Tuesday, October 13, 2020

RBG Wishes Not Law

The Dumbocrats wish Republicans would “observe RBG’s dying wishes” and give the Dumbocrats ultimate power for the next few decades. We ain’t gonna fall for that crap! The law not only allows, but demands the current president fill that vacancy as soon as humanly possible, regardless of the election being soon, and that’s what he’s determined to do. And you know, when Trump is determined to do something it usually gets done.

THEY COULDN’T FIND ANY: A recent NBC “Town Hall” event pretended to have a bunch of “undecided voters” asking questions of the Dumbocrat presidential candidate. One little problem. They couldn’t find any. So they just used a bunch of Biden supporters and TOLD US they were “undecided.” It didn’t occur to them that this was dishonest. Or they didn’t care. They just wanted to pretend they were undecided voters so they could make it LOOK LIKE they were neutral while they lobbed “softball questions ”at Biden, when every one of them was a Biden supporter. It was “fake news” at its best (worst).

THEY CAN’T FIND RACISM: So they create some by selecting things everybody does or says on a regular basis, and declaring that to BE racism, even though what they base that on, they can’t say. Like Michelle Obama declaring that anybody who calls those race riots race riots are racists, and so calling them IS racism. That kills two birds with one stone: it blunts criticism while accusing people of racism that doesn’t exist. Those riots ARE violent riots, and that has nothing to do with race. See the burning buildings and the injured, even killed defenders. Like claiming Trump will not condemn “white privilege” when he has done so already at least 17 times. They just ignore that while making their false accusations.

LIBS DON’T UNDERSTAND ECONOMICS: Biden and Harris are very adamant that they will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.00 a year. That will “dry up” the investment market because financiers, who all make more than that, use money as their tool. Take that away from them and they have less to invest in needed projects. Therefore, needed projects don’t get financed, and so don’t get done. If you have a crumbling bridge that needs rebuilding, you need somebody with money to invest in rebuilding it. That hurts everyone, not just “the rich.” People like that don’t just have vast warehouses stuffed with static money. Investment money is what makes this world go around. Without it, the world stagnates. All Dumbocrats know is raising taxes, and that doesn’t work.

ARE THEY JUST STUPID? Or what? The anti-gun fools CAN’T be unaware that none of their anti-gun laws have ever done a thing to stop, or even reduce “gun crime,” as long as they target the gun, rather than the criminal using it. Moreover, their laws only apply to the law-abiding, who mostly are NOT the problem. It is the law BREAKERS who are. And they can’t get to them with their silly little laws. They just ignore them. And that the laws they do make simply make it easier for those criminals to victimize the law-abiding by disarming them. Background checks are useless because, like all their other laws, they only apply to the legal gun buyers, ad not those with illegal guns.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Liberals keep referring to President Trump as “a lawless president,” but they can’t point to any real laws he has broken. It’s all rhetoric… Joe Biden asks: “Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters?” The answer is, YES… I don’t know if Joe Biden just doesn’t want to be president, or if he’s just stupid. He’s got to be stupid if he thinks saying Christians should be added to the “terrorist watch list.” Christians are the most peaceful people I know. Not like Muslims, who want to kill people for not converting to their cult. And this country was FOUNDED on Christianity… A little too far: A salon was forced to remove an ad they ran to find a “happy hairdresser” because it “discriminated against UNhappy hairdressers. I wonder if the people who do things like this have nothing better to do. We know they’re stupid…


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