Thursday, December 20, 2012

Made In China

Democrats made a “big thing” about some baseball caps they found (or made) featuring a Romney logo and a “Made in China” sticker as if the Romney campaign put them out. Turns out they didn’t. They’re even the wrong color. The one shown was khaki, which is a color the Romney people did NOT order. Another in the right color has the wrong logo on it. It is said that people make imitation products like this on a regular basis so they can sell them and make money. I don’t think it is just “anybody” who made these caps. I think the Democrats did it to CREATE a scandal.

WHAT FOOLS THEY BE! A pro-Assad Facebook page claims that Iran “orchestrated” Hurricane Sandy.” I’m sure there are fools in Iran that would believe such stupid things, but don’t ask any Americans (even the most ignorant) to believe it. Damn, it really amazes me what people like Assad and Ahmadinijerk expect people to believe. It amazes me what Facebook will allow and what they censor. I understand they censored one page for criticizing Obama. They think we don’t take note of things like that.

CUTTING OFF OUR OWN NOSE: America has the biggest supply of energy resources in the world. But liberals in the government, including Obama, are making it impossible for us to take advantage of that. There is NO EXCUSE for refusing to take advantage of the energy resources we have in our own country while spending $BILLIONS to BUY energy resources from other nations—nations that HATE us.

OOPS! Howard Stern interviews two Obama supporters who decry the “Romney policies” they abhor—until they learn they are OBAMA policies. This shows the intelligence level of many Obama supporters. I think ALL Obama supporters have “elevators that don’t go all the way to the top” because there are so many things he has done that are STUPID, have put us in a LOT of debt, while making the recession WORSE; and they just can’t see it.

IT’S HARD TO BEAT SANTA CLAUS: That’s what Rush Limbaugh said about Nov. 6 election results that saw that FOOL in the White House given four more years to “finish what he started.” Of course, finishing what he started will mean DISASTER for us. His supporters and others who don’t know any better think “the best is yet to come.” That’s true only for those who want a “free ride” and think he will provide it.

Obama says we must “ask the rich to pay a little more.” How much more does he think we can ask them to pay? They pay 86% of the income taxes paid NOW! And what they could pay wouldn’t run the government for a month. His policies punish the “achievers” of society; the very people who CREATE all the profits and jobs. Soon they will get tired of paying ALL the bills and earning little or NOTHING for themselves. They will STOP EARNING in a way that can be taxed by those greedy liberals in our government and this government will collapse, as the Soviet Union did, and for the same reasons.

WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO UNSEAT AN INCUMBENT? Obama has committed every POSSIBLE error during his first term as president, yet he won re-election so quickly that all the election workers didn’t lose a minute of sleep. Did he steal this election so well that there isn’t a “breath” of proof? Or did he HONESTLY win? I can’t answer that question. All I know is that he was re-elected by those who want “a free ride,” and they’ll get it.

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