Monday, November 30, 2020

I'm With Rush

He’s tired of waiting. Tired of hearing various lawyers and politicians tell us “what they have,” and “what they’re gonna do”--someday. They hold hearings and make all kinds of accusations, but nothing ever seems to get done—unless it’s against some obscure Trump staffer or supporter. Rush is demanding legal action, not promises. The only real legal action so far has been dealt with by the pardon issued for former general, former chief of staff Michael Flynn—and that was a needful action because Flynn was railroaded, tricked into a conflicting statement that was judged to be a lie by biased “investigators,” and pressured into pleading guilty to get it over with. Nothing like it for the real criminals because they’re Dumbocrats and the “fix is in.” It has been in for decades.

DISBAR TRUMP LAWYERS? Why? For representing President Trump in his efforts to prove the election was a “put-up job,” with a feeble old man without enough energy to come out of his basement most of the time, who often can’t remember where he is, or what office he’s running for, who insults reporters for having the temerity to ask him important questions, and many things more? Apparently Dumbocrat NJ Rep Bill Pascrell thinks it is a crime to represent the president and give him his “day in court.” I guess he figures Trump doesn’t deserve his day in court. I wonder what Pascrell would do if he KNEW he’d lost a stolen election. How do we seem to get so imbecilic politicians in office? We need to impose an intelligence test on ALL office-seekers. I’m afraid many would fail an honest test. That’s why they’ll never allow it. They know most Dumbocrats would fail such an honest test of their intelligence.

NO RELIGION IN SCHOOLS: Liberal politicians have long misunderstood (purposely) that old “separation of church and state thing” to mean no religion anywhere near a public school. So any whiff or “religious teachings in public schools is immediately snuffed out—with one exception, at least in Spring Hill, TN, where students have been made to suffer through three weeks of study of Islam, culminating in them being forced to write,”Allah is the only true God, and Muhammad is his Prophet.” How this teacher got away with this is a mystery. I agree that religion ought not be taught in schools. Better left to churches, where people are free to CHOOSE for themselves what religion they want to study. The concept is treated as being in the Constitution. It is NOT. It was merely mentioned in a letter between two of the Founders. That does NOT constitute a constitutional edict.

IT’S NOT A LAW! NY Gov. Cuomo is calling those sheriffs who said they will not enforce his “directives” about the virus “dictators” is wrong. It is Cuomo who IS the dictator in this plot. His “orders” are NOT LAWS, and those sheriffs are not bound to enforce them. That’s what Cuomo doesn’t understand. He figures he’s the “big boss” whose word, and orders cannot be defied. Many liberal politicians believe the same, and they’re ALL wrong. They are not above the law. They have to obey laws in running their office. Somebody needs to send Cuomo to school and teach him how our laws work. A governor needs such instruction.

DICTATOR IN OFFICE: And here we have yet another Dumbocrat governor (Brown, of Oregon) who thinks she’s God, and all should bow down to her in her infinite power. She has made all kinds of extra legal dictates—which are NOT laws, for Thanksgiving, including how many people you can have in your own house. And she wants your neighbors to fink on you if you violate these unlawful edicts. Dumbocrat governors all over the country are using the virus as a meant to take rights away from their citizens while making dictatorial edicts that are NOT laws, and cannot be legally enforced.

IT’S THE MEDIA’S FAULT: Many people wonder how a senile old man who often doesn’t know where he is, or what office he is running for, who spent most of the campaign hiding in his basement and, when he did come out, showed an uncontrollable temper, insulting reporters and voters, refusing to answer any questions, could possibly gain enough votes to get near winning a presidential election. The answer? The voters didn’t know about his crimes or any of those things because the media would not report on them, while daily running phony stories claiming non-existent wrongdoing on Trump’s part. I know they have freedom of the press, but that doesn’t include purposely changing the results of an election by HIDING a candidate’s crimes and lying about the other.


Friday, November 27, 2020

The Power to Say "No"

The Second Amendment gives all Americans the undeniable RIGHT to “bear arms.” It does not specify what “arms” we may bear, of under what rules. But today’s limpid bureaucrats and politicos think they can “regulate” them out of existence. So they first apply the “need” for a license to be armed, a specific violation of the Constitution, which dictates the law. Under the Second, no such license should ever be required because the power to license gives the government the power to say “no.” And the government should have no such power. Yes, allowing free ownership and use of a gun means criminals will be able to get guns legally, too. But why would they? They can get them much easier illegally. Or just steal them.

LOCKDOWN IS NOT THE WAY: Many of our politicians want to “lock down” business and keep people home to stop the spread of the virus, but that has not only proven itself NOT to work, it is counter productive in that it is threatening to bankrupt us economically. Stores close. Their employees are now unemployed and can’t pay the rent, or feed their families. The government and charity organizations step in, but they can only help for so long before they too, run out of money. Then society collapses and we don’t know what will happen then, but it can’t be good. They need to find something else.

RACISM IS NOT WIDESPREAD: The Dumbocrats use racism for several purposes. First, to blunt all criticism and avoid having to answer tough questions while claiming victory as their opposition are diverted from the real arguments to deny racism. To that end, if there is not enough real racism, they CREATE it by picking out something popular and CALLING IT racism. I’m waiting for some obscure professor somewhere to make himself famous (or infamous) by declaring BREATHING to be racist. Meanwhile, they’re creating a new racism--against white people. That’s what all this hooraw about “Black Lives Matter” and “white supremacy” is all about. I might even go along with that “Black Lives Matter” crap if they didn’t deny that white lives matter, too.

DON’T HATE THE COPS: There are many damned fools out there demanding we defund, and in some cases eliminate the cops altogether. It is a very shortsighted “solution” to a problem that is NOT widespread. Yes, there are a very small number of cops that go too far in enforcing the law, but you don’t “throw out the baby with the bathwater” because of it. Many of those cops just need better training, and defunding their departments makes that harder. Getting rid of the cops will lead to chaos, as some politicians have already learned.

MINNEAPOLIS CRIME SPIKES! Remember what I said about what would happen if you took the cops out of the equation? Well, they did it. The fools sitting on their City Council voted unanimously to disband their police department. And crime predictably is out of control. A woman was beaten and robbed in a store parking lot and their security didn’t call the cops because there were no cops to call. It was up to that security officer to help her, and he did what he could—which was not much. Criminals who do these things are never punished, so they’re going to just take what they want, and anybody who objects will be beaten or murdered. Those fool Minneapolis politicians Should be removed from office for incompetence, then sued out of their socks by the citizens.

A DIFFERENT MUSTACHE: What a difference a mustache makes! Gary Varvel has been a cartoonist at the Indianapolis Star-News for a long time, and as a former Indianapolis resident, I have been one of his biggest fans. One of his cartoons that attempted to show the ultimate result of the policies of weak-in-the-knees politicians regarding forcing people to “share” what is theirs with people who would rather not earn it for themselves, and shows a family climbing in a window on Thanksgiving, invading a family’s home, uninvited. The “censors” assumed it was racist (Why not? everything else seems to be racist) because of a luxurious mustache on one of the “invaders” and his editors stuck their thumbs in their mouths and demanded he remove the mustache from the drawing. Since when is a mustache racist?


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

  I'm taking the day off so I can stuff myself. Have fun.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

AOC's "Money Fairy"

Apparently this incompetent, witch thinks there’s a “money fairy” she can visit to get funding for all the excessive spending she wants to expose. Now, in addition to “forgiving” all college loans (which, by itself, would bankrupt the country) and other giveaway plans like paying people not to work she wants to impose, Now she wants to “stop the virus” by simply paying everybody to stay at home. She doesn’t know where such money would come from, but her opinion is, “There is always money.” Like most socialists, she doesn’t even consider the source of the money required to implement her spending plans. That’s the problem with all incompetent liberals (Dumbocrats). They just spend it, and leave the finding of a source for the money to the “money fairy,” which means you and I.

CREATING A REBELLION: Liberals don’t think it can happen in America, but so did King George when he tried to take away America’s guns. That cost him a country he thought was his when his settlers resisted his high-handed ways. I guess he thought, “Oh, another rebellion to put down.” But he soon found out American settlers were made of sterner stuff than were those of the other rebellions he had put down. They “handed him his head” and took his country away from him.

I DON’T BELIEVE IT! With all the good things President Trump has done for this nation and its citizens, all the records that have been set under his leadership, all the improvements on life as it was under Obama, that they would have voted against him for a second term. It is that which tells me the voters would NOT have voted him out of office and put a dolt like Biden in his place backed by that zany communist, Kamala Harris, to bring back all Obama’s failing policies. Considering all that, they MUST have stolen this election. The American people CAN’T be that stupid. Obama and his henchmen came very close to destroying this nation in all ways, and Biden is promising to return all those incompetents to office to inish the job of destroying this nation.

INCOMPETENT POLITICIANS: Incompetent elected “officials” have been going out of their way to illustrate their stupidity by defunding their police departments, instigating record rises in violent crimes, since there are fewer cops out there to stop the criminals from victimizing innocent people. At the same time they are releasing violent criminals—rapists and murderers, to prey on the rest of us. Meanwhile, they are working hard to disarm all HONEST, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for criminals. Why do they do that? They need the space to house the “REAL criminals”—people who congregate with family members for Thanksgiving dinner.

THE SUICIDE OF AMERICA: It’s name is Joe Biden. He is signaling the appointment of all the “old guard” of imbeciles that contributed to the near demise of America under Obama. To make it worse, he wants to appoint Obama to the Supreme Court, and irreversible action, since that is a lifetime appointment. And for a second appointment, he wants to appoint Hillary Clinton. Another lifetime appointment of one of the worst political criminals in DC. Then comes Horse faced John Kerry, the worst blowhard in Dc, as “climate czar,” useless a job as there is, since that “climate change” thing is a con from beginning to end. “The Swamp” is returning, in full force. They finally “got” Trump, after stealing the election in an almost transparent action.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Biden’s “cancer charity” didn’t spend a single dollar on research. It was simply a “slush fund” for his supporters… Liberals like to insist things are true that are NOT true, figuring, by repeating it over and over, they can make it come true. Joe Biden says there is “no evidence” that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour will cause business to fail. But there IS evidence, and lots of it, which he ignores. They keep saying Trump’s recounts have found “no evidence” of voter fraud, while Trump uncovers thousands of instances of it… Biden asks, “Why are reporters asking me questions?” Joe, if you don’t know the answer to that, you’re not fit to be president… Socialism/communism should be outlawed. It has killed more people, and ruined them economically, than the worst criminal… Socialists like AOC should be barred from elected office…


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"Forgiving" College Debts

The “forgiving” of college loans” is simply taking money from one group of people who EARNED it, and giving it to another group of people who did NOT earn it. It is a socialist method or “redistributing wealth” from those who rightfully own it to those who would rather not. Especially if they can get the government to steal the money from those who earned and giving it, unearned, to them. This is an insidious implementation of socialism by a man who swears he is NOT a socialist. But you need to look at what he DOES, not what he SAYS. What he says is a lie.

PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH: Politicians, all over the country—principally Dumbocrats-- favor highly restrictive “rules” WE must follow, such as wearing a mask in our own homes and, while eating, by moving the mask aside to eat and replacing it between bites. Then we see things like California Gov. Newsome (D) violating those silly rules at a birthday party We see Chicago Mayor Lightbrain (D) getting a haircut after banning haircuts for us “peons,” House Speaker Peelosi (D) getting her hair done after demanding hairdressers close their doors—and not wearing a mask in the bargain. And Senator Feinstein (D) walking around DC without a mask after telling us we must wear one. She’s 87. If she gets The virus she may well die of it.

INSANE ACCUSATION, PROSECUTION: Charging Kyle Rittenhouse with murder and attempted murder is the most insane action I can think of for somebody who is supposed to be enforcing our laws. That killing was the most obvious case of self defense I’ve ever seen—and I did see it. He was being attacked and threatened with death by not one, not two, but THREE thugs and shots were being fired in his direction. He couldn’t be more afraid for his life, and that is the standard definition of self defense. The worst a competent prosecutor could charge him with was a gun crime, since he was only 17. And that’s only if they’re searching for SOMETHING, ANYTHING to charge him with, and that seems to be the case.

DEMOCRATS ARE MOBSTERS: They are no different from the old union “enforcers.” They don’t meet opposition with logic and common sense, they just go out and beat up, and maybe KILL their opponents. So if you’re a Trump supporter, you’d better have your gun ready when they come for you, because they may even want to KILL you for opposing them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an election this violent, not even one of those “tin pot banana dictatorship” sham elections down south. If we let them win, they will change this country into a dictatorship, as did Adolph Hitler in Germany. The proof is in the pudding with AOC’s listing of Trump supporters so they can be “dealt with” later when the Dumbocrats are in power.

GODAWFUL DAMNED FOOLS! That’s my description of ANYBODY who wants to defund or abolish the police, and/or get rid of prisons altogether, turning criminals loose to prey on the rest of us with impunity. Because without the police there to get between us and the criminals, and the prisons in which to keep them, we’re going to descent into a very dangerous world where those who have most guns will rule. And the criminals always have the most guns, no matter what the laws say. The movement to eliminate the cops and prisons can only benefit one group of people, and that is the criminal element. Anybody who favors eliminating the cops and prisons is either a criminal or a damned fool, one or the other, maybe both.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC wants to “take her ball and go home.” She just hates all those nasty people who oppose her in politics, so she just may quit politics, altogether. I’m with you, AOC! You wanna quit, I’ll hold your coat… Cuomo says “If I wasn’t the governor of New York, I’d have decked Trump.” Why did you let that stop you, Cuomo? A little cowardice to match your phony bravado, maybe? Good thing you didn’t. You’d have needed dental surgery after he punched your lights out… Ilhan Omar is only a pretend Muslim. The way she dresses would infuriate any real Muslim and that headgear she wears would make him laugh. It’s a half-assed attempt to be a MuslimA Georgia Dumbocrat running in the senate runoffs says, “The Trump administration should repent.” Actually, it is the Dumbocrats who must repent. Trump has done only good for this country…


Monday, November 23, 2020

"Do What You're Told!"

That’s what Dr. Fausi said the other day, and it’s the wrong approach against people who are used to making their own decisions about things. As I am. If I think what he recommends is the right thing to do, I’ll do it. But ONLY if I think so. Not because he thinks he has the right to give me orders. I make my own decisions, sometimes based on the advice of people I believe are the experts—nothing else. And I don’t “follow orders.” Some Americans are prone to “follow orders,” but I’m not. And millions of others are not, either. So Dr. Fausi, take your “orders” and stick them.

HE THREATENED THEIR KIDS! Republican poll watchers were not allowed to even get close enough to where the votes were opened and either counted, or rejected. Meanwhile, a Dumbocrat poll watcher in one state not only got a LOT loser, he actually threatened the CHILDREN of an election worker if that worker didn’t vote the way HE wanted. That’s real evidence (that Dumbocrats and the media insist does not exist) of blatant voter fraud, to go along with all the other evidence of country wide, systematic voter fraud, always helpful to Biden, never Trump. Yet nobody even tries to arrest this individual for election intimidation and the liberal media ignores it in their effort to cover it up.

SELF DEFENSE NO OPTION: That seems to be the fact in most places in this country, following the lead of the officious prosecutor who filed murder charges against teenager who killed two rioters who were about to kill him, and wounding another, in spite of the obvious fact it was clearly self defense. But in Florida, things are a little different. They’ve got an intelligent governor there, who has introduced legislation to make it legal to shoot looters. Should looting be a “death sentence” offense? No. But attacking a property owner or his representative for having the gall to object, and threatening him with death DOES.

UNITY” MEANS CAPITULATION: After almost four years of working hard to divide this country, the Dumbocrats are now calling for “unity.” But AOC just recently revealed their basic aim, to completely shut Republicans up. She’s working hard to win Georgia so” we won’t have to negotiate with Republicans.” Surrender, in other words. That means blocking Republicans from ALL discussions, on all things. We will have become essentially a “one-party country, since this would render the GOP useless and ineffective. And you know what a one-party country means. Some Dumbocrat will become an all powerful DICTATOR. And your rights will be GONE.

BLACK LIVES MATTER BOGUS: They want you to think they don’t like cops killing so many black men, and they’d be right if black men didn’t kill so many other black men and shoot at cops. Do they expect the cops to not shoot BACK when shot at? Another thing: I’d be right there with them about black lives mattering. They do. But they insist on denying the fact that ALL lives matter, and that turns me completely off when it comes to believing they are really about black lives. I now figure they’re just using BLM to have an excuse to riot and steal from honest businesspeople. And they have labeled THEMSELVES as Marxists/communists. Which makes them a criminal organization—if they are not just an organized mob.

NO PROSECUTION: There’s actually a video of a Dumbocrat “poll watcher” actually threatening an election official into voting to “certify” the election. I have yet to hear of any charges of election interference being called on that “poll watcher” for his crime. This seems to be a habit all over the country: the “authorities” turning a blind eye to obvious criminality if that criminality benefits Dumbocrats. Sometimes they even file charges against the VICTIM of violence, as they did to Kyle Rittenhouse for killing those 2 thugs and wounding a third who were about to kill him. And there are many—too many—instances of the same, all across the country. I think there is a “silent coup” being worked, here, with “officials” doing just the opposite of what they’re supposed to do.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!

That’s what Dumbocrats, specifically Joe Biden, are all about. They say it’s not socialism, but it is. Socialism is stealing money from those who EARN it for the benefit of those who would rather not. Now Joe wants to “forgive” $1.6 BILLION in student loans, as if he had the money in his pocket. He doesn’t. The money is in YOUR pocket, and he will reach into it to pay for student loans for people you don’t even know. Every “program” he announces take money out of YOUR pocket to pay for all the freebies he promises. That’s what you can expect over the next four years IF he actually DOES get “confirmed” by the Electoral College, which is the only entity with the power t do so.

THEY’RE WAKING UP: Americans are waking up to reality concerning gun control. The anti-gun fools have had them fooled for years with all their false claims, but reality is coming to the fore, and people have noticed. Gun control does NOT do what it is touted to do. It does just the opposite, in fact. Disarming law-abiding people only makes it easier for those using ILLEGAL guns to victimize those law-abiding people who obey their insane laws. Criminals do not obey anti-gun laws. that’s a given, since they don’t obey ANY laws. The law-abiding DO obey gun laws, even if they think they’re stupid, and that makes them “easy targets” for the holders of the millions of ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of criminals.

SHOULD TRUMP SURRENDER? Many people, many liberals (Dumbocrats) are insisting Trump surrender and concede the election. Not a chance. They chose the wrong man to use this method on. Trump does NOT surrender. He will fight to the bitter end, if it costs him everything he has. And there’s no reason FOR him to surrender, since it’s only the media that has declared the loser—not the electoral College, which is the ONLY entity that has the POWER to declare the winner and loser. Not until, or IF, the Electoral College acts against him, will he have a reason to concede, since lawful action will have been done.

MEDIA COVERING IT UP: Dumbocrats love to accuse the GOP of violence, even though they aren’t committing any. Not even in response to the violence left-wingers like ANTIFA and BLM have committed upon them—yet. But that isn’t going to last. Human beings can only stand being victimized for so long, before they act. And when the right-wingers act, it’s going to be a terrible day for the left-wingers, who depend on the right-wingers being reluctant to respond because they are cowards. Meanwhile, the liberal media won’t cover any of their attacks on conservatives, so the world won’t know about them.

FRAUD BUT NO INVESTIGATION: Slippery Joe Biden and his ever present wife founded the Biden Cancer Institute. During fiscal years 2017 and 2018 they took in more than $4.8 million dollars in contributions and paid out (to their friends, as employees) $3 million dollars on “payroll.” Most of these “employees” were recruited from the former Obama administration. They also spent a lot of money on “conferences” and travel expenses. How many “breakthroughs” did they have? NONE. Not a single one. The Bidens simply used it as a “slush fund,” through which they rewarded their friends by making them “employees. That has become obvious, but has anybody started an investigation into their dealings? NO. Not a single one as of this writing. Not surprising. They’re Dumbocrats, after all, and “the fix is in.”

RACISM EVERYWHERE: Whenever Dumbocrats find something they can’t truthfully answer in what a conservative says, they cry “racism.” Racism is the “go to backup” they use to make you think they have won the argument without having to argue on the merits. They just cry “racism” and refuse to talk further. Now they’re creating their own definitions of racism. In one place they accuse a school official of racism for following school policy. One liberal was heard to say a vote for Trump makes you a racist. To the point where the racism label has become meaningless due to overuse. But they still use it.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Who Does the Violence?

Dumbocrats love to “ask Republicans not to do violence. But, as usual, they’re implying and attributing something to Republicans that THEY are doing. I have yet to see an instance where a red hatted Trump supporter STARTED any violence, but I’ve seen many instances where a Dumbocrat has attacked Trump supporters who were simply going about their business. During the DC “Million Man Trump March,” some Trump supporters were in a restaurant eating lunch when a bunch of BLM and ANTIFA types came up and attacked them, beating them terribly. In one place recently they stabbed a Trump supporter many times, and put him in the hospital. He will survive, but not because of those Dumbocrat supporters who stabbed them.

AOC IS INSANE: You can see it in her eyes. She thinks she’s going to take over the Dumbocrat Party—and she might be right, with all the other crazies in charge there. She is the perfect representative of what the DNC stands for—insanity. She’s evil incarnate. How did a woman whose only experience is making drunks for drunks qualified to be a U. S. Representative? She obviously had help from some “behind the scenes” politician who managed get her elected for his own purposes—which are obviously to destroy the American political system—and she’s not only good at it, she has exceeded his/her every expectation with her daily rants and support of impossible positions.

BIDEN APPOINTMENT FAVORS DEATH: He has signaled his appointment of Ezekiel Emanuel to his task force. Emanuel is well known for his opinion that people should just die after age 75. A Nazi Mengle-like opinion. I wonder if he includes himself in that opinion. If he wishes, I’ll be happy to cut his throat on his 75th birthday—if he hasn’t reached that milestone already. Anybody who has that much lack of consideration for human life needs to be among those not afflicted with the curse of life. I’m 83, and I still love life, with all the problems old age has visited upon me. Biden has signaled he wants to appoint several extremists to his administration—like bring back that sorry b-tch Hillary Clinton as UN ambassador and Barack Obama to the Supreme Court. All the old incompetents.

BIDEN HAS NOT WON! It doesn’t matter how many times the media says he has, to the point where senators on the Judiciary Committee feel free to say with confidence, falsely, that Biden IS the “president elect,” when he is NOT. They ought to know better, but apparently, they don’t. Biden can go around PRETENDING he is the president elect all he likes, but he is NOT. Not until the Electoral College confirms him, and they have NOT confirmed anybody. We have a very specific way to declare a president elect that is dictated by the Constitution of the United States, and it does NOT give the media, or anybody else the power to “anoint” a president elect. This is an obvious attempt at a coup, designed to unseat a president, and it will not work.

187 TO 0 ON TWITTER: That’s roughly the number of times Facebook or Twitter censored conservative views to how many liberal views were censored. IN other words, NONE. All the censorship was directed at conservative views by the liberals running Facebook and Twitter. They called it “a mistake” when called to answer for it by a government committee, but there was no mistake. It was a willful, premeditated scheme to censor conservatives, but not liberals. Unfortunately for them, what they censored is now out there to most people 10 times more BECAUSE they tried to censor it.

PHONY “STUDIES”: Liberals commonly use phony studies to promote their scams, and so do anti-gun fools (a repetition, there). Now comes a “study” that says if you own a gun, you suddenly have become suicidal. What a stupid idea that is! They have all kinds of spurious ideas they promote through their phony studies, like connecting gun ownership with a rise in crime, and murders, But a gun is merely an inanimate object until it is activated by a human hand. People don’t suddenly want to kill themselves just because a gun becomes available. To think so demonstrates stupidity beyond belief. And an attempt to con people into not buying a gun for fear of becoming suicidal, or wanting to murder somebody.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Sick and tired of It!

I’m getting so sick and tired of the damned fools claiming Joe Biden is already the winner of the presidential election that I want to vomit every time I hear somebody who ought to know refer to him as the “president elect.” Even people on our side. The media does NOT get to “confirm” the results of a presidential election! That power constitutionally is left to the Electoral College, which has not ruled yet, so Biden is nothing but a “wannabe president elect,” which counts for nothing. History will show Biden’s ignorance, and the companion ignorance of the media and a lot more people.

ALL THE OLD FOOLS: If you wonder if Joe Biden wants to resurrect the ol incompetent Obama administration to finsh what Obama started in destroying this country, just look at the people he says he wants in his to appoint to important positions. Susan Rice: Obama himself (as an appointment to the Supreme Court, nonetheless) and all the other “old guard” whose incompetence was responsible for the millions of unemployed, extremely high unemployment numbers, factories moving overseas to escape theft-like high taxes that would ruin them, and a lot more.

BIDEN THREATENS LINDSEY GRAHAM: He says Graham “will regret investigating me the rest of his life.” As if having the temerity to actually investigate old “protected Joe” was some kind of a crime. Biden, in his dotage, must think he has a lot more power IF he wins the presidency that he will have. In any case, I don’t think Graham is very worried. What a massive ego Joe must have!

BIDEN THE RACIST: He’s accusing the Republicans of “not wanting black folks to be able to vote” when HE is the one who has actually SAID that HE didn’t want black folks to be able to vote, thus carrying on the Dumboctat tradition of accusing their opponents of the very things THEY are doing. They just can’t help themselves when it comes to doing something stupid. Biden has said and done many things that reveal his racism, and he has the gall to accuse his opponents of racism, based on unfounded “evidence.”

FINDING SOMETHING TO WRITE: It’s hard to find something to write about gun control, since I’ve written it all, at one point or another, and been roundly ignored by the anti-gun fools, and I’m “preaching to the choir.” It’s very obvious to intelligent people that anti-gun laws not only don’t work, they contribute to the problem by disarming the law-abiding, making it easier for the lawless to victimize them. But those making the anti-gun laws are obviously NOT intelligent people, since they continue to insist on making laws they KNOW don’t work, an only add to the problem.

NO REASON TO CONCEDE: Liberals are putting on more and more pressure for trump to concede the election to Biden, but there is NO REASON to concede just because the anti-Trump biased media has declared Biden the winner—and there won’t BE a reason until the Electoral College acts. The media is attempting a coup, and it will not work, especially on such a man as Donald Trump, who is not prone to giving up until the last dog is dead and buried. Anybody who believes the fantasy that Biden has won is either ignorant or stupid.
