Thursday, October 1, 2020

Biden Is Still Deluded

He now claims the Obama/Biden administration left Trump a “booming economy,” and “Trump caused the recession.” what a LOAD of bullsh-t! He’s ignoring the millions of unemployed while Obama sent jobs overseas and him telling us it was “the new normal and jobs would ever return.” Trump waved his magic wand and they returned—until the virus. They then went away, but have returned, again. Booming economy, indeed, Joe, It appears your best talent is lying to yourself so you can lie to the country. Even the NY Times couldn’t stomach that lie.

INCOMPETENT REACTION: Liberal politicians are incompetent. They prove it, every day, by their reaction to events. Such an incompetent reaction is their agreement with the “Abolish the Police” crowd, which includes the “Defund the Police” bunch. You do NOT throw away your best weapon against the violence and riots and looting and pillaging that is being done by the liberal mobs (spawned by the Dumbocrats). And that is only one of the most stupid things they have done, and it’s not the only one. Their refusal to back their cops leaves the way open for the criminals to commit their crimes without punishment. It tells the criminals.”Go ahead and do your crimes. We won’t stop you. It causes low moral among the cops who haven’t quitting disgust (yet).

I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND: The anti-gun fools have to know their laws do not work, so why do they keep on making them? Are they stupid, or are they just in it for the money they can con out of the gullible people who buy their BS? The entire idea that they can reduce or eliminate crime by eliminating guns is ludicrous. Crime preceded guns. Before guns there were swords and knives, and clubs. Criminals will always come up with weapons to use on their intended victims. The idea that you CAN eliminate guns is silly. There are millions of illegally-owned guns already out there and they will never be able to even FIND them, much less be able to take them away from criminals. So they content themselves with taking away guns from legal owners so they will be “easy targets” for those with illegal guns.

"YOU PAID MORE TAXES": No, you did NOT! Liberals (Dumbocrats) are having a field day with that “Trump paid no income taxes for ten years bit, completely ignoring the REASON he didn’t pay income taxes in those years is because he was not only not MAKING any money, he was LOSING billions. If you didn’t have any income, you would pay no taxes, too. And it would be just as legal as it was with Trump. They don’t want you to know that. They want you to think he got away with something, when he did NOT. He did what any American would do. He refused to give money HE DIDN’T OWE to the government.

HASN’T THOUGHT IT THROUGH: The former CEO of Twitter says, “Capitalists will be the first lined up against the wall and shot during the revolution.” If that Twitter CEO isn’t a capitalist, I don’t know who is! So will he go willingly to the wall so they can shoot him? I don’t THINK so! This is the kind of fool statement made by radicals, who always think it’s “the other guy” who needs to get punished when. If they do, he does, too. This guy has made millions promoting Twitter. That makes him a capitalist.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nancy’s really unhinged. Recently on MSNBC she told us, in her fear mongering, that Republicans “are coming for our children.” How far fetched is that? She’s actually losing her marbles. Those she has left, anyway. I call that “advancing senility.” She has too long been too old to do her job. But nobody has the guts to tell her… “Sleepy Joe” won’t take a drug test before the debate, which tells me he’s on performance enhancing drugs. He won’t let them check for electronic devices, which tells me he’s going to use them. He needs breaks every 30 minutes. I’m only 83 and I understand that for an old man like him… He’s so transparent… Jemile Hill says America is “like Nazi Germany.” While proving it is NOT. If it were, she would be in prison for saying that… Muslim groups blast Biden for distancing himself from Linda Sarsour. So the hell WHAT? Who cares what “Muslim groups” think, anyway? They’re only here to make trouble. Ignore them…


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