The judge who blocked Trump's latest executive order on
sanctuary cities forgets that Obama did the SAME THING to people who
refused to obey his EO about allowing men into women's restrooms and
changing rooms if he “identified” as a woman that day. He
threatened to withhold federal funds if they didn't “cave” and
obey his directive, Where were all those who complained when Trump
did it? Where were the liberal judges who BLOCKED Trump's similar
action? This is clearly a liberal double standard.
100 DAYS A DISASTER? Liberals are calling Trump's first 100 days a
“disaster” and say the White House is “in disarray.” It is
NOT, and Trump's first 100 days is NOT a “disaster.” To LIBERALS
it is a disaster because Trump is “chipping away”” at their
power base, He's “blowing their house down, little by little, and
they don't like that one little bit. It frightens them, no end. There
is NO “disarray” in the White House. Trump has accomplished more
in his first 100 days than any recent president. The problem, for
liberals, is his accomplishments are the complete OPPOSITE to their
wishes. So, to them, he has accomplished nothing.
CONCERNED ABOUT SPENDING: Liberals didn't ever worry about spending
while Obama spent our money like water, doubling and TRIPLING the
national debt and spending more, himself, than ALL previous
presidents, put together. Now Trump wants to spend one BILLION
dollars in a TRILLION dollar budget, on something that, last time it
was tried, almost DOUBLED the tax "take," suddenly they're
“concerned” about the national debt. They've got the damnedest
double standard there ever was!
SHUTDOWN SCAM: The Democrats are threatening to CAUSE a “government
shutdown” because they're “dragging their feet” on legislation
to fund the government. The government “runs out of money” soon,
if a funding bill is not passed. The Republicans have requested an
extension so the congresspeople can READ the bill (which they
normally do NOT do). If Democrats vote against that, it will be so
obvious who is at fault they won't be able to escape the blame. But
they'll still try and blame the GOP and the liberal media will lie
for them in their coverage.
MECHANISM: If you want to bribe a politician and get away with it,
just invite him/her to speak before a group, and promise him/her
hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so if he/she will do what you
wish (quietly). Hillary and Bill have profited from this for years.
It has made them multi-millionaires when they were nearly broke
(according to them) when they left the presidency. Obama is the
latest politician to accept a bribe with his $400,000.00 speech.
There is only one reason to offer such outlandish “speaking fees”
to politicians. Knowledge that they can do something to help you in
your endeavors.
NEWS RACIST? I wonder what took them so long? They accuse everybody
else who says things they don't like of being racists, so why were
they waiting with Fox? Actually, accusations of racism mean
absolutely nothing these days. They've worn it out by overuse. And,
of course, they have no REAL evidence they ARE racist. Of course,
that has never stopped them before. They make that lying accusation
and expect us to believe it. No more. They might as well just be
farting through their mouths for all we care.