Monday, October 5, 2020

They Just Can't Change

Liberals everywhere are criticizing President Trump for NOT condemning white supremacy, when he has done so, many times. But they ignore that and continue to condemn him for not condemning white supremacy. That have centered on the “Proud Boys” because he didn’t specifically condemn them when he knows nothing about them. It would be a disservice to them to condemn them without knowing anything about them. For me, this is the first time I have heard the name, and I know nothing about them. They don’t have anything REAL to complain about, so they just make something up.

WAKE UP, LIBERALS! You’re destroying this country in your zeal to regain r retain the power you lost through incompetence. If you do manage to destroy this country, there won’t be anything left for you to exercise power over. But liberals never think things through. Like the liberal California governor who wants to ban gas/diesel powered vehicles without considering how they will be able to produce enough additional electricity to power the millions of electric cars he will have mandated. Then there is the increased unemployment factor among those he will have put out of work by his incompetent decision.

TRUMP TESTS POSITIVE: And the left rejoices. They are so hateful they hope he dies at the same time he is losing the election—which ain’t gonna happen. He will win it, based on his accomplishments, which people who pay attention know about, while those who don’t are ignorant of them. The “absolute lock” on information the left used to have is gone. There are way too many places now where intelligent people can go today to get the truth, instead of the lies the left-leaning media gives them. They are “onto you” lefties, and stay away from places like CNN and its ilk.

WHY ISN’T COMEY IN JAIL? Former FBI Diretor Comey has candidly ADMITTED to committing several felonies in his pursual of phony charges against Trump officials. He has admitted knowing that the author of the “Steele Document” was a Russian agent and phony as a $3 bill, but used it to get warrants, anyway. And he know about all the violations of human rights his agents used to get their “indictments,” but ignored them. So why is he not in prison?

ANTIFA ARE TERRORISTS! They were created by the Dumbocrats to use in harassing Trump supporters, wherever they can find them. Originally, they only resorted to beatings by gangs who ganged up on Trump supporters, but now they’re bringing guns and shooting them, as one lawyer in Colorado did. Then there are the cold-blooded murders elsewhere, that cannot be connected to the Dumbocrats because nobody can prove their connection to ANTIFA, as they couldn’t to their earlier creation, the KKK.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Some years ago our young people fought and died to defeat communism. Now, it has become “mainstream,” and our best known communist, Bernie Sanders, has not only acknowledged it, he BRAGGED about it… I had to laugh when I heard the mayor of Portland, Oregon asking Trump why he blamed him when it was Trump’s policies that caused all the trouble. Ifs this guy blind as well as stupid? Can he not see how it was HIS policies that allowed it to get so far out of control? He needs to “wake up” and smell the crap in the streets of San Francisco and know that it can come to his city too, if he doesn’t “straighten up and fly right”… “Mostly peaceful” left wingers murdered a conservative in Portland, and the crowd cheered. Just before the murder shot, there were hear cries: “Here’s a Trumper!” They tried to say the dead man was a “leftie” and black, to “rile up” the crowd. But he was white and an obvious (to intelligent people, anyway) conservative and Trump supporter…


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