legislature, but “regulations” imposed by one politician) Meanwhile, top politicians (Nancy Peelosi) get their hair done in a closed parlor in violation of those “regulations,” and then blame the people who revealed it by condemning them for taking a video of her doing it without her permission. How about a 10 year prison sentence for violating one of those “regulations?” They are, “oh, so incensed” when citizens (peons) violate those regulations, while they violate them on a regular basis with impunity.

IT DOESN’T MATTER: When a cop, anywhere, be he/she black or white, shoots a black man, be he armed or not, the BLM fools immediately “organize a demonstration” that usually turns out to be a riot, with looting, burning of the property of people not involved, and mayhem, assaulting, sometimes even KILLING innocent people in their zeal. They ever even look to see if the person shot was trying to kill that cop, or somebody else. They say, “black lives matter” while only 14 black men have been shot recently by cops, while hundreds of them have been shot by other black men. Apparently, black lives DON’T matter, except when there’s a cop involved, whether or not the “victim” was shooting at the cops or not.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: I was just asked a crucial question: Who is buying the food, the tactical gear, the buses to transport them, and places to stay for the ANTIFA/BLM rioters? I’d be interested in an answer, but I suspect it is George Soros… The Dumbocrat Party needs to change its name to the “Socialist Party” if there is any honesty at all left in them—which I doubt… Does anybody with any brains think anybody should listen when Bill Clinton, who got a blow job from a page in the Oval Office, criticizes Trump for his use of the Oval Office? I don’t think Bill has ANY room to talk about Oval Office impropriety… A Seattle cop tells a demonstrator: “You guys won. I’m leaving.” But they didn’t win. The liberal politics running the police department GAVE it to them…
