Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. He hides in his basement, rather than campaign most of the time, and when he does venture out, he gives us one or two reasons NOT to vote for him. Raising taxes is a “death knell” for politicians, so most of them deny they will then, after they’re elected, raise taxes. Not Joe. He tells us frankly (and has done so many times) that he is not only going to repeal all of Trump’s tax reductions, he is going to raise taxes further. Other politicians promise not to mess with the Second Amendment. Again, not Joe. He is a classic anti-gun fool and has promised to “come for your guns.” And to prove it, he has promised to appoint Beto, a virulent anti-gun fool who actually said, “Yes, we’re coming for your guns.” as his “gun czar” to do it.
DEMOCRAT POLITICAL CORRUPTION: I don’t know how they did it, but some stupid person saw to it that one of the most virulent Trump-haters was just put in a position to cause Trump to lose at one vote in his favor in the electoral College. Hillary Clinton has been appointed a New York Elector for the electoral College and has signaled her intention to vote for Joe Biden, no matter what New York voters wish. That signal alone should REQUIRE the Electoral College to reject her appointment and get her a jail sentence for political corruption. This bimbo has no business being an ANY place where she can cast a negative vote if the voters say otherwise. I never saw reason in some states not REQUIRING the Electors to vote according to voter wishes It’s an open way to screw up the election. One negative vote could turn the election on its ear if the numbers are close enough.
AN EXCUSE TO RIOT AND LOOT: The cops shot and killed a criminal who was threatening them with a knife. It is well known that if that criminal can get close enough, he can seriously injure, maybe even kill a cop. So the cops did the only thing they could do—they stopped the threat. It was a “good shoot” that took a violent criminal off the streets—for good. So all the scum and skels in Philadelphia went on the riot, and began looting and burning the businesses of innocent people, in spite of the sure knowledge it WAS a “good shoot.” I guess that doesn’t matter to those fools, who just want to loot and steal, and destroy the property of innocent business people.
THIS CAN’T BE SPONTANEOUS: Every night, somewhere, there is a riot with looting, burning, much destruction of personal property, and violence if anybody gets in the way of the rioters, most of which are ANTIFA or BLM. It has to be orchestrated and financed by somebody. George Soros, maybe? Somebody better wake up to the fact that these two bunches of criminals are all part of “the resistance,” which is dedicated to removing President Trump from office and establishing a socialist government, which will devolve, over time, into a communist government. Soon America will resemble the old Soviet Union.
ONE MAN’S OPINION: As usual, a Dumbocrat is accusing their opponents of what they are, themselves, doing. AOC (she hates that name) is now saying that Republicans would reject Jesus Christ should he come to the floor of Congress, when it is the Dumbocrat Party who would be much more likely to do that, considering their known anti-Christian stance… I’m wondering why we should vote for a dolt who can’t even remember what office he’s running for, or what state he’s in. He has twice recently said he was running for the senate. Biden is ready for “assisted living,” not the presidency… They keep telling me they have “enough evidence to put Obama away for life.” So why don’t they do it? I wonder if they’re just lying to make us think they do… Biden can’t draw a crowd. When asked about the very sparse turnout for his latest rally, he said they didn’t publicize it to keep the crowds down. Laughable. Big crowds aren’t something Biden needs to worry about…