Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Power to Say "No"

The Second Amendment makes no provision for an outfit like NICS to “approve or disapprove” an American citizen’s RIGHT to buy and use a gun, for whatever reason. They SAY background checks keep ”the wrong people” from getting guns. It does NOT. People who wish do do ill with their guns do not go to a gun store to buy that gun unless that gun store doesn’t care about proper registration of gun buyers, and that gun store sells guns without submitting the buyer’s name t NICS. And NICS is supposed to destroy the record of that purchaser’s name after a few days, and if you believe they do, I have a wonderful bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you. If caught, they would just blame it on “bureaucratic inefficiency.” Add to that the fact that having the power to say “no” is also not in the Constitution.

NEVER ALLOW GUN CONTROL: Anywhere, any time. At one time in our history, it was against the law for ANY Indian to buy or own a gun, whether he had ever committed a crime, or not. This was because of the ILLEGAL guns used by SOME Indians with their unregistered guns, and was wrong. Gun control based on racism still exists, albeit it’s more subtle. It is well covered up, although it does exist. Black people have a much more difficult time getting “cleared by NICS to buy a gun, and a carry permit, and there are many excuses used to delay issuance or hold it up, altogether, and are used regularly to hide the real reason: no blacks owning guns.

GUN CONTROLLED CHICAGO: Had 3,862 of it citizens shot as of December 1, 2020. Out of that number, 752 died. That’s in spite of all the very tight gun control laws in force there. And Chicago’s liberal Mayor Lightbrain wants to make even more of those inept, unenforceable laws that not only don’t work, they get innocent, law-abiding people killed. Some on purpose, some just caught in the crossfire. She has to know these things, so why does she do it? Because she’s incompetent to even BE mayor of a large Midwestern city because she’s stupid. She’s way out of her depth and needs to be sent back to her kitchen where she can do what good grandmas do—bake cookies and cakes for her grandchildren. If that’s ageist, I’m entitled. I’m older than she is.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nursing homes in Florida have notified residents they will “punish” residents if they dare to leave the nursing home for a visit with their families. What the merry HELL gives them the idea they have the RIGHT to punish residents? They are CUSTOMERS and can leave any time they wish. They are NOT prisoners, subject to punishment… Has anybody noticed that “celebrities” who take “the rich” to task because of their six or seven figure bank accounts seem to have six to seven figure bank accounts of their own? I do… It’s so transparent! Third parties paying people to go to Georgia and vote in their runoff election, which is a felony? It’s really getting blatant, people… Kneeling while the National Anthem plays may not be a crime, but it ought to be a reason to turn those who do into non-persons until they stand. They should be shunned, by all, far and wide… 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Don't Forgive College Debt

It’s a Dumbocrat scam to buy votes at the expense of taxpayers, and it’s unfair to all the millions of parents who have suffered high debt to send their kids to college, and then the kids are saddled with long-term debt it takes sometimes decades to pay off. I’m 83 years old and never went to college because my parents couldn’t afford it. Can I now go to college and get a degree with somebody else paying for it? An it’s not fair to all the kids who never got to go to college because their parents couldn’t afford it.

DEFUNDING THE COPS: One of the most damned fool and incompetent actions I can see from ANY politician. If they think they’re doing something logical, they’re NOT. To do so demonstrates absolute, stupid incompetence! With all the Dumbocrat (ANTIFA, BLM) violence, rioting, looting, assault and even KILLING of innocents, we need more cops “on the beat” than ever before. And to defund police departments limits what they can do, making it almost impossible for them to do the job for which they were hired. This will inevitably INCREASE CRIME. To deny that should be grounds for recall—or impeachment, or whatever it takes to remove these incompetent fools from office. And to DISBAND a police force? Ungodly stupid. Where they’ve done it, crime has predictably skyrocketed, as criminals take advantage of it.

THE SWAMP RETURNS: Have you noticed? Every single appointment Joe Biden is considering returns a former swamp member to important offices, so they can continue Obama’s relentless attacks on out infrastructure. These are all the people we were glad to get rid of when Trump came into office, and now they’re back—IF the Biden steal of this election finally fails—as it should. How in hell a feeble old man who can’t remember where he is, and to what office he’s running for, who couldn’t draw a crowd if he was an artist, who stayed in his basement instead of campaigning could even get NEAR winning the White House is a mystery. Actually it isn’t a mystery, with all the rampant voter fraud Trump is uncovering, like worms from under a rock.

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, JOE! It makes one wonder. If Joe Biden’s son did noting wrong in Burisma when he got himself appointed to the board with NO experience in energy production for a hefty paycheck, why the merry hell do you flatly refuse to answer ANY questions about his involvement? It would seem to me that answering reporter’s questions and actually giving facts (if they exist), reasons to doubt him doing illegal things would be a much better response than to lose your temper any time a reporter’s question goes into this “sensitive subject.” Refusing to answer is “stonewalling,” which makes us think you’re hiding something—and we do. The FBI is soon going to be asking you some questions, and you’d better answer those questions truthfully, or a striped outfit is in your future-- which, at your age, is a life sentence.

POLICE SHOOTINGS SURGE: Why is that? Do you think it being “open season” on cops has anything to with it? Cops can no longer sit in their cars writing reports any more without being afraid of having some fool criminal “come out of the woodwork” and shoot them to death. And if they shoot back, they can count on some liberal weenie to blame them for shooting the shooter, ignoring the fact he was trying to kill them. Is it any wonder why cops are “on edge” lately, and are a bit “trigger happy” when random people try to kill them because of that distinctive uniform, sitting in that shiny distinctive car, behind that shiny badge?


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

This Election Was Stolen

Dumbocrats swear there is “no evidence of voter fraud” when evidence of voter fraud abounds. They’re not even trying to cover it up. They bring truckloads of Biden only votes into counting centers at 4 AM while keeping poll watchers at a distance. That’s patently illegal, but they do it and don’t care if there are witnesses becaust “the fix is in.” They sit in counting centers marking ballots for Biden only right out in the open, and they don’t seem to care who sees them doing it. The bosses at those centers ORDER counters to change votes from Trump to Biden and they don’t even care if we know about it. This is one of the sloppiest fraudulent elections in my memory—and my memory goes back a long ways.

NOT THE VIRUS, DUMMY! Everybody seems to be overly worried about the Covid 19 virus, and the virus IS a serious problem. But not nearly as serious as the incompetent politicians’ response to it. The main response seems to be to restrict businesses from being able to operate profitably, while profit is the absolute reason to BE in business. Businesses all over are closing their doors forever, due to restrictions placed upon them by dictatorial governors and mayors all over the country. This is going to cause a depression the like of which we have never seen, and the economy is not going to be able to come back from it. The only people who will benefit are the socialists, who will then take over.

FOX NEWS SCREWS UP: Fox News came out of nowhere and eclipsed the ratings CNN, MSNBC and other liberal outlets had enjoyed until they became bastions of (only) liberal thought. Fox became a juggernaut, easily pushing those other networks to the bottom of the heap—until Rupert Murdock made the biggest mistake of his career, and put his liberal son in charge. Now Fox has joined those other liberal-leaning networks at the bottom of the heap, since their new liberalism is NOT what their viewers wanted—and they left, in droves. Now Fox in a downward spiral that isn’t going to last long. Now OAN or Newsmax, still known as conservative in their leanings, will “rise up” and replace them.

I’VE SAID IT BEFORE: Many times. And I’ll keep saying it until somebody listens. Gun control is a useless endeavor because those that need to be stopped just ignore them and get their guns illegally, while the honest people are inhibited in their ability to get guns to defend themselves against illegal gun users, making them “easy targets” for the criminals, who don’t bother to obey any laws, much less laws that say they can’t get the tools of their “trade.” this means their laws don’t REDUCE gun crime, it INCREASES it. My job is a futile one, too. Because no matter how many facts I bring to the table, nobody’s listening.

A SACRIFICIAL LAMB: That appears to be what Kyle Rittenhouse is. He killed two attacking thugs and wounded another in a clear case of self defense. But the liberals aren’t buying it, even though there is unedited video of it happening, and it was clear that he would have been seriously injured, maybe killed ubless he shot those thugs. But the liberals not only filed murder and attempted murder charges against him, they are now trying to poison the potential jury pool against him. This is clearly a “legal lynching” by liberals who are sacrificing him to their narrative, KNOWING he is guilty of NO crime except maybe that of being in possession of a gun at 17. Which does NOT warrant murder charges.

HOW MANY MILLION VOTES? How many millions of illegal votes for Biden do they have to find before the Dumbocrats will admit there IS massive voter fraud? Every day I see verifiable reports of more and more millions of votes found, yet they keep saying this isn’t enough to turn the election. They keep calling Trump’s findings bogus while calling a senile old man who can’t figure out where he is from day to day the “president elect,” when they have to know, if they have ANY intelligence at all that he is NOT, and will not be until, or unless the Electoral College so declares him thus. it’s the law.
