Thursday, October 8, 2020

"Don't Knock Catholics!"

That’s what fellow Catholic Nancy Peelosi says to Dumbocrats as they try to savage Trump’s Supreme Court nominee because of her faith. Nancy realizes that’s a wrong tactic, since almost everybody has a “religious connection” of one kind or another, and to disparage somebody because of their religious faith would be a mistake. It would offend all others of the same faith, and she doesn’t want that. She figures they have enough other things to throw at her, they don’t need to disparage her “religious connection,” which is something Nancy shares.

INAPPROPRIATE TOUCHING”: Yet another woman has come out of the woodwork to accuse Joe Biden of “inappropriate touching.” Does anybody think that will hurt his non-existent chances? Not a chance. Such accusations have become so common, and without proof of any kind, that people now tend to ignore them. I know there have been many such unsubstantiated accusations against President Trump, and THEY have been ignored, as they should be, since there is no proof of anything, only the unsupported word of the accuser—and anybody can accuse anybody of anything, if no proof is required. They’ve worn it out, people. Nobody cares, any more.

TAX AVOIDANCE”: The Dumbocrats are making hay out of the fact that President Trump paid little or no income taxes for several years—as if that were against the law. It was NOT. He not only made no money in those years, he LOST millions of dollars—and so didn’t OWE any taxes. If you make no income, you don’t have to PAY taxes. Him, and you, too. There’s no crime here, and no corruption. He obeyed the same laws you obey when you have no income. He didn’t give money HE DIDN’T OWE to the government in those years.

NANCY’S MISTAKE: When she pushed for a change in the rules to help Dumbocrats, she didn’t think it through—which is as usual for liberals. They often do things that come back to bite them in the butt, and that’s exactly what Nancy did when she made a rule allowing voting by proxy for members in quarantine for the virus. Which means there is no impediment to holding a vote on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee before the election, which will be a disaster, for her if that nominee is confirmed.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: California Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton says “We must consider the needs of the looters before charging them with a crime. She’s a damned fool. The law is the law, and looting is AGAINST the law. Lawbreakers are subject to being punished for violating them, no matter what “their needs” may be… The Dumbocrats hate it. But they can’t stop it. The “Market” is approaching the record levels the same as BEFORE the virus depressed the numbers, while the pandemic continues on. They can no longer say Trump is responsible for a bad economy, when it is so obviously still a BOOM economy, and they did NOT cause it. Trump did… Liberals are incensed that President Trump did not condemn Kyle Rittenhouse, even though Rittenhouse was clearly acting in self defense. They think the president should accept their lies about his situation and are mad because he saw through it…


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