Friday, October 23, 2020

Right Delayed, Right Denied

The Constitution is very clear in the Second Amendment: It says plainly: “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The organized militia” is moot, since none existed at the time of the writing. That government considered ALL AMERICANS to be the “organized militia” to be called up when needed. And that government, not being “awash in money” as is the current one, wanted them to bring their own guns. So ANY LAW limiting or licensing the purchase and use of guns is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In many states, the issuance of “gun permits” lies in limbo as bureaucrats “drag their feet” in approving them so as to limit the number of guns that can be sold and/or used—which is an “infringement.” The delay is but a further infringement by the infringement of the law, itself.

GUN CONTROL: WRONG ANSWER: Individuals, and politicians with limited intelligence keep blaming guns for “gun crime,” when they should be blaming the HOLDER of the gun for the crime, and trying to figure out something to do about that, instead of pursuing their futile quest to make all millions of guns (only the legal ones) in existence disappear, ignoring the millions of ILLEGAL guns in the hands of those with criminal intentions. There isn’t a single “gun control law” that has done ANYTHING, ever, to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” because those with criminal intent do not get their guns legally, nor do they stand for background checks.

POLLS SHOW BIDEN LEADING: But reality intervenes. If he’s leading, especially by the double digits claimed, why can’t he draw a crowd? If Trump is so far behind, why does he regularly draw massive crowds? Frankly, I think the polls are rigged to make it LOOK like Biden is leading when he is nowhere near leading. The purpose being to draw as much more money as they can from gullible liberals, to keep him in the lead. We have to remember that Hillary was also “leading in the polls’ at this point, and she LOST. It that doesn’t tell you something about the polls, nothing will.

CAN’T WIN WITH WORDS: So they turn to violence. At a “Free Speech Rally” in San Francisco, ANTIFA goons actually physically attacked the organizer as he approached the stage, shouting racist comments and knocking his teeth out. This, while protesting freedom of speech. The rally was canceled after the ANTIFA goons threw glass bottles containing unknown liquid, eggs, and other missiles at the stage, and the cops had to actually escort them to their cars, to protect them. Meanwhile, the cops made no arrests. Why they didn’t arrest the goon who knocked the organizer’s teeth out, I can’t fathom—unless they secretly were applauding his assault. It’s a sorry day when politics has descended to this level, and it is the Dumbocrat Party that is responsible. They created ANTIFA, and BLM.

DON’T BELIEVE THE POLLS: They are uncommonly skewed in favor of the Dumbocrats, just by the way they are run. And they are easily skewed, or lied about. Those commissioning polls can dump results with which they don’t agree and just LIE about them because respondents are anonymous and can’t dispute them. And then there is just where they ask questions. If they take the poll in predominantly Dumbocrat territory, they will get the answers they want. That old saw about taking a poll in the lobby of the Dumbocrat Party building isn’t as far-fetched as you would imagine. Then there are the loaded questions like, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Some questions posed as yes or no questions, either answer gets the same result, when putting the question in context would clarify. But the form only lets you check a yes or no box.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They asked a potent question: “There are demonstrations every time a black man gets shot by a cop, even when that cop is shooting back, so where are the demonstrations when a cop gets shot by a black guy while sitting in his patrol car doing paperwork? I guess they just don’t care about that… A police chief asked an important question: “People want to disarm the cops. So how about disarming the criminals? That seems more important, to me… Izzat racist? The CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on immunizations says, “We’ll just get rid of all whites in the United States.” How’re they gonna do that? Kill them? Or just run them off? What we really need to do is get rid of this racist… The left is screaming, “Don’t let Trump name RGB’s replacement!” All the more reason to “git her done”


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