Friday, October 2, 2020

Democrats: the Violence Party

There was a tine when opposing parties argued a lot, trying to present their ideas to the public. Those days are gone. The Dumbocrats want to commit violence against President Trump for the things he said during the First Presidential Debate, because they have run out of ideas. They think committing violence on this president will somehow advance their narrative—and they’re wrong. Violence just breeds violence. And I’ll guarantee you that any violence that is directed at this president will be met with equal or superior violence in return.

DIDN’T THINK IT THROUGH: As usual, Dumocrats make demands without ever considering the consequences. They’re demanding we change instantly from gasoline/diesel-powered vehicles to all electric ones without regard to just where all that electricity is going to come from. We’re already generating electricity at capacity, so how are we going to power those millions of vehicles. Plus, what are we going to do about all the unemployment there will be in the industry they’re insisting we abandon without an adequate replacement? Or do they just not care about that? It’s an impossible task, but they’re insisting we do it, anyway. But that’s their way: get what they want, no matter how many people get hurt along the way.

BREAKDOWN IN CIVIL ORDER: It’s a dark day in our history the day the cops started charging people with a crime for defending themselves and their property, as they’ve done recently in multiple cases, including that St. Louis couple who used their guns to stop “demonstrators” (translation: rioters) from assaulting them and burning their house down as they said they would do as they trespassed on their property. It’s the last vestiges of civilization when self defense becomes a crime. It is similarly wrong when they charge a 17-year-old kid with murder for shooting two thugs bent on killing him.

DEMOCRATS LOVE IT: President Trump has the virus. They are stopping all ads condemning him for inaction on the virus as a result, but they are giggling behind their masks at the thought of the president becoming a victim of the virus. They thought they could win the election by Biden campaigning from his basement, while Trump held tally after rally attended by thousands. And it still took close personal contact with one of his close advisers to infect him. But with Biden still hiding in his basement, all is not lost. Trump doesn’t need to campaign. He will win, based on his accomplishments, which others can recite, for him.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Black students petitioned BYU to have a “black only” dorm. Is that racist? It damned sure IS...They can’t find any real racism, so they pick something out and CALL IT racism, so they can gripe about it. Now some liberal professors are actually calling ENGLISH racist. Unbelievable. This is just the latest in a long list of silly things they call racistOne of “The Camel” Harris’ big lies at the Dumbocrat Convention: that Trump “put children in cages.” She doesn’t tell us that it was OBAMA who put children in cages, NOT Trump… In Portland, a “peaceful demonstrator” murdered a Trump supporter in cold blood. The violence is increasing, folks. The war to save the union is commencing. The supporters of the Dumbocrat coup are starting to show their true colors…


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