Friday, October 9, 2020

Wrong Decisions

Liberal politicians are prone to making questionable, even wrong decisions in response to any problems. The current one is releasing convicted felons to commit more crimes, supposedly to keep them from contracting the virus. Another is stopping convicting those arrested, and turning THEM loose to victimize honest people. Frankly, I don’t think we need to protect jailbirds from the virus more than honest, law-abiding people. I think the law-abiding people deserve much more consideration than do criminals.

NO REASON FOR VIOLENCE: The Dumbocrats and their supporters think it is okay to do violence to people who oppose their views. It is NOT. There is NO REASON for violence against those who oppose your views. Better instead you get together and discuss your differences. Neither of you might change the other’s mind, but that’s the same result you will get if you do violence to your opposition—and, depending on who you choose to do violence to, you might even find yourself the victim of return violence. Not all people are willing to accept your violence, and will do violence on you in return. Especially Trump people. Are you prepared for that?

TRUMP RIDE CRITICIZED: Surprise, surprise! President Trump did something and the left criticized him for it. Is that news? Not a bit of it. If Trump petted a dog he would be criticized for assaulting that dog. If he eats a hamburger, they will say he was assaulting that cow. If he farts, he’s “fouling the air.” If he does nothing for fear of being criticized, they’ll criticize him for his “inaction.” The man can’t win. Everything he does is criticized by the left, so he might as well “do his thing” and ignore the criticism—which he is doing. And that makes the left crazy.

LEFT WISHES TRUMP DEAD: Out of the realm of overdoing it, comes three major newspapers assigning reporters to update Trump’s obituary. They want to “be ready” if he dies of the virus. No—actually, they HOPE he succumbs to the virus and this is the way they show it whether or not they know it. Politics today is at its lowest. Like whale dung on the bottom of the ocean. When John Kennedy was president, he had his critics, but only one wanted to kill him, and did. Trump has many more who want to kill him because he’s out to stop their corruption, and I expect somebody to make a serious attempt to kill him.

WHO THE HELL CARES? Dumbocrats are whining that Trump is “not following Ginsberg’s dying wish.” But who cares what her dying wish was? He is doing what the law both allows, and commands he do: name her successor as soon as possible, whatever her dying wish may be. Her dying wish is NOT law. Dumbocrats are trying to shame him into committing political suicide by allowing them to POSSIBLY name yet another liberal to the court. He is not going to do it. His appointment will get a vote—and soon—no matter what Dumbocrats say.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: People keep asking if Trump can beat Biden. The real question is if incoherent Biden can beat Trump. He doesn’t have the chance of an ice cube in hell. He doesn’t even know where he is most of the time and at times he thinks he’s running for the senate. One time he promised to beat Joe BidenBoth Biden and Kamala contributed bail money for rioters, who will be rioting again tomorrow—maybe even today… People are asking if murder charges against Kyle Rittenhouse will stand. My answer is NO, if it goes before an HONEST judge. If not, I wonder. Those crooked prosecutors will probably go “judge shopping” until they find one that will send him away… It’s a badge of honor. Liberals wanting you fired. They’re trying now to get Tucker Carlson fired, so he must have really hurt them .and revealed something they didn’t want you to know…


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