Monday, February 19, 2018

What's Happening to Us?

Before Columbine, we didn't hear much about mass shootings, let alone school shootings. But now we almost hear about such things on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Why is that? What has happened in our society that has caused the proliferation of such things happening? Anti-gun fools will say it is the "availability of guns," but that's patently WRONG. It's not guns. It is the MINDSET of a human being that causes him to go into a school and kill a bunch of CHILDREN. Bxk in the fifties guns were everywhere. You could even buy them by mail. But nobody went in and killed school children.

JUST AS I THOUGHT: Minutes after the final shots rang out at the Douglas School in Broward County, Florida--or maybe while they were still sounding, well known anti-gun fool, Sen. Diane Feinstein (who carries her own gun in addition to the ARMED security that surrounds her everywhere she goes, while denying us that right) reminded us that she has a renewal of the "assault weapon ban" pending in Congress--as if that would have stopped this evil killer from getting the gun or guns he used to kill 17 people and wound 14 others. We still don't know (at this writing) how this shooter, who was only 19 and not allowed to buy a gun, anyway, GOT his gun or guns. Now he wants to plead guilty if they take the death penalty off the table. And they think he's insane!

IT'S NOT THE ANSWER! Immediately after (or maybe during) the school shooting in Broward County, Florida, the anti-gun fools came out of the woodwork demanding more and more gun control--as if that would do ANYTHING to stop such people from doing their dirty work. Gabby Giffords and Diane Feinstein, both well-known anti-gun fools, were among them, touting completely unrelated anti-gun laws that would have done NOTHING to stop such atrocities. Giffords speaks confidently about "peace and safety," as if her misguided laws would have done ANYTHING to have stopped this killer. This school has a "no weapons" policy, but did it help? Not a chance.

IT'S NOT A CRIME! I notice that the "talking heads" discuss ways to stop atrocities like the killings at a Florida school. They discuss "red flags," which is correct, But they have to look at their guidelines for what they're worth. They talk about that shooter being a "loner," but that's not enough to make a criminal of him. I was a loner, but I never killed anybody. I was a loner because I didn't like the way other students acted, or even talked. Yes, lonerism is ONE "red flag," but only one. The FBI "investigated" another "red flag" in what the killer (who wasn't a killer at the time) wrote on the Internet about "wanting to be a professional school shooter," but, even though he even signed his name, they couldn't seem to find him to investigate further. That's simple incompetence. They obviously didn't take it seriously.

ANTI-GUN LIES: They can't tell the truth and sell their unconstitutional laws, so they lie. And they did it again while the shooting in Florida was still going on, while kids were still dying. They started telling us that there have been 18 "school shootings" since the first of the year--and this is only February. There is only one problem with that. It's a LIE. There have been only 6 shootings that are really school shootings. They include in their numbers, suicides and gang shootings CLOSE to a school, and even one case where some kid shot a BB gun at a school bus. They use a measure where a shooting involves 4 or more people as a base definition of a mass shooting. Anti-gun laws are NOT the answer!

"BACK IN THE FIFTIES": People are noting that, back in the fifties we didn't have news of mass shootings and major gun crimes every day like we do now. They ask, "Why not then?" What, they ask, did we do differently back then that we don't do now. They ask the question, but they don't want to hear the answer. The answer is, we didn't have the ubiquitous anti-gun laws we have now. You could buy a gun anywhere, in "big box stores," small "Mom and Pop hardware stores, and even in some corner drug stores (where they sold almost everything). They didn't have people trying to ERASE the very KNOWLEDGE of guns from everybody's memory.

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