Friday, October 30, 2020

Why NOT Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. He hides in his basement, rather than campaign most of the time, and when he does venture out, he gives us one or two reasons NOT to vote for him. Raising taxes is a “death knell” for politicians, so most of them deny they will then, after they’re elected, raise taxes. Not Joe. He tells us frankly (and has done so many times) that he is not only going to repeal all of Trump’s tax reductions, he is going to raise taxes further. Other politicians promise not to mess with the Second Amendment. Again, not Joe. He is a classic anti-gun fool and has promised to “come for your guns.” And to prove it, he has promised to appoint Beto, a virulent anti-gun fool who actually said, “Yes, we’re coming for your guns.” as his “gun czar” to do it.

DEMOCRAT POLITICAL CORRUPTION: I don’t know how they did it, but some stupid person saw to it that one of the most virulent Trump-haters was just put in a position to cause Trump to lose at one vote in his favor in the electoral College. Hillary Clinton has been appointed a New York Elector for the electoral College and has signaled her intention to vote for Joe Biden, no matter what New York voters wish. That signal alone should REQUIRE the Electoral College to reject her appointment and get her a jail sentence for political corruption. This bimbo has no business being an ANY place where she can cast a negative vote if the voters say otherwise. I never saw reason in some states not REQUIRING the Electors to vote according to voter wishes It’s an open way to screw up the election. One negative vote could turn the election on its ear if the numbers are close enough.

AN EXCUSE TO RIOT AND LOOT: The cops shot and killed a criminal who was threatening them with a knife. It is well known that if that criminal can get close enough, he can seriously injure, maybe even kill a cop. So the cops did the only thing they could do—they stopped the threat. It was a “good shoot” that took a violent criminal off the streets—for good. So all the scum and skels in Philadelphia went on the riot, and began looting and burning the businesses of innocent people, in spite of the sure knowledge it WAS a “good shoot.” I guess that doesn’t matter to those fools, who just want to loot and steal, and destroy the property of innocent business people.

THIS CAN’T BE SPONTANEOUS: Every night, somewhere, there is a riot with looting, burning, much destruction of personal property, and violence if anybody gets in the way of the rioters, most of which are ANTIFA or BLM. It has to be orchestrated and financed by somebody. George Soros, maybe? Somebody better wake up to the fact that these two bunches of criminals are all part of “the resistance,” which is dedicated to removing President Trump from office and establishing a socialist government, which will devolve, over time, into a communist government. Soon America will resemble the old Soviet Union.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: As usual, a Dumbocrat is accusing their opponents of what they are, themselves, doing. AOC (she hates that name) is now saying that Republicans would reject Jesus Christ should he come to the floor of Congress, when it is the Dumbocrat Party who would be much more likely to do that, considering their known anti-Christian stance… I’m wondering why we should vote for a dolt who can’t even remember what office he’s running for, or what state he’s in. He has twice recently said he was running for the senate. Biden is ready for “assisted living,” not the presidency… They keep telling me they have “enough evidence to put Obama away for life.” So why don’t they do it? I wonder if they’re just lying to make us think they do… Biden can’t draw a crowd. When asked about the very sparse turnout for his latest rally, he said they didn’t publicize it to keep the crowds down. Laughable. Big crowds aren’t something Biden needs to worry about…


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Gun Control Is Stupid

I say that because gun control accomplishes NOTHING when it comes to reducing violent crime. Instead, it INCREASES it by disarming the law-abiding, making them into “easy targets” for law-breakers and their ILLEGAL guns. What they accomplish is the exact opposite of what they are claimed to do. The anti-gun fools have to know this, yet they keep making those stupid, unenforceable, useless laws while people die as a result. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is simple. Ignorance is a lack of information. Stupidity is knowing the truth and doing the same stupid things over and over again, as the anti-gun fools do.

DEFUNDING OUR PROTECTORS: Some extremist Dumbocrats want nothing more than to defund our protectors in as many ways as they can so they can, along with the other criminals, victimize us without worrying about being caught and put in prison—or worse. Many of them want to defund the police, putting us at the mercy of the criminals, crazies, and now Islamic terrorists. And our own politicians. Then, to compound the disaster, they want to defund the prison system and release millions of convicted criminals to prey on us some more. Now Dumbocrat candidate Cory Bush has shown her amazing ignorance by suggesting we defund the PENTAGON! Stupidity personified!

WHERE ARE THE DEMONSTRATORS? Thugs “demonstrate” (riot, loot, burn, do violence) nowadays every time a cop has to kill an out-of-control black man who is trying to kill them, regardless of the fact he IS trying to kill them and they gave him lots of warning, demanding he drop his weapons many times before shooting him. Never mind the facts, “demonstrate!” riot) to “prove your illegitimate point.” So if that criminal is successful in killing a cop, here are “demonstrations?” Nowhere, of course. Demonstrators about a criminal killing a cop won’t advance your narrative that cops “go out every day looking for a black man to kill.” So you ignore it. You are so transparent that only other BLM fools believe what you’re selling

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”: What is there about that the anti-gun fools do not understand? Their entire purpose is to get the government to violate a major constitutional edict. The Constitution is the very BASE upon which ALL our laws rests. Every law made—federal, state, or lower MUST conform to the constitution or it is not a law, at all. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is very simple. It says, “[T[he right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Period. You can ignore that reference to an “organized militia” because the Founders figured an organized militia to be ALL THE PEOPLE and they wanted them to bring their guns with them. So each and every anti-gun law that limits or bans gun purchase, ownership, and use is UNLAWFUL. Unlawful. Get it?

PHONY POLLS: I get really tired of the news media citing all those phony Dumbocrat-sponsored polls that are tailored to make the voters THINK that Trump is behind that feeble-minded old man who promises to raise our taxes while destroying essential industries. There isn’t ANY possibility that Biden is leading in the REAL polls when he stays home in his basement instead of campaigning, and when he does campaign he tells all about how he’s going to destroy this economy as we know it, violate the Second Amendment, and punish the REAL president who has actually DONE so much good for this country, instead of ruining it, as Biden promises to do.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Nancy tells another lie. She says her 25th Amendment movement isn’t about Trump. Strange timing if that’s true… Biden says the voters “don’t need to know” his stance on packing the Supreme Court. What an arrogant ass he is! He thinks he’s better than anybody else. How wrong he is… More than 36 street gangs in Chicago have just given the cops probable cause to shoot on sight, any gang member with a gun in his hand, by saying they will shoot any cop with a drawn gun they see. What a way to make things worse… Joe Biden called the whole idea of “packing the Court” a “boneheaded idea” in 1983, and it is still a boneheaded idea today, while Biden plans on trying it if (IF) he ever gets to the presidency… Biden says he was a regular at a black church when he was a teen, but they probably don’t remember that. Probably not, since Biden is such a liar about many things, this is probably a lie, too…


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Corrupt Media

That’s what I call a media who ignores stories about a corrupt ex DA who declined to prosecute known gang members and allows them to go free to murder again; who slept her way into that position, which was a springboard to her becoming a senator and actually running for president, resulting in her being picked as a VP candidate. How can somebody this corrupt be taken seriously as a VP candidate in this world? Not surprising in a country largely run by Dumbocrats. When Joe Biden dies in office if he gets elected (a VERY long shot) she will become president, and finish the job Obama started of destroying this country.

IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER: Anti-cop fools will “demonstrate” (riot) ANY time a cop kills a black man, claiming that black man was unarmed, even when video evidence exists showing not only that the black man was armed, but was about to attempt to use his gun on the cop. Then more anti-cop fools will whine and cry about that black man and try (sometimes successfully) to make him a martyr in their efforts to defund or eliminate the cops, altogether. I would say I don’t know what their purpose in trying to get rid of the cops is, but I do know. They’re criminals, or wannabe criminals, and they see this as a way to paint good cops as bad, and use that to get rid of the police altogether, so they can commit their crimes without worrying about those pesky cops being on their trail.

TOTAL. COMPLETE. IGNORANCE: I can’t believe there are actually politicians who take defunding or abolishing the police seriously. That has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. When you throw out the baby’s bath water, you take the baby out first. Yes, there are a few “bad apples” in some police departments. That is no reason to get rid of the police completely. They are your protectors. The only reason the lawbreakers don’t “run all over you.” One of the stupidest things you can do is to get rid of an essential service without having something to effectively replace it. And the only effective replacement for the police is an armed force with the same powers under a different name.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? The liberal news media polls all have Joe Biden leading President Trump. How is that even conceivable, let alone possible? Biden does little campaigning, ans when he does have a rally, you have to search for enough people there to sardine for a picture of his “supporters.” Meanwhile, Trump does two or three rallies a day and you have to hunt in the long shots to find him, surrounded by thousands of his supporters. Trump has completely turned around the miserable economic numbers from the Obama administration. Under Trump, we went from Obama’s millions of Americans out of work to millions going BACK to work. Allowing fracking turned the oil business around, too. We went from begging people who hate us to let us import their oil at monumental prices to being oil independent, even becoming an oil exporter.

DEMOCRATS: A CRIMINAL PARTY: Has anybody noticed that the violence and death dealt out by ANTIFA and BLM are only to Trump supporters? Nobody goes out and commits violence to support the Republican Party position or President Trump. There hasn’t been a single instance of a Trump supporter walking up to a Biden supporter and punching him (or her) in the face, knocking two teeth out as they did at one police support rally recently. Dumbocrats have PROMISED much violence and looting, and burning of private property if Trump wins. They know they can’t win on the issues so they try their best to make us AFRAID not to vote them back into power. These are the actions of a CRIMINAL, not a “respectable political party.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Such ignorance in so many people! You’d think “Snoop Dog” was too smart to send the wife of the president a “terroristic threat.” Instead, he sends her a rape threat. That’s an actionable offense and I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t end up in prison… “Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes.” That’s what FORMER first lady Michelle Obama is telling us. Like that news reporter standing in front of a rioter-started fire telling us the “demonstrations” were “mostly peaceful.” Don’t believe what you see, believe what we tell you… Biden’s remark about seeing those young girls dance four years from now is just wishful thinking. He might enjoy the sight, but won’t be able to do anything about it. IF he's not dead by then… A CBS reporter says the White House is “scarier than N. Korea. Well, let him try to do there what he (or she) gets away with, here… “Slow Joe” Biden arrived in Gettysburg, PA and was met by a large crowd—of Trump supporters. Not a Biden supporter to be seen…


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump "Promises Violence?"

That’s about as god a laugh as I’ve had today. Dumbocrats have been promising violence if they lose the election for a long time. And showing they mean business by sending out ANTIFA and BLM thugs to DO violence, only on Trump supporters. They’re well known for accusing Republicans of the very things THEY are doing, and this is just one more example of that. Dumbocrats are the biggest liars in his election or the last, and now we’re onto them. So maybe they ought to just shut the hell up. Nobody with any intelligence at all believes a word they say, anyway. And they wonder why they lose elections.

BIDEN KNOWS IT ALL: Stupid Joe Biden thinks he’s an expert in everything. Especially guns. But he’s not. Three times now he has made silly, stupid suggestions about guns. And when people take his advice, they get in trouble. The first was to take a shotgun and fire a warning shot. A man did it and got himself arrested for a “dangerous discharge of a firearm.” Next, he recommended that if somebody comes to your door and you’re afraid it’s a home attack, just shoot through the door. Now that WILL get people killed, and the shooter some prison time, or worse. Now he’s telling cops not to shoot to kill, but shoot the suspect in the leg. That’ll get some cops killed, because a leg wound does not end the threat from an armed suspect who is trying to kill you. Cops shoot “center mass” to end the threat.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”: What part of that does Joe Biden not understand? He thinks ammunition is not covered by the Second Amendment, but he’s wrong. A gun is useless piece of metal without ammunition, so to ban ammunition sales, in any way, IS an “infringement” on our Second Amendment right NOT to have our ownership and use of guns “infringed.” He is also proposing the ban of sales of guns and gun parts on the Internet, which is also an infringement. But then Joe isn’t too bright, especially where guns are concerned. He recommends firing warning shots if you feel threatened, or shooting through a door. He also thinks shooting a bad guy in the leg who is trying his best to kill you will end the threat. It will not.

SELF DEFENSE IS NOT PATHOLOGICAL: One of the favorite things for anti-gun fools is to call those who wish to have guns for self defense are “pathological.” How stupid is that? Is Jay Leno pathological because he likes vintage cars and collects them? It’s easy for those too stupid to know anything to accuse somebody of being pathological when they have no idea what pathological is. It’s just another unsupported insult to people who realize that the cops can’t be everywhere, all the time. And the chance that they will be there at the very time you need them is rare. So who is therefore responsible for your safety? YOU. And if you’re not equipped to BE safe, you’re not safe.

COLLECTIVE IGNORANCE: There’s a difference between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance is a simple lack of information; stupidity is knowing the facts and acting stupid, anyway. But the amazing ignorance of Dumocrats astounds me. Anybody with any intelligence ata= all knows that the thugs who bring illegal aliens across the southern border are called :coyotes.” So that’s what President Trump meant when he mentioned “coyotes.” And, predictably, leftists “lost their minds,” asking the world, “How can that furry little critter carry a human being across the border?” Thus illustrating their amazing ignorance. Somebody needs to take them to school—a real school, not the brainwashing factories other leftists run.

JOE CONFIRMS IT: If Joe Biden were innocent of the charges that he is complicit in the “dirty dealings” of his son Hunter, when a reporter asks him about it, the obvious thing to do would be to simply deny it and go on from there. Not Joe. He refuses to answer and berates the reporter, thus confirming the information. Then he goes into hiding days before the election, after telling voters NOT to vote for him, that he is going to destroy an essential industry without anything viable to replace it, and WILL raise your taxes after denying over and over that he would. I’ve become convinced Joe doesn’t really want to be elected, and this is how he is going about preventing it, while pretending he wants it.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: People are talking about “When law and order break down” as if that will happen in the future. I got news for them. It is ALREADY happening—as if you can’t tell by the uncontrolled riots going on all over the country in Dumbocrat-run cities while the cops stand and watch, or are nowhere to be seen, on orders from their liberal bosses… The ANTIFA scumbag who kicked that ANTIFA victim in the head from behind when he was down on the street has been arrested, charged with THREE felonies. He needs to get “the max” on all three and go away or a long time… Nancy Peelosi says, “Republicans who support Donald Trump will have dogy-doo on their shoes.” Only if they’re walking in your San Francisco, Nancy, where doggy-doo and human doo are so plentiful they have to map its location to help keep people from stepping in it. I can’t believe she’s stupid enough make that particular crack


Monday, October 26, 2020

Another Trump Victory!!!

Amy Conley Barrett has been CONFIRMED to be a member of the Supreme Court, thus scotching the schemes of the Dumbocrats, who have used that Court for years to “get around” the Constitution and get things done they could not get done in the Congress. So now the Supreme Court will make decisions based ON the Constitution, as iT is SUPPOSED to do, not on the whims of Dumbocrat Justices. Some Justices, in the past, have even based their rulings on FOREIGN LAW, which is ILLEGAL. Justices who rule on ANYTHING but the Constitutional directives should be impeached--or however they can be removed. One of their very worst rulings, in Roe V. Wade, was responsIble for the MURDERS of millions of innocent, defenseless babies.

OVER AND OVER: We keep trying to get through the cement that seems to surround the reasoning part of the brains of the anti-gun fools with the truth that none of their anti-gun laws do anything like what they’re supposed to do, and end up butting out heads against the concrete. Then in places like Oakland, California, Los Angeles, and Chicago, just to name a few—all of which have tight anti-gun laws, shootings and murders continue to get worse, in spite of those laws—and they ignore that, too. They keep making their stupid laws—which do exactly the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. They disarm the honest, law-abiding people, making them “easy targets” for the law-breakers and their illegally-gotten guns.

TOTAL LIBERAL STUPIDITY: At the University of Minnesota they are now running a “12-Step Program On Recovering From Whiteness.” And people are actually taking that seriously. I can’t believe there are that many unbelievably stupid people in the world. This is all part of the liberal goal of CREATING racism against white people. Liberals are working hard to do that, and they’re succeeding among the ignorant of the country who believe the bulldung they’re being force fed by liberals about race. “Recover from whiteness?” You can’t “recover” from something you can’t change.

THEY CAN’T HIDE IT: Most of the polls say Biden leads Trump in important places, despite his hiding in his basement, rather than campaign. But, like they were in the last election, they’re wrong. Hillary was “leading Trump” by double digits at this point in that election, according to all the polls, and she LOST. One has only to look at the usual turnout at rallies held by both candidates to see the truth. Biden has a “mass rally” attended by maybe ten people, and sometimes by NONE. Trump announces a rally and multiple thousands fight to get in, with some being refused entry because the venue is overloaded. People have spontaneous “parades” in Trump’s favor that stretch for miles. Can the truth be more evident?

LOOKIE! HE’S RUNNING!” I’ve noticed something lately that has maybe been going on for a while and I didn’t notice. Ol’ Joe Biden leaving a stage or just walking across a parking lot, and he breaks into a trot for no apparent reason. I guess he’s trying to prove how spry he still is. I can’t think of any other reason for his breaking into a trot while heading to his car. But he’s not fooling anybody. He’s an old man trying to compete in a young man’s game. If he keeps up that “trotting” thing, he’s going to hurt himself.

DO YOU BLAME THEM? Cops in liberal-run cities that are trying to defund or disband the cops are quitting in droves. Others are quitting because their jobs have become so dangerous with thugs shooting them from ambush and killing them, that they dare not put on their distinctive uniform and drive around in their distinctive squad car without fearing some fool will whip out an illegal gun and kill them as they drive past. At the same time, their liberal bosses refuse to back them when they do their jobs, taking the word of thugs and criminals over theirs in all cases. Would you stay in that job? I damned sure would NOT.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: That well known traitor, Jane Fonda, is now saying, “We cannot ALLOW Trump to name a replacement for RBG on the Supreme Court.” Where does she get the ignorant idea he can be stopped? You don’t “stop” a president from doing what is his constitutional power… Dumbocrats are insisting Trump observe RBG’s dying wish that she not be replaced by him. Not going to happen. Trump isn’t interested in making Dumbocrats happy… The Dumbocrats don’t have any new “arrows in their quiver,” So they’re gonna try again what failed last time—impeachment. It won’t work this time, either… I keep hearing that Adam Schitt—er, uh, Schiff is going to lose his security clearance, but nothing ever happens. It rarely does with Dumbocrats… 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Right Delayed, Right Denied

The Constitution is very clear in the Second Amendment: It says plainly: “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The organized militia” is moot, since none existed at the time of the writing. That government considered ALL AMERICANS to be the “organized militia” to be called up when needed. And that government, not being “awash in money” as is the current one, wanted them to bring their own guns. So ANY LAW limiting or licensing the purchase and use of guns is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. In many states, the issuance of “gun permits” lies in limbo as bureaucrats “drag their feet” in approving them so as to limit the number of guns that can be sold and/or used—which is an “infringement.” The delay is but a further infringement by the infringement of the law, itself.

GUN CONTROL: WRONG ANSWER: Individuals, and politicians with limited intelligence keep blaming guns for “gun crime,” when they should be blaming the HOLDER of the gun for the crime, and trying to figure out something to do about that, instead of pursuing their futile quest to make all millions of guns (only the legal ones) in existence disappear, ignoring the millions of ILLEGAL guns in the hands of those with criminal intentions. There isn’t a single “gun control law” that has done ANYTHING, ever, to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” because those with criminal intent do not get their guns legally, nor do they stand for background checks.

POLLS SHOW BIDEN LEADING: But reality intervenes. If he’s leading, especially by the double digits claimed, why can’t he draw a crowd? If Trump is so far behind, why does he regularly draw massive crowds? Frankly, I think the polls are rigged to make it LOOK like Biden is leading when he is nowhere near leading. The purpose being to draw as much more money as they can from gullible liberals, to keep him in the lead. We have to remember that Hillary was also “leading in the polls’ at this point, and she LOST. It that doesn’t tell you something about the polls, nothing will.

CAN’T WIN WITH WORDS: So they turn to violence. At a “Free Speech Rally” in San Francisco, ANTIFA goons actually physically attacked the organizer as he approached the stage, shouting racist comments and knocking his teeth out. This, while protesting freedom of speech. The rally was canceled after the ANTIFA goons threw glass bottles containing unknown liquid, eggs, and other missiles at the stage, and the cops had to actually escort them to their cars, to protect them. Meanwhile, the cops made no arrests. Why they didn’t arrest the goon who knocked the organizer’s teeth out, I can’t fathom—unless they secretly were applauding his assault. It’s a sorry day when politics has descended to this level, and it is the Dumbocrat Party that is responsible. They created ANTIFA, and BLM.

DON’T BELIEVE THE POLLS: They are uncommonly skewed in favor of the Dumbocrats, just by the way they are run. And they are easily skewed, or lied about. Those commissioning polls can dump results with which they don’t agree and just LIE about them because respondents are anonymous and can’t dispute them. And then there is just where they ask questions. If they take the poll in predominantly Dumbocrat territory, they will get the answers they want. That old saw about taking a poll in the lobby of the Dumbocrat Party building isn’t as far-fetched as you would imagine. Then there are the loaded questions like, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Some questions posed as yes or no questions, either answer gets the same result, when putting the question in context would clarify. But the form only lets you check a yes or no box.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: They asked a potent question: “There are demonstrations every time a black man gets shot by a cop, even when that cop is shooting back, so where are the demonstrations when a cop gets shot by a black guy while sitting in his patrol car doing paperwork? I guess they just don’t care about that… A police chief asked an important question: “People want to disarm the cops. So how about disarming the criminals? That seems more important, to me… Izzat racist? The CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on immunizations says, “We’ll just get rid of all whites in the United States.” How’re they gonna do that? Kill them? Or just run them off? What we really need to do is get rid of this racist… The left is screaming, “Don’t let Trump name RGB’s replacement!” All the more reason to “git her done”


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Proving Our Point

The anti-gun fools keep wondering why we want to keep our constitutional right to “bear arms” for self defense against criminals, with their millions of illegal guns. Then we spend our evenings in front of our televisions while scenes of looting, violence, and burning o the property belonging to innocent people. We see instances of innocent bystanders being violently attacked by ANTIFA goons, BLM fools, and others while the cops stand by and watch, under orders from their weak-willed, liberal politician bosses, their hands effectively tied fill the screen. We see stories of prosecutors refusing to prosecute rioters who were looting, stealing property not theirs, releasing them to loot some more, violently attacking anybody who opposes them. This just proves our point that honest people need guns.

NOT WHAT THEY WANTED: Supreme Court nominee Amy Conley Barrett was asked if she could rule fairly on Second Amendment issues, since she owns a gun. She answered,”Yes.” Then liberal minds exploded. That was not what they wanted. They wanted her to say she could not. They wanted to promote the silly idea that gun ownership negates anything a person could say about the Second Amendment. Never mind that most of the anti-gun fools (for us, not them) themselves own guns. Sen. Feinstein does. So does Gabby Giffords and many other anti-gun fools. Barrett has pledged to rule, based on what the Constitution says, which is simply what she is mandated to do. The Second Amendment GUARANTEES our right to “bear arms,” so her rulings are predetermined.

FINE ’EM OUTA BUSINESS! Twitter and Facebook have spent most of this election cycle (or all of it, maybe?) blocking ANY Tweets or FB messages that might hurt President Trump, while “trending” those that make Biden not look bad (it’s hard to make him look good). They started this well before the election cycle. What they are doing is a consummate violation of election law. It is an “in kind” billion dollar “contribution” to the Biden campaign, and they should be punished for it. They should be made to pay a “massive fine” of the kind the government regularly places on environmental violators and other “white collar crimes.” Those constitute a precedent.

RACIST EVERYTHING: Today, since they can’t find enough real racism—except that against white people—they select things in general use and DECLARE it to be racism. Like the people at Cornell University who are now saying, “English Department” has a “racial connotation.” It’s a way to condemn anybody who uses the phrase, while they are innocent of ANY racism. Every day some fool comes up with something else to “declare” to be racism that people innocently use without any kind of racism in their hearts. The “racism charge” in a debate is an easy way for somebody who knows he has lost the debate to divert attention from his loss.

LIES AND DISINFORMATION”: One Dumbocrat defends the Twitter and Facebook’s censoring of anything good about Trump by saying they are “a repository of lies and disinformation.” So are those incessant political ads that go on the air daily telling lies and disinformation about their opponents. Should we find somebody to censor those? How about the overblown product ads on TV and elsewhere. They’re getting so blatant about it, I can watch an ad and SEE the “lies and disinformation.” But who is to decide what IS a lie or disinformation? Some “government agency?” I think not.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Tucker Carlson is effective. The evidence is how hard liberals are pushing to get him fired. And it is ALL liberals, Not a single conservative wants him fired. They just want to listen to him. If Fox caves and fires him, they will have made yet another major mistake… What’s the price of a life? The City of Louisville has paid the family of Breonna Taylor $12 million dollars for her death. Does that now make her death okay? I’m sure it makes her family happy. But it doesn’t do much for Brionna. She’s dead… Rioters are imbeciles. Now they want the cops to stop fighting them and allow themselves to be stabbed or shot. That’s about as stupid a thing as I’ve ever heard. But then, people who riot aren’t the brightest people in the world… It takes a special kind of stupid to be a liberal. The liberal politicians who voted in Minneapolis to defund the police are now complaining about the lack of police protection…


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What They're Doing

Dumbocrats are well known for accusing Republicans of doing the very things THEY are doing, so it’s not surprising now they say the appointment of Judge Barrett “is an attempt to get things they could not do by legislation done by the Court.” That is precisely what Dumbocrats have been doing for these many years of appointing only liberals to the court. In truth, this appointment only makes it more possible for the court to return to actually ruling, based on the Constitution, not on the whims of the liberal Justices.

THEY’LL NEVER ACCEPT IT: That cop’s knee on his neck did not kill George Floyd. He died of an overdose of drugs he took to hide evidence from the cops. The knee probably didn’t help him very much, but he killed himself in his effort to hide the evidence from the cops. But you’ll never get to change the narrative the anti-cop fools have put out, no matter how many times this is proven. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. Similarly, Brianna Taylor was NOT just “an innocent bystander” when she was shot to death by the cops during their raid. She and her boyfriend were BOTH involved in the drugs and gun trade and the cops didn’t shoot anybody before her boyfriend shot a cop.

MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME: Noted pro-gun researcher has published comparative statistics on guns that prove conclusively that the more legal guns out there, the less crime accompanies them. There’s a simple and clear reason for that: legal gun owners usually don’t commit the crimes. Holders of ILLEGAL guns DO. And every “gun control” law that has ever been made applies ONLY to the law-abiding, LEGAL gun owners, completely ignoring those who buy their guns illegally, or just steal them. Making guns illegal to own is an incompetent response to a “gun crime” committed BY an illegal gun owner because that law goes after the wrong target. Something we can’t seem to get those anti-gun fools who make those laws understand. I don’t know if they’re stupid, or just don’t care.

REDEFINING COURT PACKING: Liberals are now doing what they do best: stonewalling us on whether or not they will try and “pack the Supreme Court” if they, by some miracle, get elected to the presidency in the short time Biden is president before he is either removed by the 25th amendment because his senility REALLY catches up to him, or he dies in office. We keep pressing them on it, and they keep “tap dancing” around the subject without answering. Biden has even said voters—his employers—don’t even have the right to know if he will or not, which is just about the most arrogant, egalitarian stance I’ve ever seen in a presidential candidate. Now, to divert us from the argument, they are trying to redefine “court packing,” even calling the appointment of ONE judge to BE “court packing.”

ONE MAN’S OPINION: NFL coach says “White people need to be ‘educated’ about America’s real history.” What if I said, BLACK people need to be “educated” about America’s real history? Racist, huh? So why isn’t that coach being fired for being a racist? I wonder… Sixteen states have made laws BANNING Sharia Law. Why is it necessary to make laws against it? Sharia Law violates the Constitution on many levels, so why do we need specific laws against it? Sounds like some overkill, to me… Actor Will Smith is a documented racist. He wants to “cleanse the world of white people”… There are way too many people trying to define what IS racism. I’ve heard many claims, but one of the stupidest is the one saying “calling somebody a criminal is racist.” Does that mean all the people who call President Trump a criminal are racist, and not just stupid? So what do you call a criminal? Sounds like someone’s trying to make it difficult to describe criminals…
