Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Making Self Defense Illegal

I see a pattern developing in the “anti-gun” fight. That pattern is the disarming of the LEGAL gun owners while denying them the right guaranteed to them by the Second Amendment to the Constitution, to “bear arms” for self defense. I know self defense is not mentioned, but it is implied by the very existence of the Second Amendment. Look at recent history, if you will. In one place, a teenager was physically attacked by rioters, who promised to kill him for daring to try and defend a business from their violence. They were trying hard to kill him when he shot two of them to death, and wounded a third, saving his own life and the lives of many others in the process. So what did the local “authorities” do? They charged him with two counts of murder and one of attempted murder.

ANOTHER HONEST JUSTICE: Only a liberal hack will deny that the Supreme Court has been dominated by liberal justices for years, and that has resulted in some strange “rulings” over the years. One of those is “Roe v. Wade,” where the liberal court twisted the language of the Constitution to cause the murders of millions of innocent, helpless babies, before they get a chance to take their first breath. It has also resulted in many other strange rulings, including the one making same sex marriage legal. Liberal justices have “legislated from the bench,” and one even based a ruling on something he found in FOREIGN law, which was so obviously illegal it doesn’t even require mentioning by intelligent people.

GOTTA ELECT ME FIRST”: I was nonplussed at the arrogance Nancy Peelosi displayed when she told us we “needed to pass Obamacare to find out what’s in it,” and I’m still amazed at the sheer audacity of politicians who tell us they’ll only tell us what they’re going to do AFTER they were elected. That’s exactly what “Sleepy Joe” Biden told us when asked about the idea of “packing the Supreme Court.” That, alone, should be grounds to bar him from ever becoming president, if he hasn’t the guts to tall us he DOES plan to “pack the Court. His lack of a definitive answer tells us he DOES plan to “pack the Court,” if elected.

BRAZEN MURDER: In Baltimore, MD, the other day, a man tried to enter a bus and was refused entry, for reasons I don’t know. So he stole a bag of the driver’s belongings and ran. The driver pursued him, trying to get his property back. Whereupon the thug turned and shot him to death, returning to shoot him several more times, before a horrified audience on the bus. This sort of brazen crime will only increase as the campaign to deify the police gains strength, while liberal wimp politicians stand back and let it happen. The cops are looking for this murderer, and if they find him, he’ll probably be charged with littering, not murder, the way the liberal (Dumbocrat) “leadership” in too many cities operates.

PELOSI’S COUP: Somebody has got to “rein in” this bi...witch. She has spent the last four years running coup attempt after coup attempt in her zeal to unseat a legally elected president. First it was the “Russian collusion” false investigation, that failed so badly and led to the firing of James Comey, that rogue FBI Director. Then there was her ill-fated effort to impeach Trump that made her look so silly in the eyes of the nation. Then it was on to another scheme and another scheme, all of which failed badly. Her goal is so obvious, nobody can deny it (except her, of course). It is to unseat President Trump because he is getting closer and closer to her and her accomplices in his efforts to “drain the swamp,” as he has promised. Now she is trying futilely to use the 25th Amendment to unseat a completely healthy and able president. It’s one more effort at a coup, and she should be called to account for it. (Just common sense)

ONE MAN’S OPINION: She got what she deserved; the doctor who had the temerity to BRAG about killing babies before they could scream has lost her license. But not for that. It was because she lied on her application. Unfortunately, it’s only temporary, until they can look at allegations against her. I think it should be permanent, for her being a piss-poor human being that would take pleasure in murdering innocent babies… That sounds like treason, to me! A former Obama staffer is calling for a “civil war” to remove Trump from the White House… A “peaceful protester” arrested at DC was also at protests in Portland and Kenosha. Who paid to move him around? And is he on salary, or what? Good questions to ask… I got a question: Why do they have “gun crime” in “no guns Japan?” Good question… A black man was arrested for shooting at CHILDREN of Trump supporters. Media completely silent… If black lives matter so much, why do black men keep shooting each other to death? That’s what I want to know…Van Jones is a known communist. So why did CNN hire him as a “news analyst? That’s what I want to know…


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