Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump "Promises Violence?"

That’s about as god a laugh as I’ve had today. Dumbocrats have been promising violence if they lose the election for a long time. And showing they mean business by sending out ANTIFA and BLM thugs to DO violence, only on Trump supporters. They’re well known for accusing Republicans of the very things THEY are doing, and this is just one more example of that. Dumbocrats are the biggest liars in his election or the last, and now we’re onto them. So maybe they ought to just shut the hell up. Nobody with any intelligence at all believes a word they say, anyway. And they wonder why they lose elections.

BIDEN KNOWS IT ALL: Stupid Joe Biden thinks he’s an expert in everything. Especially guns. But he’s not. Three times now he has made silly, stupid suggestions about guns. And when people take his advice, they get in trouble. The first was to take a shotgun and fire a warning shot. A man did it and got himself arrested for a “dangerous discharge of a firearm.” Next, he recommended that if somebody comes to your door and you’re afraid it’s a home attack, just shoot through the door. Now that WILL get people killed, and the shooter some prison time, or worse. Now he’s telling cops not to shoot to kill, but shoot the suspect in the leg. That’ll get some cops killed, because a leg wound does not end the threat from an armed suspect who is trying to kill you. Cops shoot “center mass” to end the threat.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”: What part of that does Joe Biden not understand? He thinks ammunition is not covered by the Second Amendment, but he’s wrong. A gun is useless piece of metal without ammunition, so to ban ammunition sales, in any way, IS an “infringement” on our Second Amendment right NOT to have our ownership and use of guns “infringed.” He is also proposing the ban of sales of guns and gun parts on the Internet, which is also an infringement. But then Joe isn’t too bright, especially where guns are concerned. He recommends firing warning shots if you feel threatened, or shooting through a door. He also thinks shooting a bad guy in the leg who is trying his best to kill you will end the threat. It will not.

SELF DEFENSE IS NOT PATHOLOGICAL: One of the favorite things for anti-gun fools is to call those who wish to have guns for self defense are “pathological.” How stupid is that? Is Jay Leno pathological because he likes vintage cars and collects them? It’s easy for those too stupid to know anything to accuse somebody of being pathological when they have no idea what pathological is. It’s just another unsupported insult to people who realize that the cops can’t be everywhere, all the time. And the chance that they will be there at the very time you need them is rare. So who is therefore responsible for your safety? YOU. And if you’re not equipped to BE safe, you’re not safe.

COLLECTIVE IGNORANCE: There’s a difference between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance is a simple lack of information; stupidity is knowing the facts and acting stupid, anyway. But the amazing ignorance of Dumocrats astounds me. Anybody with any intelligence ata= all knows that the thugs who bring illegal aliens across the southern border are called :coyotes.” So that’s what President Trump meant when he mentioned “coyotes.” And, predictably, leftists “lost their minds,” asking the world, “How can that furry little critter carry a human being across the border?” Thus illustrating their amazing ignorance. Somebody needs to take them to school—a real school, not the brainwashing factories other leftists run.

JOE CONFIRMS IT: If Joe Biden were innocent of the charges that he is complicit in the “dirty dealings” of his son Hunter, when a reporter asks him about it, the obvious thing to do would be to simply deny it and go on from there. Not Joe. He refuses to answer and berates the reporter, thus confirming the information. Then he goes into hiding days before the election, after telling voters NOT to vote for him, that he is going to destroy an essential industry without anything viable to replace it, and WILL raise your taxes after denying over and over that he would. I’ve become convinced Joe doesn’t really want to be elected, and this is how he is going about preventing it, while pretending he wants it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: People are talking about “When law and order break down” as if that will happen in the future. I got news for them. It is ALREADY happening—as if you can’t tell by the uncontrolled riots going on all over the country in Dumbocrat-run cities while the cops stand and watch, or are nowhere to be seen, on orders from their liberal bosses… The ANTIFA scumbag who kicked that ANTIFA victim in the head from behind when he was down on the street has been arrested, charged with THREE felonies. He needs to get “the max” on all three and go away or a long time… Nancy Peelosi says, “Republicans who support Donald Trump will have dogy-doo on their shoes.” Only if they’re walking in your San Francisco, Nancy, where doggy-doo and human doo are so plentiful they have to map its location to help keep people from stepping in it. I can’t believe she’s stupid enough make that particular crack


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