Again, it's time for me to spend some time with my family. I
don't get to do that nearly as much as I'd like, so I'm again taking
the next two days off. Again, I'll be back Monday, rarin' to go!
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
"Shut Up and Go Away!
Obama has signaled that he is going to "weigh in"
on important
questions after he leaves office. Who cares? Who the hell CARES what
Obama thinks? He
will be just another American (if he ever was
giving his opinion. His opinion is no more important
than is mine, and way too many
people ignore that.
Presidents traditionally give their replacements some "elbow
room. Bush certainly did for Obama, while Obama libeled him. So,
"Shut up and go away, Obama! Nobody cares what you think. any
more!" I never did.
COMEY: Hillary has gotten a lot of mileage out of blaming FBI
Director Comey for reopening her e-mail investigation just before the
election. Which is a LOAD! The FBI director is supposed to be
"independent," and never think about political
considerations while investigating. That's what Comey did. He
originally closed it, then reopened it when new information came
up, just before an election, or not. She's lucky he couldn't find
enough evidence to indict her.
ABOUT GUN CRIME: It never has been. None of the "gun laws"
made by anti-gun fools do ANYTHING to "stem gun crime."
They just make it harder for law-abiding people to get their guns in
action fast enough for self defense, while ILLEGALLY armed criminals
IGNORE such restrictions as trigger locks, gun locks, gun safes, and
the like. "Gun-free zones" have caused the death of MANY
people, since that's where almost ALL mass shootings have happened.
And if Obama really wanted to reduce gun crime, he wouldn't have
pardoned so many prisoners in prison FOR gun crimes.
WRONG, AS USUAL: Sec. of State John Kerry echoes Obama's LIE about
"Obama doing more for Israel than any other president." But
you need to change ONE WORD in that statement for it to be true:
Obama has done more TO
Israel than any other president. As usual, Obama (and his cronies)
are completely oblivious
to reality if they think they've HELPED Israel, to any degree. Just
the opposite is true.
lost BIG in the most recent election, on all levels. They also lost in the previous
two elections. Obama's "progressive" (socialist) policies
have DECIMATED the Democrat Party. They have lost THOUSANDS of
legislative and governor seats, all over the country. He has caused
Republican Trump to have a Republican
majority in BOTH houses of Congress
while relegating
them to a small "coastal party." Yet they want HIM to stay
in DC and "fight Trump."
Stay stupid, Democrats. You can save the country that way.
CORRECTNESS IS CENSORSHIP: Pure and simple. It is a way to cause
those of us who are wimps to SELF censor ourselves. They put out
words and phrases that are not "PC," and we're supposed to
"knuckle under" and not use them. In this way, they can
better CONTROL all criticism of their actions. I don't subscribe to
"PC Speech," and never have. If they tell me not to use a
word or phrase, I make a point to use them as often as possible. The more they hate it, the more I DO it.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Josh Earnest Is Upset
Upset that Obama has not been recognized as the
most "transparent" president in history. I know it doesn't
take a "stupid test" to work for a liberal president, but
one would certainly help. I guess they don't have any trouble hunting
among Democrats to find people that are that "special kind of
stupid" it takes to BE a Democrat. Hey, Josh! The reason he
hasn't been recognized as "the most transparent" is because
he ISN'T. Even you should be able to figure that out.
CAIR CARES A LOT: CAIR says Trump's election has "caused
stress and mental health issues." Izzat so? And, of course, CAIR
really cares a lot about that, don't they? They support Islamic
terrorism, and that causes more stress and mental issues than
As long as Obama is in power, CAIR won't be recognized as the Islamic
terrorist supporter it is. But a new president is coming in, and
that's going to be "bad news" for a lot of people, and CAIR
is on that list.
Only liberal "snowflakes who need "safe places" where
they won't have to hear OPINIONS different from theirs will be
IS DELUDED: I don't think I've ever seen a president as DELUDED as is
Obama. He is now saying that he has "made America more respected
in the world than any other president." How STUPID he must be to
think anybody with a modicum of INTELLIGENCE would believe that! Just
like his statement that he had done more for Israel than any other
president. But the Israelis know better--and they also know how
futile it is to convince Obama otherwise.
More BS from Obama: "I would have beaten Trump if I could have
IN THE WAY!": Supporters of the UN action to "criminalize"
Israels "settlements" program say, "It's in the way of
a two state solution." But who are they to say a "two state
solution" is the way to go? Israel certainly disagrees, and it
is their country Palestinians want to TAKE a part of, and have
committed many atrocities, such as random rocket shelling on a daily
basis, to accomplish. Palestinians maintain that Israel TOOK that land
from them, but that's bullderm. It was NEVER theirs.
OF TRUTH": One of
famous establishments portrayed in George
Orwell's prophetic book, "1984," which was created to
change LIES into "truth." But one of Obama's "last
shot" actions is to create his own "Ministry of Truth,"
in a measure BURIED in the "Defense Appropriations Bill," a
"time-honored" way to get something passed into law with
nobody knowing about it until too late. It has now passed, and it IS
too late, unless Trump can get it repealed, as soon as possible.
Frankly, I doubt most Republicans even knew it was in there, the way
they pass bills into law without bothering to read them.
What this law amounts to is CENSORSHIP, in violation of the
FIGHTS: You've probably heard about the fights in malls across the
country. We had one here in Aurora, CO, at a mall about mile from our
old place in Aurora. It got so bad they put out a "city-wide
call" for cops, who quickly quelled it, and arrested several
teenagers, the ones who ORGANIZED it on the Internet. I'd bet money
that liberals (Democrats) will try and blame it on Trump.
I'd also bet that it was a Democrat idea, organized by Democrats,
USING gullible teenagers, who haven't been ALIVE long enough to know
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
"UN: Go To Hell!"
That's what Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu told the United
Nations after it passed it's resolution condemning what is
essentially an action of a sovereign nation. They have no business
interfering in the INTERIOR actions of a sovereign nation, and no
real way to enforce their "edicts." So Israel rightly told
them to "go to hell" with their resolution,
a resolution they should have never passed, and couldn't if Obama had
not "thrown Israel under the bus" just to spite Trump. A
really juvenile act, but what we've come to expect of this spiteful
CHILD in the White House.
COMEBACK: Kellyanne Conway had a priceless comeback when asked by a
liberal interviewer how she was going to do her job as presidential
counselor while caring for four young children. Her answer? "I
don't play golf, and I don't have a mistress." Which are stiff
jabs at two of the recent Democrats in the White House. Jabs they
richly deserve.
I think Kellyanne is going to be a lot smarter than they anticipate.
It would not be to their advantage not to try and outsmart her.
BIGGEST FAILURE: His biggest failure is not taking away our
constitutional right to be armed in self-defense. The very way his
laws are written reveals his intent--which is to make us DEFENSELESS
in the face of a threat by an ILLEGAL
gun owner. Gun safes, gun trigger locks,"safe
storage," for instance, do ONLY that. He CLAIMS they are made
that way to give us a "cooling off period" before we CAN
get to
guns, which is bullderm!
In one state, getting a concealed carry permit is easy. But the gun
carried must be UNLOADED! How STUPID is that? But most of their gun
laws ARE stupid, as well as USELESS to do what they SAY they'll do.
GUN LAWS UNCONSTITUTIONAL: It's simple and easy to understand. Which
is why our politicians just can't understand it. The language in the
Constitution is simple: in the Second Amendment, are the words,
"shall not be infringed," In reference to our gun rights.
But they seize upon the more "murky" wording about an
"organized militia," which did not even EXIST when they
were alive, to obfuscate the meaning of the Amendment. In any case,
any "infringement" allowed must be at STATE level.
LOW CAN YOU GO? Pretty low, if you're an Islamic terrorist. In a
society where screwing little children, of both sexes, is a "cultural
thing, it's not surprising that they are now USING children, who have
no idea what they're doing, in their terrorist activities. When you
strap a bomb onto a CHILD and send him into a crowd, he has no idea
he or she is going to die with the rest. He/she just does what
he/she's told. Pretty low; like whale dung on the bottom of the
RIGHT TO LIVE: A professor (himself white) at Philadelphia's Drexel
University, wishes fervently for "white genocide." That
this is an UNBALANCED wish goes without saying. In any such genocide,
HE would be one of the FIRST to be executed. Apparently, he isn't
able to figure this out for himself, or he has a death wish. And this
is the level of intelligence displayed by some who think they're
smart enough to teach our impressionable children what they need to
know to be able to function in our society.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Muslim Special Treatment
As usual, Muslims don't want to "assimilate"
into OUR culture. They want to CHANGE it to suit themselves. Now some
Muslim students at the University of Maryland are DEMANDING the
school put "prayer rooms" in every building on campus.
Never mind there aren't ANY "special rooms" for CHRISTIAN
students, and not likely to be. They insist THEIR wishes be granted
or, I'm sure, they will make trouble over it, although the threat is
unspoken. But we know how Muslim extremists operate, don't we?
FALSE REPORTS: Recently there was a report that a "bad smelling,
booze reeking" man forced a woman wearing a
Hajib to remove it, or he would burn her. University
officials and the cops reacted like most liberals do, as if it were
before any investigation was begun. THEN the cops found that there
was NO EVIDENCE that it ever happened. Of course, they blamed Trump's
election, as usual, again with NO EVIDENCE, only OPINION.
There are many such false reports, always blaming Trump's election,
always with NO EVIDENCE.
CAN'T ADMIT IT: CNN, in it's coverage of that fool shooting in Turkey
that resulted in the death of the Russian ambassador, who was shot in
the back by a cowardly Muslim cop, says, "There is no evidence
that this killer speaks for Muslims." No? What the hell does
"Allahu Akbar" mean?
"No evidence?" what IS "evidence" to those CNN
fools? He shouted "Allahu Akbar," as most Islamic
terrorists do, when killing an "unbeliever," and then
spouted Islamic terrorist rhetoric before he was shot to death by
other Turkish police. 'What does it TAKE for CNN to abandon their
Muslim-loving positions?
"FAILING NEW YORK TIMES": Trump often refers to the
"failing" NY Times, but is he right? Seems like. They're
moving out of eight floors of their building and consolidating their
operations in the rest, while renting out those floors to make extra
At the same time, there was a drop of 94.7% in quarterly profits. 94.7% DROP! No
business can long withstand such a drain on profits, which is
evidenced by their move to abandon 8 floors. Trump notices things
like this, and he isn't bashful about mentioning it.
DEAD MAN: The German Islamic terrorist who drove a truck into a bunch
of people in a Christmas Market says, "We will slaughter
you like pigs!" Of course, he will not be "slaughtering"
ANYBODY, since HE has been "slaughtered like a pig in the
street" when he tried to kill two Italian cops (he wasn't very good at it). And he was ENDED
by a ROOKIE cop, to boot. For such a big mouth, without his truck, he
wasn't "such a much." Like all Muslim extremists. He
was all mouth.
One shot, and he's gone.
MORE OUTRAGE: Obama seems to be working HARD piling up the outrages
for Trump to reverse when he becomes president. One latest is
refusing to veto the UN's outrage against Israel. The other is a new
"rule" banning gun purchases for ANYBODY getting disability
from Social Security--as if getting disability, for ANY reason, means
they're "mentally deficient." Boy! We (not me) really
elected a FOOL this time!
Saturday, December 24, 2016
It's Christmas Eve
I'm almost 80 now, and this might be my last
Christmas. So I'm going to hang out the "Gone Fishing" sign
until Monday so I can spend some time with my family. I know most of
you are also busy with Christmas things and probably won't be reading
this, anyway. So Merry Christmas, all, and I'll be back Monday.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Liberals Will Do Anything
They'll do anything they can think of to try and
make Trump look bad. One recent thing was the black man who burned a
church (of which he was a member) and tried to blame Trump, by spray
painting, "Vote Trump!" on the wall. They caught him, but
they can't seem to find a "motive" for his act. Could it
just be to make Trump look bad, expressing his "sour grapes"
over Hillary losing? NO! That'd be too easy!
the upcoming spring 2017 semester, two taxpayer-funded American
universities – the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
University of Colorado Denver – will offer undergraduate courses
focused exclusively on how “whiteness” is a serious social
This is how liberals CREATE racism, where none exited before, to
advance their false narrative that "white against black racism"
is rampant in the nation. It is NOT, at least, as much as they claim.
It is now black against white racism that is rising fast, at their
SHOTS: Plural. Obama is not content to leave ONE "parting shot."
He has to leave several. Shots he KNOWS will displease the incoming
president, and he really thinks he has made provisions to keep Trump
from reversing everything he has ever done to destroy this nation.
His latest is a set of "regulations" designed to further
injure the coal industry, the one he promised to destroy. But it
isn't going to do him any good. Trump will "sweep away" all
his depredations, the minute he gains office. He CLAIMS he will be
"helping" Trump, while all the time doing everything he can
to IMPEDE him.
RATING TANKED": Obama says, "My approval rating tanked
because of the fictional character of me created by Fox News and
Limbaugh." He just can't seem to accept the fact that the
character created was NOT "fictional," but was the most
TRUTHFUL picture of him ANYBODY presented.
He'd LOVE to believe otherwise, but his numbers tanking was because
he failed to hide all the depredations for which he was responsible,
and Americans just couldn't wait to get rid of him.
you disagree with me on anything, it's because you're a bigot."
That's the picture Obama has been painting ever since he got elected
on the promise that electing him would "forever end racism in
and instead allowed him to make it worse, while changing it from
white against black racism to black against white racism and
ALL criticism
by people who feared being called racist. Me, I don't care. I know
it's phony, and so do ALL who think for themselves--and those are the
ones I speak to.
The others are hopeless, and not worth talking to.
FLIRTING WITH 20,000: Something that NEVER happened until Donald
Trump was elected president, in November. Of course, since he is
still president for a few weeks, yet, Obama will take credit for
it--something he had nothing to do with. That's what he does: take
credit for things others do, and claim them as his own
accomplishments. He will add this to his own list, and claim it
while DARING anybody to differ.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Obama's Delusions
He actually thinks the new "regulations" further
injuring the coal industry can't be changed or reversed by Trump when
he takes office. He's deluded, that way. Even laws made by Congress
can be changed by later action. His "executive actions"
need only to be reversed by executive orders from the new president,
no matter how they're written. He still thinks he is "all
powerful" and his orders can't be changed by his successor. He
will soon learn how abysmally wrong he is, as soon s Trump takes
ARE "SUPERDELEGATES?" Hillary knows, and so does Bernie
Sanders. They're the Democrat Party's way of making sure the
candidate THEY want to win the primaries gets the most delegates, no
matter how many primaries the other candidate wins. That's how they
screwed Bernie out of the nomination, even though he won the most
primaries. Not that I wish Bernie had won--I don't. But I wish he had
lost FAIRLY. If he had won, he'd been even easier to beat than
Hillary. I hate cheaters. And that's plainly what the Democrat Party
is. Hillary should NOT have gotten the Democrat nomination, so
"winning" more popular votes than Trump just doesn't count.
She probably got those the same
way she beat Bernie.
DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: We need to be offering "counseling"
for those who are so deranged by
the election of Donald Trump that they do crazy things, like
accosting Ivana Trump on an
and screaming things like, "Your father is ruining
this country!" When what he plans to do is REVERSE what OBAMA
did to ruin this country. What Obama did was real. Trump "ruining
the country"
is only in the IMAGINATION of those fools, fueled by the lies put out
by the Democrats (liberals)
GUN TOTING CRIMINALS: Obama CLAIMS he is trying to REDUCE gun crime,
while his every action is guaranteed to INCREASE it. Many of the
criminals he just pardoned, or whose sentences he reduced, were in
prison for GUN CRIMES. How does he justify that? He doesn't;
he just ignores it. If asked about it, he "clams up" and
either says nothing, or "filibusters" the answer.
The anti-gun fools keep saying that arming law-abiding
will not do anything to reduce crime because they are more likely to
shoot themselves than criminals. This in spite of sure evidence it's
a LIE. In Texas, people are still getting their guns, and break-in
artists (and
other armed criminals) are still getting shot. Which reduces the
crime that would have been committed in the future by these fools.
That's a definite refutation of what the anti-gun fools are saying.
And it happens all the time, not just in Texas.
"IMAGINARY FRIENDS": Democrats have many "imaginary
friends" who tell them things always damaging to their
opposition, and which subsequently prove to be LIES. But they don't
want to be identified, and whose bull droppings can't be verified, nor
disproved. But Democrats "report" what they say as if it
were Gospel, and SWEAR it's true. Like Harry Reid, LYING on the floor
of the Senate, saying. "Romney has not paid his taxes for ten
years" when he KNEW it was a LIE. Then there's Dick Gephart, who
told us HE had a "friend" (whose name he will not divulge)
who told him, "You want to make things better, raise my taxes!"
And these two aren't the only Democrats
who engage in this practice. They ALL do.
Lying is "second nature" to Democrats.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
It Worked!
But not the way they wanted it to work. Hillary lost more
Electoral College votes than Trump did, and he AGAIN whipped the
pants off her. This time, making his election as president "official"
and not likely to be denied, as she wishes
it would be.
So she can now "ride off into the sunset," along with
Obama, not to be seen, nor heard from (I hope) again. Of course, the
Democrats will spend
the next four (maybe 8) years trying to tear Trump down, as
unsuccessfully as before.
WILL TAKE CREDIT: The Stock Market closed
in on 20,000
today for the first time in history. It's plainly a reaction to Trump
being elected, and confirmed by the electoral College. But it DID
happen while that incompetent fool, Obama was still president, so he
will take credit for it, even though he didn't have a thing to do
with it. That's what he does. Take credit for things done by others,
and DARE anybody to say otherwise.
"STAR OF DAVID": During the Second World War, the Nazis
made "laws" requiring Jews to wear the "Star of David"
so everybody would know they were Jews. That's before they KILLED
them in the holocaust. Now, in S. Carolina, which has significantly
increased the issuance of "concealed carry" permits, one
REPUBLICAN fool wants a law made to REQUIRE those with CCW permits
to put a "tag" on their car license plates to let people
know. What part of "concealed" does this fool not
TO WATCH": Michele Obama says, 'Election day news was "painful
to watch." No kidding, Michelle? It was either going to be
"painful" for you, or painful for me. Better it be for you,
because now you and your liberal friends won't be able to victimize
Americans--for a while, at least--until you figure out how to con
yourselves back into a position where you can continue your illegal
For Hillary to be elected would have been a disaster if the first
order. We "dodged a bullet," there.
CRIMINALS LOOSE: Obama, in the waning days of his disaster, pardoned
the MOST criminals ever pardoned in a single day. Boy! He really
likes turning criminals loose on society, doesn't he? The criminals
released may not include murderers, but only time will tell whether
or not they BECOME murderers in the future, in their quest to get the
best high. I guess it was not enough to release so many Islamic
terrorist murderers from GITMO while IMPORTING thousands of other
Islamic terrorist killers pretending to be "refugees" to
kill Americans.
THE OBVIOUS: Liberals in many countries are denying the obvious in
the aftermath of the assassination of a Russian ambassador. They say
the assassin screaming "Allahu Akbar" doesn't necessarily
mean he speaks for Muslims. What's WRONG with these damned fools?
That speaks plainly to me that he IS! And does to ANYBODY with a lick
of intelligence! Liberals have no common sense at all in the things
they both espouse and want to deny the rest of us. And this proves it
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
NOT Because of Religion!
Muslims claim Trump's wish to stop importing
Muslim terrorists disguised as "refugees" until they can be
properly vetted is "religious persecution." It is NOT. It
is COMMON SENSE not to import your killers when there is no way to
vet them. And that's not going to change, no matter how much liberals
whine about it. The flow of Islamic terrorists will slow to a
trickle, or END under Trump. And that has NOTHING to do with their
religion, but their murderous intentions.
YOUR OWN KILLERS: That's what we're doing, under Obama, and it will
END under Trump. That's what Germany is doing, and the stolen semi
running into a market and killing and injuring hundreds is a good
example of what you can expect. The uptick in rapes too, can be
expected, because Islam is a "rape culture" under which the
forcible rape of CHILDREN of both sexes, and adults, is considered "a
cultural thing."
HACKING IS FANTASY: The Democrats are mounting a campaign
to make America think Vladmir, Putin had his minions
hack our election to help Trump win because they thought he'd be
"easy." He is NOT, but that's another discussion. But, even
though they've been hacking us for years (along with many other
counties), the effect on the election was nil. But the Democrats are
"playing it up" as if it had a major effect so they could
use it to say Trump was SUPPORTED by the Russians, as they falsely say he's
supported by the KKK
THE RIGHT: "CNN’s online coverage of Monday’s deadly terror
attack on a German Christmas market focused on the attack’s
potential to stoke far-right anger, rather than the threats of
Islamic radicalism. " They're more interested in "threatening
the right" than in the threat of Islamic terrorism. That's common
among the liberal fools. They ignore the atrocities committed by
Islamic terrorists and call people who report on their atrocities
"Islamophobes" or "Ismamafascists." We've had
liberals, way back to the revolutionary war (we called
them "Torries" then) and they've never gone away, and WILL
go away.
GOOD MOVE": Ohio Governor Kasich made
a number of bad
moves when he refused to understand
only winning ONE primary
meant nobody wanted him as president--except maybe, members of his
But he made GOOD move when he didn't veto the bill to allow "campus
carry" in his state I've been maintaining that is a good idea
for a long time, but politicians usually have a "tin ear"
when I tell them.
Monday, December 19, 2016
"No Right to Enter WH"
Liberal fool Michael Moore says, "Trump
has no right to enter the Oval Office." Whenever this fool
speaks, even liberals cringe, because whatever he says is so damned
This fat butt has NO sense at all, and he proves it every tie he
opens his pie hole and doesn't shove some pie in it.
Moore reminds me of the Japanese soldiers, marooned on a Pacific
island, still fighting WWII, long after it's over, because they
haven't yet figured it out.
HIM "QUIT IT!" Obama says he told, uh, Putin
to "knock it off." and did he? Not a chance. He knew Obama
was a "paper tiger." A real one, not the phony one the
Chinese communists talk
The Democrats claim the Russians wanted to get Trump elected because
they thought he'd be "easier." But just the opposite is
true. They KNEW Hillary would be easier, because she proved it when
she was Secretary of State.
THE GAME: The liberals better be careful with their "fake news"
crap. Two can play at that game, and the right has many more examples
of "fake news" put out by the left than than the left will ever find. (unless they falsify them) on the right. Yes, we're already looking,
but I predict that, as they "fact-check" "right-wing
sources," we will intensify our search and "fact-check"
the LEFT-wing news sources, most of which are engaged in spreading
'fake news" every day.
OF HOPELESSNESS": Michelle Obama the other day, on TV, said, the
American people "know the feeling of hopelessness," meaning
as Trump is expected to take office to replace her husband as
president. But in actuality, the "feeling of hopelessness"
was there because of the last eight years of "liberal rule,"
and the possibility it would continue if Hillary was elected, as
planned by the Democrats. Now
have a new "feeling of HOPE,"
by Trump's victory, which can only be reversed by STEALING the
election through their campaign to get electors
not to vote for Trump. That didn't work, either.
"UNFIT PEOPLE" Hollywood "celebrities" produced a video
saying that the electoral College was designed to keep "unfit
people" from the presidency. That's an abject LIE! The Electoral
College has only one purpose: to keep population centers like New
York or California from electing a president, making the rest of the
states DISENFRANCHISED. Keeping "unfit people" out of the
office had NOTHING to do with it, and is only so in the IMAGINATION
of liberals, and is just part of the scheme to STEAL the election.
DID THE RIGHT THING: When an actual member of the POLICE shot and
killed the Russian ambassador, the cops immediately shot and killed
him on the spot. No arrest. NO "show trial" that gives him
a chance to monopolize the news for a while, as with Dylan Roof,
the Charleston mass killer. Frankly, I think all such killers should
be immediately put to death, on the scene, as soon after they do
their killing as possible, not wasting time or money with a trial.
The same should be done with Islamic terrorists caught in the act.
Forget GITMO. That just gives liberals something to whine about.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
"Fake News" Is Fake
The liberal media doesn't like competition. They've
resolved to eliminate what they call "fake news." The whole
thing is an effort to marginalize the alternative media by calling
them liars. They're going to rely on a known liberal outfit,
Facebook, to decide just what IS "fake news." Actually, the
liberal media doesn't need any help in defining fake news. They know
what it is, they PRACTICE it, every day. All it is, is a way to shut
up the opposition.
REPUBLICANS LIKE PUTIN": That's what "liar Obama"
said, the other day, What
a LOAD of stinky brown stuff
THAT is!
I don't know where he gets that dung, but it CAN'T be a reliable
source. Anybody with a lick of common sense
doesn't include most Democrats) is aware that,
uh, Putin is a dictator and a murderer, and there's NO WAY they'd
approve of him.
Obama must be living in his own little dream world.
Even though, in the State of S. Carolina, just being charged with a
felony bars Dylan Root (The Charleston mass murderer,
convicted, who killed several people at one time) from such a
purchase. He filled out the required federal form alleging he was
able to buy a gun, and the
felony charge
pending in court
was not noted by those receiving the paperwork, so the background
check passed. It was a case of bureaucratic oversight (incompetence),
AS "WAR ZONE": In Iraq in 2008 (a real
war zone), 314 soldiers were killed. In the same year, 509 people
(mostly gang members, but also innocents, hit by stray bullets) were
killed in Chicago. The police chief was FIRED last year because of
it, but the killings continue, unabated. Mostly because the liberals
running things there can't figure out that banning guns is NOT the
answer. The national death rate is expected to be 13% next year, with
HALF of that accounted for by
A MOSQUE: Whenever a Muslim group can't get permission to build a
mosque, they cry like babies. They accuse people of all kinds of
things, including "religious persecution" and "hate."
But you just TRY to build a Christian church in a Muslim-controlled
country and find out what religious persecution is like. They're the
WORST religious persecutors in the world, and have NOWHERE to talk
about religious persecution.
THEIR IGNORANCE: Every day. Liberals go overboard in their efforts to
"diss" Donald Trump. Now Slate
(a well-known liberal rag) has compared him to mass murderer Dylan
Root. I don't know what their reasoning is to do that, but I know
they HAVE no reason, OR logic. Liberals deny the very EXISTENCE of
reason, AND logic. Probably because they don't know how to operate
within its confines.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
"Be Heroes! Vote gainst Trump!"
That's what /democrats and Hollywood celebrities
are telling Electoral
College electors,
trying to get them
go against what their JOB is--to vote according to how their STATE
voted in the election. That's such an obvious attempt at voter
intimidation, it isn't even
funny. And
those who are doing it need to be prosecuted for it. Intimidating
voters in the general election is one thing, and it's illegal. But
this is worse, because each vote is more powerful than in the general
election because there are so few of them,
and to vote otherwise is the act of a TRAITOR, not a hero.
FEELINGS HURT? Huma says Hillary is mostly keeping to herself these
days, "weeping and wailing" over her abysmal loss in the
election. Did you know she got the LEAST electoral votes as has ANY
losing presidential candidate, in history? I "feel for her,"
but I can't seem to reach her. It is said she is considering another
run in 2020. Surely not! Is she that much of a glutton for punishment
that she wants to suffer it, a THIRD time?
POLICE CHIEF LIES: He's an anti-gun fool, so why is anybody
surprised? He says he
tell us anecdotally
(meaning, he can't back it up with facts),
that "there are
many shootings involving concealed carriers--and many of them are
career criminals."
And Milwaukee County sheriff Clarke
"calls him" on it, saying, "He's a lying bast-rd."
In Wisconsin, as in all other states, people with criminal records
GET a concealed carry permit, unless they LIE on their application
and are not caught--which might be a factor in the City of Milwaukee
with such a police chief.
LIES: It's no big news that "Everytown Against Guns" (or
something like that) LIES. They lie every day in their attempts to
make law-abiding citizens DEFENSELESS against ILLEGAL gun-wielding
fools wanting to victimize them. But this time, they can't get out of
it. They said 200
school shootings have happened since Sandy hook
and even provided a list they hoped nobody looked at too closely.
That list, which was regurgitated uncritically by The
Huffington Post,
included drug killings NEAR schools, murders of school officials in
their offices for reasons not connected to the school, and gang
shootings, again only CLOSE to a school.
STILL WORKING: Sheriff Arpaio may have been UN-elected in the last
election, but he's still hard at work. His people have found NINE
points of forgery in the phony birth certificate Obama provided in
response to demands. Obama may have gotten rid of him as sheriff, but
he's still "working on him," and can still come up with
some things Obama will not like very much before both of them "ride
off into the sunset."
ABOUT CHELSEA? Liberals are talking now about a "report"
that Donald Trump is "sleeping with his daughter." I've
always wondered how LOW you could go in politics, and the Democrats
have just answered that question for me. They can go as low as whale
dung, and that's on the bottom of the ocean. I notice they don't ask
Bill Clinton if he ever slept with Chelsea, and that's much more
likely than Trump sleeping with Ivanka, since Bill will screw
anything in skirts, and maybe not
all the time.. Of course, they have NOTHING on which to base this
accusation, but that's not unusual when it comes to Democrat
accusations against Republicans.
Friday, December 16, 2016
"Dangling Blacks Like Puppets"
That's what Marc Lamont Hill says about Jim
Brown's "good words" for Trump after his visit with him.
Funny--that's what Democrats/liberals have been doing for ages. Is
this yet another example of Democrats accusing Trump of what THEY'VE
been doing? That's one of their most common, and in today's world,
with cameras and microphones everywhere, most TRANSPARENT scams. But
they're not smart enough to perceive that, so they keep on doing it.
NOT MISOGYNISM: Liberals love to knock Trump because he admired
beautiful women, but that just shows their complete IGNORANCE. God
himself PLANNED it that way. It's a mechanism to insure
"multiplication." Only liberal fools don't know that, but
we're used to that. They are consistently AGAINST things that are
good for us, and the fact that all men admire pretty women is one of
them. A good example is their hatred of oil producers. In the
complete ABSENCE of anything to replace it, oil is absolutely
ESSENTIAL for our very survival.
HATE CRIME: An 18-year-old
girl in NYC cried "hate crime" in the subway, accusing
three men with trying to remove her head scarf while shouting
Trump" at her
(Which, even if true, would be a good way to "frame" Trump
supporters without any proof, at all).
The subway "authorities" looked at all the video of the
area in which this "hate crime" supposedly
but could not find ANY evidence it actually happened. So they
concluded that this girl, a
was out late drinking, and wanted to divert her father's anger,
so she fabricated this story, hoping she would be believed. And in
her hate-filled household, she might well BE believed.
HIS CRYSTAL BALL: A professor is saying 20 "electors" at
the Electoral College are going to vote against Trump, in spite of
their states giving him the win. I don't know where he's getting
that, since investigators could only find ONE who is going to vote
against Trump. And if they do, it will create the biggest
constitutional challenge EVER, and result in a revolution if Trump
confirmed. Frankly, if I were younger and more able. I'd LEAD such
The Democrats are really going stupid (Or maybe it's just becoming
more obvious as they become more and more panic stricken)!
NEED US! What may be at the bottom of the liberal hysteria over Trump
being elected may be that they have finally realized that
we don't need them, and
THEY NEED US! Socialism does not produce ANY new wealth. It merely
STEALS wealth from those who earn it, and redistributes it to those
who DON'T produce new wealth. Without the producers, socialism could
not survive, and maybe they've come to realize it, and it frightens
them. And they hate us for that.
GOLDBERG IS INSANE! She just proved it again by saying that
"Celebrating Christmas and getting an abortion are the same
thing." What kind of a damned fool IS this woman? Celebrating
Christmas is the same thing as murdering an infant? This woman needs
a psychiatric examination. She needs to be committed! She really
BELIEVES this crap! And she has a "platform" to spread her
damned foolishness on "The View." The other women on that
show don't question her when she makes these really abysmally IGNORANT
statements. It's almost like listening to a female Obama.
She shoulda stuck to stand-up comedy. Wait! I'm sure this was one of
her funniest lines yet! Maybe she did!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
State Ordering Support for Murder!
Oklahoma has become the first state to force
those with public restrooms to put advice in them as to where to
obtain abortions. I guess the fact that abortion is MURDER doesn't
matter to the state lawmakers. Abortion is "infanticide,"
and is our "holocaust," but way too few people realize it.
So we follow Germany in approving MURDER by law, as long as Obama is in charge. Trump will change all that..
APPROVES BABY MURDER: Obama is trying to prevent states from making
laws to de-fund abortion. He has finalized a Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) ruling essentially PREVENTING states from
refusing to accept federal money to support Planned Parenthood, a
"good-sounding name" for a "national baby-killing
ring" That has MURDERED millions of defenseless babies with the
"aid and comfort" of its accomplices, the baby's parents,
who don't want to raise the result of their unprotected sex.
DOING ALL HE CAN: He's hastening to do everything he can to destroy
this country in the few days he has left in his administration. He
forgets, Trump can UNDO everything he has done, as soon as he gets in
office. He just hopes Trump won't be able to do it in his first few
days in office, and some damage can be done, in the meantime. But
he's underestimating Trump, who is "onto him."
SHE BEEN SCREWING AROUND? George Stephanopoulos's wife has been "crowing"
about her 14-year-old daughter's "hissy fit" about abortion
when informed of Trump's win. That makes me wonder: has she been
screwing around, or does she plan to? Is she pregnant, and it just
doesn't show, yet? I don't know any other reason a girl so young
would be that worried about Trump winning the election, and the
possible end of abortions.
HILLARY'S E-MAILS!" Obama said, straight out, that Trump TOLD
the Russians to "Hack Hillary's e-mails." Which is a
blatant, damned LIE. He MADE A JOKE about it, saying, "If
the American government can't find Hillary's e-mails, maybe
the RUSSIANS can
ridiculing the "investigation" that was ongoing with NO
The liberals are
not CAPABLE of understanding humor because humor isn't IN them. They
take an innocent joke
and want the world to think Trump TOLD the
Russians to hack Hillary's e-mails. That's the kind of stupid things
they do!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
A Special Kind of Stupid
An Oxford Student Union wants us to stop calling
people he or she, but, instead, use the sobriquet, "ze,"
instead, to avoid differentiating between men and women. How STUPID
is that?
I suppose next they'll start insisting women not wear bras,
or men not wear jock straps,
for the same reason. Way to deny reality! This is the result
of the incompetent liberal professors who continue to plant STUPID
ideas in their student's
FOOL PROFESSORS: One professor was heard, on video (made by one of
her students) to say that, "Electing Trump was an act of
terrorism." An act
The legal election of a candidate in a democratically-run election is
NOT "an act of terrorism," no matter how much that
professor might disagree. That act was a very unprofessional act on
her part, and is a good example of the complete LACK of quality and
professionalism prevalent in our education system, today.
This professor should be summarily FIRED, if possible.
TX set his MOSQUE on fire! They didn't say in the news report about
it what his motive was, but I suspect he wanted to make the world think it was set by a
"Muslim hater." The liberal media tried to blame it on
Trump, but lost interest when evidence showed it was a MUSLIM who set
the fire. I'd bet that half the "anti-Islam actions today
done by Muslims, hoping to blame it on others.
"PEOPLE SCARED AND WORRIED": Bernie Sanders, the admitted
socialist candidate for president on the Democrat side (the
unadmitted one being Hillary), is now saying, "People are scared
and worried about their future." Intimating They're "scared
and worried, since Trump was elected. Not so; what he doesn't tell
you is that much of that worry has been lifted by Trump's victory,
and the astounding victories of Republicans across the land. Now they
have much hope for the future. What "scared and worried"
them in the past was the chance that the excesses of the Democrats
would continue if Hillary got elected. Now it's only Democrats and other liberals who are worried. And they should be.
RUSSIA DO IT? The Democrats are screaming that, "Russia hacked
our election to help Trump win!" But they don't give any
details. Why is that? Because there AREN'T any details since their
hacking efforts (if any) have failed to yield results. The Democrats are
looking like whining losers--because they ARE They're pathetic. They
just can't get their minds around the fact that the American people
are just TIRED of being screwed by Democrats, at every level, and DID
something about it.
WARNS TRUMP: They told him that ignoring the "One China Policy"
could "endanger peace." No kidding! Who cares? China hasn't
a PRAYER of hurting America militarily, in any way. so why are they
"threatening" us? In any case, they don't get to give our
president "orders." If Trump, as president, thinks that
policy is wrong (as do I, and I have since it started), he has a
right to do so, and to HELL with Communist China! They can go "pound
sand!" Their opinion is simply not worth crap.
NOT "MERRY CHRISTMAS?" Since Obama, liberals have been
pushing to remove "Merry Christmas" from our lexicon and
replacing it with "Happy Holidays." What a STUPID thing to
do! The holiday is a celebration of the "birth of Jesus Christ,"
the Christian saviour. There is no other reason for it, and to do
away with "Merry Christmas" is ABSURD. I have never used
any other term since I began to perceive politics as reality. And I
never will, regardless of my religion.
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