Sunday, November 29, 2009

Throwing Friends to Alligators

Hoping they will eat them last. That’s what businesses who “go along” with Obama’s plans (swindles) are doing. That’s like two wolves and a sheep having a “democratic vote” on what to have for supper.

SUFFER UNDER IT, TOO: Any Member of Congress who votes for Obama’s health care swindle should be made to suffer under it along with the rest of us. But that’s never going to happen. Count on it.

BILL MAHER IS STUPID! And he thinks AMERICANS are stupid. He also thinks we need a dictatorship and ADMIRES the communist Chinese system. How stupid is THAT?

“SLANDERING OUR PRESIDENT”: One reader accused me of “slandering our president.” How do you ”slander” someone by telling the TRUTH about him? This reader also said I should be glad I live in a country where I CAN “get away with” slandering our president. Sounds like she wishes we lived in a country where we can NOT. Frankly, if things keep on like they are, we won’t be able to criticize our government in any way.

OBAMA DITHERED, PEOPLE DIED: Obama dithered for a long time about making a simple decision on sending enough troops to Afghanistan to get the job done. One would think a neophyte like him would defer to people with decades of experience at making war, but NOOO! He thinks just because he scammed and schemed his way into the presidency, he knows more than these men. He doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Sorry about the ”French,” but that’s the only real way to say it and get the idea across.

TRUER WORDS WERE NEVER SPOKEN: “Barack Hussein Obama is Bernie Madoff with the political power of the presidency at his disposal.” (Floyd Brown, architect of Bill Clinton’s impeachment)

THE “REAL” JOBLESS RATE”: If you include all those whose unemployment has run out and who have just “given up” when it comes to finding a job, the REAL jobless rate is 17.5%. “As experts debate the potential speed of the US recovery, one figure looms large but is often overlooked: nearly 1 in 5 (20%) Americans are either out of work or under-employed.” (Patriot Update)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Palin On Oprah

When she announced it, she was deluged with “hate mail” from the liberals in her audience (which is all of her audience). Oprah thought it would help her ratings, but more liberals stayed away than did conservatives tune in. She won’t make THAT mistake again. When Oprah interviewed her, they concentrated on TEN PAGES out of 400 where she discussed her run for vice president, twisting it (predictably) all out of shape so what she was supposed to have said fit their template and was just the opposite from what she really DID say. It was a MASTERFUL job of “cut and paste.”

HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE? They’re touting “jobs saved or created” in districts that do not even exist. In one place where there are THREE districts total, they claim to have “saved or created” x number of jobs in “District 83.” Gawd, they must think we’re stupid! Do they really think we won’t spot such things? Or do they just not care?

JESSE JACKSON IS RACIST: He says, “You can’t call yourself a black man and vote against the health care bill.” If I said, “You can’t call yourself a WHITE man and vote against the health care bill” what would I be? So what is HE? Or do you believe that bull sh-- that a black man can’t be a racist because he has no power? Being a racist doesn’t REQUIRE that the racist have power! It only requires that you hate someone because of the GROUP he’s in.

JACKSON IS A “RACE WHORE”: He has built his career on whipping up racism where there is none. He is engaged in EXTORTION of big business when he tells them to give money to one of his “charities” or he’ll file suit, calling THEM racists. Of course, he loots his “charities” on a regular basis.

MAKING BAD HISTORY: There has never been a time when an “enemy combatant” has been tried in a civilian court unless he or she is an American citizen. Yes, they are making history by trying the 9/11 conspirators in a civilian court. But it is BAD history. It confers upon them rights to which they are NOT entitled and lays open secrets the enemy is not entitled to know, and which will hinder our ability to fight ANY war in the future after they set this precedent.

WE CAN’T TRUST THEM: Obama and his “gang of thieves” think we trust them, but we do not. They lie every day, either in words or in their “dog and pony shows” meant to fool us. They cite “jobs saved or created” in districts that do not even exist, in every state. They think we believe them, but we don’t. Only those who “don’t pay attention” do. Unfortunately that was enough to let Obama “squeak” into the presidency and begin screwing up this country.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm Thankful

On this Thanksgiving Day, I’m thankful that I’ve never found it necessary (lately) to ask for charity from any organization. Except for one short time when I was young and had not yet developed my talents and abilities, I’ve never asked for charity because I knew I had to do it for myself, and did so. I hope that continues until I die. My son helps me today (and that’s as it should be). But nobody else.

SAY IT OFTEN: Liberals think if they say something often enough it will become true. Like the lie that Sarah Palin is “shallow” and doesn’t know enough to even be QUALIFIED to be president. They’re afraid she IS, and will be elected in a landslide if she runs against that “man-child” now in the white House. They also say “The era of Reagan is over.” They wish. The “era of Reagan” will NEVER be over. It is based on a set of VALUES that will never change. They HOPE it will change.

“FACT-CHECKING” BOOKS: They’re “fact-checking” Sarah Palin’s book, but not a single book written by a liberal. The New York times assigned ELEVEN reporters to “fact-check” Sarah’s book and found only 7 “errors,” mostly by misrepresenting what she said. I might become a believer when they “fact-check” Obama’s book or that of any other liberal. But it ain’t gonna happen. Will they “fact-check” AlGore’s book?

IRAN THUMBING ITS NOSE: Ahminidjerk thinks he’s capable of “taking on” the world, including the United States. He’s wrong. He’s signing his own death warrant, just as Saddam did with a similar campaign that got him “dumped,” then executed. Ahmadinijerk thinks that won’t happen to him. He’s wrong.

“CLEAN UP YOUR ACT”: Obama is telling Afghanistan President Karzai to “clean up his act” or lose our support. Maybe Obama should think about cleaning up his OWN act before he gives demands to Karzai.

NOT THE WAY: You don’t fight a war by making your generals wait MONTHS for a decision on sending the troops they need, then announcing to the world your decision after giving the enemy WEEKS of warning when you make a decision. What a JERK this president is!

DEMS BLOCKING ACORN INVESTIGATION: Everybody’s wondering why there is no meaningful investigation of the ACORN scandal. That’s easy; the Democrats are BLOCKING it. They don’t want an investigation of the organization that stole enough votes to get them elected. Enough that they “defunded” them for a MONTH, they think.

OBAMA "BUYS" CLIMATE CHANGE SWINDLE: Bill Clinton signed the treaty, but never brought it to Congress. Obama is going to Copenhagen and will probably sign the treaty AND bring it to his Democrat Congress, so it will probably be approved, and cost taxpayers a bunch of bucks (more). Maybe even bankrupt us.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Put Them All Together

Just outside Chicago is a good place for all those murderers from Gitmo. Let them know what Chicago is like. Chicago is the HOME of an overage of criminals, most of them in Chicago government. So near Chicago is a good place for them.

WELL NAMED: G. William Deseve is a special assistant to President Obama. You’d think people would know all about the jokes people will tell about this guy with that name. Or are they too stupid to see the obvious?

KILLING COCKROACHES: Finding and killing Islamic terrorists is like killing cockroaches with a gun. Kill 500 and 10,000 skitter away.

WIPED OUT A TALIBAN TOWN: American forces wiped out a “nest” of Taliban in a small town in Wazuristan and killed 500 terrorists, while 900 “skittered away” like roaches.. Most will be called “innocent civilians” by the Taliban

ACORN GETS SMART: After 7 tries. The guy who exposed ACORN’s willingness to finance a whorehouse has done the same thing 7 times and only on the 7th try did he run into an ACORN man telling him they “didn’t do illegal things.” It’s about time the “word” got down to the “rank and file” to expect a visit from this guy and to lie to him. Wonder why it took 7 tries to find one?

THE ACORN “SMEAR”: ACORN is calling the 7 visits by this videographer (mentioned above) a “smear.” But a “smear” would not be possible if ACORN people didn’t try to help him open his (imaginary) whorehouse using underage girls. Only on the 7th try did he run into somebody who told him “ACORN doesn’t do illegal things” (having been forewarned to expect this visit). If that’s true, why did ACORN people DO illegal things SEVEN TIMES before this?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Financial Fraud Task Force"

AG Holder is forming a “task force” to ‘investigate” the reasons behind the “financial meltdown” while IGNORING the PRIMARY reason, a law FORCING lenders to loan money to deadbeats, an “exercise” in disaster,” a disaster that they are experiencing now.

STUPID LAW: Maybe we should discuss the STUPIDITY of such a law (as the one mentioned above) in the first place and the POLITICIANS behind it. But nobody in Washington wants to talk about that. They’re only interested in prosecuting BUSINESSMEN for doing what the GOVERNMENT forced them to do.

YOU CAN’T TARGET A SINGLE ORGANIZATION: Congress has “defunded” ACORN (for a whole month). They are “investigating” them. ACORN has filed suit against the government, saying, “Congress can’t ‘target’ a single group.” Why not? They’re FINANCING this “single group.” Seems like thaqt would be THEIR decision.

TYPICAL: This is so typical: “investigating” businesspeople for doing things the government ORDERED them to do and calling their actions “criminal.” But nobody’s “investigating” the politicians, right up to, and including TWO Democrat PRESIDENTS, who are REALLY responsible.

OBAMA’S DRAFT CARD: You’re being “drafted” into Obamalosi’s “medical care swindle” whether or not you want it. I don’t. I won’t sign up for it and they’ll probably put me in jail where they have to feed and clothe me. Which will cost them a lot more than it would to just ignore my reaction to their unconstitutional acts. IF they have room for me with all the VICTIMS of the “drug scene” they have in there.

DISTRICTS THAT DON’T EXIST: This is so typical of the liberals. Claim advances that don’t exist; and when caught, claim “a clerical error.” They say it has been so long since they had to tell the truth they’ve forgotten how (they didn’t say it that way). They said it in such a way as to absolve themselves of blame.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Say It Often

Liberals think if they say something often enough it will become true. Like the lie that Sarah Palin is “shallow” and doesn’t know enough to even be QUALIFIED to be president. They’re afraid she IS, and will be elected in a landslide if she runs (as an unashamed conservative) against that “man-child” now in the white House. They also say, “The era of Reagan is over.” They wish. The “era of Reagan” will NEVER be over. It is based on a set of VALUES that will never change. They HOPE it will change.

“FACT-CHECKING” BOOKS: They’re “fact-checking” Sarah Palin’s book, but not a single book written by a liberal. The New York times assigned ELEVEN reporters to “fact-check” Sarah’s book and found only 7 “errors,” mostly by misrepresenting what she said. I might become a believer when they “fact-check” Obama’s book or that of any other liberal. But it ain’t gonna happen. Will they “fact-check” AlGore’s book?

IRAN THUMBING NOSE: Ahminidjerk thinks he’s capable of “taking on” the world, including the United States. He’s wrong. He’s signing his death warrant, just as Saddam did with a similar campaign that got him “dumped,” then executed. Ahmadinijerk thinks that won’t happen to him. He’s wrong.

“CLEAN UP YOUR ACT”: Obama is telling Afghanistan President Karzai to “clean up his act” or lose our support. Maybe Obama should think about cleaning up his OWN act before he gives demands to Karzai.

NOT THE WAY: You don’t fight a war by making your generals wait MONTHS for a decision on sending the troops they need, then announcing to the world your decision after giving the enemy WEEKS of warning when you make a decision. What a JERK this president is!

DEMS BLOCKING ACORN INVESTIGATION: Everybody’s wondering why there is no meaningful investigation of the ACORN scandal. That’s easy; the Democrats are BLOCKING it. They don’t want an investigation of the organization that stole enough votes to get them elected. Enough that they “defunded” them for a MONTH.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obama Doesn't Want "Losers"

He wants there to be NO SCORING, anywhere. He feels “uncomfortable” with winning. How the hell did he get to be PRESIDENT, but by making “a loser” out of McCain? What a “double-thinker!”

WE’RE ALL EXTREMISTS”: Anybody who doesn’t agree with Obama and his gang of thieves while they steal everything that’s ours is “an extremist.” Of course, none of HIS gang are extremists. Not even the admitted communist he appointed to be one of his “czars” or the woman who says she “loves Mao Tse-Tung.”

LIMITLESS AMOUNT OF MONEY: That’s what Obama and his gang of thieves think we have, and he intends to spend as much of it as he can to make as many of us as possible dependent upon him so we’ll vote to keep him in office forever. He hasn’t a CLUE about economics, and neither do his advisers.

TALK AND MORE TALK: Obama seems to think that the answer to all problems is for him to make another speech. He has scheduled another “meeting” where he will make his speech to eliminate unemployment. He thinks that “talk” will make it “all better.” Meanwhile unemployment is at 10% and going higher. What a jerk!

MEDIA MAD AT OBAMA: They don’t like his “attack” on Fox News. They feel “left out.” They want him to attack them, too. His “attack” caused their viewer list to grow significantly.

NOBODY VOTED FOR HIM: Some wag recently said, “I can’t find anybody who voted for Obama. Then who voted him into the presidency? I guess people just don’t want to ADMIT voting for him.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

He's Almost Ready!

Watch closely, or you'll miss it! Obama is "this close" to making a decision on whether or not to send the 40,000 troops his generals have told him they NEED. And it only took him (so far) 9 months to "give birth" to this decision!

CONSERVATIVES ARE “CONTROVERSIAL”: Nowhere have I ever seen a LIBERAL described as “controversial” in the liberal media. But every time they talk about a CONSERVATIVE such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, or even ME, they add the tag, “controversial,” as if everything we say is suspect. But what we say is only “suspect” to LIBERALS because we disagree with them.

“POLITICAL MOTIVES”: That’s how the liberals in Obama’s “gang of thieves” refer to our disagreement with his scams and schemes, just as if only what HE and his gang are the only ones telling the truth or are operating from logical and honest, rather than “political” motives. How STUPID is this guy?

“SQUEEZING OUT” THE INSURANCE BUSINESS: That’s what Obama is doing by “competing” with them with a GOVERNMENT agency that does NOT have to make a profit, while THEY do. This will inevitably “squeeze them out.”

RECRUITING IN PRISONS: That’s the most “fertile ground”: for recruiting Americans for al Qaida or any other Islamic extremist organization because these people are already “disaffected” by BEING in prison. Never mind they committed CRIMES to GET sent to prison. But of course, they don’t consider that. They think they’re just being “picked on.”

WE’RE NOT AT WAR WITH TERRORISTS: Obama and his gang of thieves will just not admit we’re AT WAR with Islamic terrorism. He won’t even allow government people to CALL it a “war” any more (it’s now called “man-caused tragedy”). He has actually SAID that “victory is not an option” in Iraq or Afghanistan. What kind of a monster have we (not me) elected to run this country?

IT’S OBAMA’S FAULT: Everybody’s wondering why the vaccine manufacturers can’t seem to get enough H1N1 vaccine made as quickly as they promised. The Obama gang says they’re just incompetent. The TRUTH is, the Obama gang insisted it be produced in single-dose form instead of in bulk, which was much easier and much faster. Their promises were made on the basis of the bulk option.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Conservatives Are "Controversial"

Nowhere have I ever seen a LIBERAL described as “controversial” in the liberal media. But every time they talk about a CONSERVATIVE such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, or even ME, they add the tag, “controversial,” as if everything we say is suspect. But what we say is only “suspect” to LIBERALS because we disagree with them.

“POLITICAL MOTIVES”: That’s how the liberals in Obama’s “gang of thieves” refer to our disagreement with his scams and schemes, just as if only what HE and his gang are the only ones telling the truth or are operating from logical and honest, rather than “political” motives. How STUPID is this guy?

“SQUEEZING OUT” THE INSURANCE BUSINESS: That’s what Obama is doing by “competing” with them with a GOVERNMENT agency that does NOT have to make a profit, while THEY do. This will inevitably “squeeze them out.”

RECRUITING IN PRISONS: That’s the most “fertile ground”: for recruiting Americans for al Qaida or any other Islamic extremist organizations because these people are already “disaffected” by BEING in prison. Never mind they committed CRIMES to GET sent to prison. But of course, they don’t consider that. They think they’re just being “picked on.”

WE’RE NOT AT WAR WITH TERRORISTS: Obama and his gang of thieves will just not admit we’re AT WAR with Islamic terrorism. He won’t even allow government people to CALL it a “war” any more (it’s now called “man-caused tragedy”). He has actually SAID that “victory is not an option” in Iraq or Afghanistan. What kind of a monster have we (not me) elected to run this country?

IT’S OBAMA’S FAULT: Everybody’s wondering why the vaccine manufacturers can’t seem to get enough H1N1 vaccine made as quickly as they promised. The Obama gang says they’re just incompetent. The TRUTH is, the Obama gang insisted it be produced in single-dose form instead of in bulk, which was much easier and much faster. Their promises were made on the basis of the bulk option.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's All About Obama

Anything in which Obama is associated must be “all about him” or he is not interested. Like his invitation to speak at the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which he declined. He knew it would be devoted to Reagan’s memory, not HIM. So he wasn’t interested.

“CENTERED”: Liberals call what Pelosi and Obama are doing “moving toward the center.” What a LOAD! It’s “moving far LEFT! Moving toward SOCIALISM or fascism. This is how they fool people who “pay no attention to politics.”

WHAT’LL IT TAKE: To get RID of Barney Frank? I don’t care if he’s gay. That’s his business. But if he expects us to believe he was completely unaware that his gay lover was running a gay WHOREHOUSE out of his apartment OR that he didn’t know what a pot plant LOOKED like, he’s deluded. The liberal media isn’t interested, and neither is Congress. He needs to be in PRISON, not the Congress.

WHY WON’T HE ADMIT IT? The Obama administration is “fighting tooth sand nail” to keep from calling the army major who killed 13 people at Ft. Hood an Islamic terrorist. All evidence I’ve seen so far CONFIRMS it. Maybe it’s because he just doesn’t want to admit that his lax policies CONTRIBUTED to this attack.

CONSERVATIVES ARE “CONTROVERSIAL” Every time I hear about a known conservative in the liberal media, he/she is described as being “controversial.” They’re only “controversial” to liberals.

ARMY KNEW: That Maj. Hasan, the crazy Islamic terrorist who killed 13 people at Ft. Hood, was an Islamic extremist and was planning to kill people to make a point, as do most Islamic terrorists. What did they do? They “investigated” for six months while he prepared to kill people. He did it before they did anything about it, and 13 people are dead because the Army was AFRAID to get rid of an Islamic who told EVERYBODY what he was, to avoid “insulting Islam.” Are these people INSANE? Are they so “politically correct” they can’t act?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why Mention Hasan's Religion?

I couldn’t believe it when I heard one Fox respondent’s question about why we mentioned the Ft. Hood shooter’s religion. The answer is simple: we’re fighting Islamic terrorists for our very survival and shooting unarmed innocent people in large groups is what they do. It’s common sense. How can people BE so stupid?

$12 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT: And it’s predicted to reach $21 TRILLION dollars soon. This is not a debt YOU will have to pay. It’s one your GREAT GRANDCHILDREN will have to pay. They’ll be born TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. Yet Obama and his gang are gaily spending more and more of YOUR money. Money you don’t have. Can you stop him? YES! By voting his liberal friends out of office in 2010 and HIM in 2012.

TAKING IT BACK: In 2008, Obama carried Virginia, the first time in many years a Democrat has done so. In 2009, REPUBLICANS “took back” the governor’s office there. Is this an “omen” that Americans are “waking up” to Obama? I think so. I HOPE so.

USING MASSACRES TO PUSH GUN CONTROL: As usual, gun control fanatics will use the massacre at Ft. Hood to push “more gun control.” But if Ft. Hood (and other massacre sites) had not been a “gun-free zone,” the death tolls would not be nearly as high because there would probably have been someone there to kill the killer before he could kill a lot of innocent people.

IT’S NOT GUNS: Many people just don’t like guns, which is silly. Without a human hand to hold and point it, a gun can do NOTHING. If “bad guys” couldn’t be SURE his intended victims would NOT be armed, maybe he/she wouldn’t even TRY to kill innocent people in groups.

CHEAPENING LIFE: Liberals like to blame guns for high murder rates. But that’s a lie. They come from a certain “cheapening” of life that begins with allowing people to KILL the result of unprotected sex (which is a basic liberal tenet). This “cheapening” of human life is what leads to such things as mass murder. Not guns. Without guns, they’d use knives, swords, bats, cars, etc., which kill just as surely.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Slandering" Our President

One reader accused me of “slandering” our president. I asked her to give me ONE EXAMPLE of how I “slandered” Obama, but never heard from her again. I guess she couldn’t come up with a specific and preferred, like Obama himself, to just insult me with no proof of anything. In any case, TRUTH is not “slander.”

“NO DEATH PANELS”: Obama and his “gang of thieves” say there will be no “death panels.” There are ALREADY “death panels.” One citizen tried to get a H1N1 vaccine for his wife and was told he had to apply to the City Government for PERMISSION. They refused it and his wife died from complications of the “swine flu. Sounds like a “death panel” to me.

“CALLING US OUT”: Obama says he wants to “call us out” for the “misinformation” we are spreading. But the only “misinformation” out there is that HE is putting out. So I’m calling HIM out. I want to ask him some pointed questions and get REAL answers, not the “politician’s answers” that don’t even get CLOSE to answering the real question.

“BACKLASH” AGAINST MUSLIMS: That’s what Obama and some of his gang are worried about. Backlash HE says will come from “the right wing.” I got a clue for him. There wasn’t even a “backlash” against Muslims after 9/11! So is he trying to CREATE this backlash for his own purposes, or what?

THEY CAN’T COMPETE: So they want a new list. On every “best-seller” list, there is one or more CONSERVATIVE books at the top. Sarah Palin’s book was number one even before it was released. Glenn Beck had first and second AT THE SAME TIME! So they want to start a list, just for LIBERAL books so they’ll have something to shout about. They can’t win on a list for both sides, so they want their own list.

BLAME CONSERVATIVES: For everything bad that happens. When a renegade bombed a government building and killed hundreds of people they (mostly Clinton) tried to blame Rush Limbaugh and other conservative pundits, saying it was “their rhetoric” that caused this madman to “snap,” not his extremist bent. The Muslim Army major who murdered 13 unarmed soldiers in a “no-gun zone” on an Army base “snapped” after hearing too many “horror stories” from his patients (whom he was trying to recruit for “the cause”). Forget he tried to tell anybody who would listen what he was, but nobody listened. They’re listening, now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Truth Doesn't Matter

Remember that news anchor who showed us phony documents alleging that George Bush avoided service, then when he was found out, said, “Sure they were phony. But since we knew it was true, we went with it, anyway.” Liberals (Democrats) are still doing that. Watch for it in anything brought to you by the liberal media.

A RACIST WORLD: Obama told us if we elected him it would “destroy racism forever in America.” He lied. It made it worse, since EVERYTHING he doesn’t like is “racist. Disagree with him on ANYTHING and YOU are a racist. or extremist, or worse.

NOT TERRORISM: The Ft. Hood shooter was shouting, “:Allah Akbar!” as he murdered a bunch of unarmed troops after posting on extremist web sites saying suicide bombers were like soldiers “Falling on grenades” to save their buddies. How stupid do they think we are?

THEIR BEST WEAPON: The best weapon the Islamic terrorists have against us is our own liberals, who have made it a CRIME to “profile” ANYBODY, for ANYTHING. They Wonder why we talk about Major Malik’s RELIGION when he shouted “Allah Akbar!” ("God is Good") a Muslim mantra, while murdering unarmed soldiers in what is essentially a “gun-free zone” on a military base. How STUPID are these people?

WHY A “GUN-FREE ZONE?” Why the hell an ARMY base would be a “gun-free zone” (except for on-duty soldiers) is beyond me. These people are trusted with guns while working, why not for self-defense? Typical liberal crap.

P-PTSD: Liberals are trying to tack a “pre-post-traumatic stress syndrome” (a twisted made-up diagnosis not supported by fact) onto the Ft. Hood shooter, who has NEVER been in a war zone and spent most of his “counseling” time trying to RECRUIT soldiers to “the cause.”

LISTENING TO HORROR STORIES? Would that have the effect on a psychiatrist of making a mass murderer out of him? Not even. Unless he was already bent in an Islamic extremist direction.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Celebrating Piracy

In Iran, they CELEBRATE the kidnapping of American diplomats thirty years ago. An action in which the current president, Ahmadinijerk, was intimately involved, as a KIDNAPPER. There is a PICTURE of him among the kidnappers. Is there NOTHING to which Islamic terrorists will not stoop?

LIBERAL FASCISM: Most people don’t know that Woodrow Wilson jailed more people just for disagreeing with him than Mussolini ever did. Nor do they know that both Lincoln AND FDR tried to “pack” the Supreme Court with their own people so they would not declare some of their unconstitutional measures to BE unconstitutional.

THEY CALL IT “RELIEF”: But what it really is, is a way for them to take even more control over your life. If you don’t realize that, or just find out for yourself, you’re lost.

LIKE KENNEDY LOSING IN MASSACHUSETTS: The Democrat loss in New Jersey and Virginia is sending “shock waves” through the Democrat Party. They’re trying to minimize it, but they can’t. Not only are they struggling to get enough votes to impose Obama’s health care swindle on us, now they’re starting to lose elections they should have “in the bag.” This is TERRORIZING them.

CASH FOR CLUNKERS FAILURE: Obama would like to have seen people collecting the $4500 “free money” he offered for trading their old gas burners in on newer “less-gas-burners.” But that didn’t happen for the most part. Example: they traded in Ford F150s on a newer model of the same truck, saving, maybe 3 MPG. Many traded for cars using MORE gas. So, just based on its goal, it spent $3 billion taxpayer dollars for what amounted to a 3-MPG advantage.

OBAMA AND LOGIC: He has shown his illogic many times. One, in his attempt to do away with “pre-existing conditions” in health insurance, and two, his determination to move Gitmo prisoners to the United States and give them the same constitutional rights as Americans. These people are the same thing as prisoners of war, but without even THOSE rights, NOT American citizens, and are not ENTITLED to constitutional rights; just as is it not a good idea to sell health insurance to someone already sick.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It'll Cost You Nothing!

That’s what Obama is telling us about his health care swindle. It’s a lie (But what isn’t, if it comes out of Obama’s mouth?) Have you EVER seen a “government program” that cost NOTHING? Or one that EVER cost less than you were told it would? How STUPID do they think we are?

THE LIBERAL MEDIA DANCE: “The liberal media refer to anti-Bush protesters as patriots, but call conservative Town-Hall protesters ‘Nazis and ‘unruly mobs’ “. This is how they twist the news outrageously. (Media Research Center)

MEDIA DOUBLE STANDARD: “Media figures harping for days when a Republican is caught in a scandal, but are silent and omit key facts when the same happens to a Democrat.” (Media Research Center) In this way they “protect” Democrats. And if they’re FORCED to report about a Democrat scandal, they mysteriously omit the fact that that politician is a Democrat.

KING’S A FOOL! Larry King and his “painted on” suspenders is talking about the “threat” of the right wing. There IS no such “threat” unless you’re a fool. The right wing is only a “threat” if you want this country to become a socialist nation with Obama and his free-spending of “other people’s money” at the top.

OBAMA’S PROMISES: He made more than 500 promises to the American people during his campaign to be elected president. How many did he keep? Not very many, and most of them he DID keep, we don’t want.

OBAMA BELITTLES ELECTIONS: Obama’s press flack, Robert Gibbs, dismissed the Nov. 4th election results, saying the president has things more important to do than keep track of every election. What a load of BS. EVERY president keeps very close track of EVERY election, especially when he is busily raping the people as Obama is.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obama's Downfall

The governor’s races in New Jersey and Virginia have been widely considered “key races” in Obama’s bid to retain power for himself and his fellow swindlers. I hope this election signals the complete downfall of Obama and his accomplices in Washington. The Democrats call it a “frightening omen,”

LIBERAL “CODE WORDS”: “Political Justice,” “Economic Justice,” “Social Justice,” and any other combination of words with “Justice as the suffix." Any such comment is a “liberal code-word” to mean some form of collectivism (socialism, fascism, or even communism).

THE BREAKING POINT: Obama has taken his election as permission to go completely WILD in moving us closer to collectivism (socialism, fascism, etc.) It is NOT, as he is about to find out, to his chagrin.

UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS: Our lawmaking bodies are constantly and (if we let them) passing laws that are patently unconstitutional, then enforcing them until somebody who has enough money to hire expensive lawyers and take it to court succeeds in having it DECLARED unconstitutional. It happened in Colorado, where Democrats attempted to pass a law allowing them to steal . . . er, uh, confiscate cars driven by people who don’t have their driver’s licenses with them. It would be “cruel and unusual punishment, since that car might be worth $50,000. That’s a BIG punishment for a small paper violation. But it “went down in flames,” losing by almost 2 to 1. I guess we’re not TOTALLY stupid yet. But they’ll try again, count on it.

“BENEATH HIM”: Many people say Obama’s fight with Fox News is “beneath him.” I disagree. There isn’t much “beneath” his “Chicago Thug Politics.”

THE “BIG LIE”: Obama’s liberals told us there was a recession when there was none. Now he’s “in charge” and he and his people are trying to convince us there IS none.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bailing Us Out

Obama and his gang are giving away a LOT of OUR money, hoping to “stimulate” the economy. Why not just lower taxes by that much instead of collecting the money from those who earn it and giving it to those who don’t? The answer is: if they can GIVE that money (and control to whom it is “given,” they get more POWER). They won’t even entertain the IDEA of just lowering taxes, even though it has created “boom conditions” every time it has been tried, even by a DEMOCRAT president (John Kennedy)

GO BY WHAT HE DOES: Not what he says. Obama will lie at the “drop of a hat,” and he will even drop the hat. So you can’t go by what he SAYS. You have to wait and see what he DOES. He has made more promises than there is money in the WORLD to keep.

TRADING ONE RAPIST FOR ANOTHER: The Obama camp says the health care swindle offered by Obama will cost NOTHING (There has never been, and will never BE a “government program” that costs us NOTHING!) and stop the insurance companies from “raping us.” So should we then allow the GOVERNMENT to “rape us?” should we trade one bunch of rapists for another??

DEFLECTING CRITICISM WITHOUT DEBATE: Just call them names. Then they’ll be too busy trying to defend themselves and you won’t have to answer their questions or charges.

DEMOCRAT PROMISES: “Bait & Switch” swindles. They promise you everything, but never deliver. Meanwhile, they get your vote

“DEFUNDING ACORN”: Another liberal swindle. They “defunded” ACORN for ONE MONTH so they could say they did it. Democrats aren’t REALLY going to defund ACORN. They’re responsible for getting them elected by stealing the vote for them.