Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What They're Doing

Dumbocrats are well known for accusing Republicans of doing the very things THEY are doing, so it’s not surprising now they say the appointment of Judge Barrett “is an attempt to get things they could not do by legislation done by the Court.” That is precisely what Dumbocrats have been doing for these many years of appointing only liberals to the court. In truth, this appointment only makes it more possible for the court to return to actually ruling, based on the Constitution, not on the whims of the liberal Justices.

THEY’LL NEVER ACCEPT IT: That cop’s knee on his neck did not kill George Floyd. He died of an overdose of drugs he took to hide evidence from the cops. The knee probably didn’t help him very much, but he killed himself in his effort to hide the evidence from the cops. But you’ll never get to change the narrative the anti-cop fools have put out, no matter how many times this is proven. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. Similarly, Brianna Taylor was NOT just “an innocent bystander” when she was shot to death by the cops during their raid. She and her boyfriend were BOTH involved in the drugs and gun trade and the cops didn’t shoot anybody before her boyfriend shot a cop.

MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME: Noted pro-gun researcher has published comparative statistics on guns that prove conclusively that the more legal guns out there, the less crime accompanies them. There’s a simple and clear reason for that: legal gun owners usually don’t commit the crimes. Holders of ILLEGAL guns DO. And every “gun control” law that has ever been made applies ONLY to the law-abiding, LEGAL gun owners, completely ignoring those who buy their guns illegally, or just steal them. Making guns illegal to own is an incompetent response to a “gun crime” committed BY an illegal gun owner because that law goes after the wrong target. Something we can’t seem to get those anti-gun fools who make those laws understand. I don’t know if they’re stupid, or just don’t care.

REDEFINING COURT PACKING: Liberals are now doing what they do best: stonewalling us on whether or not they will try and “pack the Supreme Court” if they, by some miracle, get elected to the presidency in the short time Biden is president before he is either removed by the 25th amendment because his senility REALLY catches up to him, or he dies in office. We keep pressing them on it, and they keep “tap dancing” around the subject without answering. Biden has even said voters—his employers—don’t even have the right to know if he will or not, which is just about the most arrogant, egalitarian stance I’ve ever seen in a presidential candidate. Now, to divert us from the argument, they are trying to redefine “court packing,” even calling the appointment of ONE judge to BE “court packing.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: NFL coach says “White people need to be ‘educated’ about America’s real history.” What if I said, BLACK people need to be “educated” about America’s real history? Racist, huh? So why isn’t that coach being fired for being a racist? I wonder… Sixteen states have made laws BANNING Sharia Law. Why is it necessary to make laws against it? Sharia Law violates the Constitution on many levels, so why do we need specific laws against it? Sounds like some overkill, to me… Actor Will Smith is a documented racist. He wants to “cleanse the world of white people”… There are way too many people trying to define what IS racism. I’ve heard many claims, but one of the stupidest is the one saying “calling somebody a criminal is racist.” Does that mean all the people who call President Trump a criminal are racist, and not just stupid? So what do you call a criminal? Sounds like someone’s trying to make it difficult to describe criminals…


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