Thursday, October 29, 2020

Gun Control Is Stupid

I say that because gun control accomplishes NOTHING when it comes to reducing violent crime. Instead, it INCREASES it by disarming the law-abiding, making them into “easy targets” for law-breakers and their ILLEGAL guns. What they accomplish is the exact opposite of what they are claimed to do. The anti-gun fools have to know this, yet they keep making those stupid, unenforceable, useless laws while people die as a result. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is simple. Ignorance is a lack of information. Stupidity is knowing the truth and doing the same stupid things over and over again, as the anti-gun fools do.

DEFUNDING OUR PROTECTORS: Some extremist Dumbocrats want nothing more than to defund our protectors in as many ways as they can so they can, along with the other criminals, victimize us without worrying about being caught and put in prison—or worse. Many of them want to defund the police, putting us at the mercy of the criminals, crazies, and now Islamic terrorists. And our own politicians. Then, to compound the disaster, they want to defund the prison system and release millions of convicted criminals to prey on us some more. Now Dumbocrat candidate Cory Bush has shown her amazing ignorance by suggesting we defund the PENTAGON! Stupidity personified!

WHERE ARE THE DEMONSTRATORS? Thugs “demonstrate” (riot, loot, burn, do violence) nowadays every time a cop has to kill an out-of-control black man who is trying to kill them, regardless of the fact he IS trying to kill them and they gave him lots of warning, demanding he drop his weapons many times before shooting him. Never mind the facts, “demonstrate!” riot) to “prove your illegitimate point.” So if that criminal is successful in killing a cop, here are “demonstrations?” Nowhere, of course. Demonstrators about a criminal killing a cop won’t advance your narrative that cops “go out every day looking for a black man to kill.” So you ignore it. You are so transparent that only other BLM fools believe what you’re selling

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”: What is there about that the anti-gun fools do not understand? Their entire purpose is to get the government to violate a major constitutional edict. The Constitution is the very BASE upon which ALL our laws rests. Every law made—federal, state, or lower MUST conform to the constitution or it is not a law, at all. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is very simple. It says, “[T[he right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Period. You can ignore that reference to an “organized militia” because the Founders figured an organized militia to be ALL THE PEOPLE and they wanted them to bring their guns with them. So each and every anti-gun law that limits or bans gun purchase, ownership, and use is UNLAWFUL. Unlawful. Get it?

PHONY POLLS: I get really tired of the news media citing all those phony Dumbocrat-sponsored polls that are tailored to make the voters THINK that Trump is behind that feeble-minded old man who promises to raise our taxes while destroying essential industries. There isn’t ANY possibility that Biden is leading in the REAL polls when he stays home in his basement instead of campaigning, and when he does campaign he tells all about how he’s going to destroy this economy as we know it, violate the Second Amendment, and punish the REAL president who has actually DONE so much good for this country, instead of ruining it, as Biden promises to do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nancy tells another lie. She says her 25th Amendment movement isn’t about Trump. Strange timing if that’s true… Biden says the voters “don’t need to know” his stance on packing the Supreme Court. What an arrogant ass he is! He thinks he’s better than anybody else. How wrong he is… More than 36 street gangs in Chicago have just given the cops probable cause to shoot on sight, any gang member with a gun in his hand, by saying they will shoot any cop with a drawn gun they see. What a way to make things worse… Joe Biden called the whole idea of “packing the Court” a “boneheaded idea” in 1983, and it is still a boneheaded idea today, while Biden plans on trying it if (IF) he ever gets to the presidency… Biden says he was a regular at a black church when he was a teen, but they probably don’t remember that. Probably not, since Biden is such a liar about many things, this is probably a lie, too…


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