Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Moving the Goal Posts

If the Dumbocrats can’t win under current laws and rules, they always want to “move the goal posts” to favor their chances. We have always elected presidents by the Electoral College to prevent liberal coastal states from dominating elections, which they always do, as witness Trump (and several other presidents) “losing” the popular vote (comprised of liberal east and west coasters),so they CAN dominate elections. They want to “pack the court,” to compensate for Trump making the Court more fair by appointing justices who will do what they’re supposed to do, and vote, based ON the Constitution. Then there’s abolishing the filibuster and many other things.

I HOPE HE DIES”: Vicious politics. I may be wrong, but I have never seen politics to be as mean and vicious as it is today. Yes, Dumbocrats and Republicans oppose one another, but they have always seemed to be able to do it on a semi-friendly basis. Not so today. Today they’re wishing DEATH on the president because he is actually “draining the swamp,” as he has promised to do. They walk up and clock Trump supporters on the street, with no discussion, and others SHOOT and kill Trump people because they have different views.

EVERYBODY HAS A RELIGION: Whether it is a belief in God, or Allah, or the Devil, or no deity, at all. It is still a “religion,” to them. Even atheism is a religion. You don’t believe that? Try and change an atheist’s mind. If it is an ORGANIZED religion, “the dogma” is usually deeply embedded in people, as Senator Feinstein tried to emphasize. I’ll bet if you ask any Supreme Court justice now serving, you’ll find that most of them have a “religious dogma” embedded in them. We all have. That should never be an impediment to being appointed because it will always be there—in everybody. Deal with it.

CALIFORNICATING AMERICA: California wants to sue to force ATF to break the law in how they enforce their gun laws. They actually think a state court can order a federal agency to violate the law. They aren’t satisfied violating the law themselves, they want the ATF to do it, too. And, like most liberals, they’re stupid enough to believe they can force the ATF to do their bidding. I think they have a lot to learn about the people in the ATF. They are not so easily intimidated. They will tell the California fools to “stick it.”

STILL NOT GUN’S FAULT: Ready, fire, aim!” That has always been how the anti-gun fools operate. “See a crime, blame the gun!” Never mind the gun is useless until it is in the hands of a law-breaker. Until a human being picks it up and uses it for evil purposes, it’s just a “lump of steel,” incapable of hurting anybody. Like fire, a gun can be used for good or evil. But is anybody talking about banning fire? No. The number of guns legally sold recently has increased markedly, while violent crime has gone down noticeably during the same period. That pretty blows the anti-gun fool notion that guns are to blame for violent crime out of the water, doesn’t it? Yet they still maintain, in their abysmal ignorance, that banning guns would “solve the violent crime problem.” It will NOT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Biden “can’t remember any major riots during the Obama-Biden administration. What about the riots after the Ferguson cop killing of Michael Brown? Where the governor DID call in the National Guard. Or the riots in Baltimore? It must be nice to have a convenient selective memory… Jacob Blake’s father is getting a little ahead of himself. He says he isn’t going to talk to President Trump, and has already talked to President Biden. Of course Biden is NOT president, and never will be. But you won’t convince him of that… A “mostly peaceful” rioter in Portland, Oregon MURDERED a Trump supporter while the fires burned behind him in his “mostly peaceful” riot… How STUPID is that CNN “reporter” who stood in front of a rioter-set fire and proclaimed the riot “peaceful demonstration?”. Pretty stupid. But to be expected from the “liar news service”…


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