Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Usual Criticism

Liberals and the media (a repetition, there) are criticizing Trump and making fun of him for saying he would have run into that school to try and stop the shooter, even if he didn't have a gun. But they don't want you to hear of the time he saw a man with a baseball bat beating another man and stopped his limo to help. Just being who he was stopped the beater, who ran away. But he could have just as easily turned that bat on trump, who didn't even consider that. After getting help for the victim, he got in his limo and drove away, not bothering to give his name or trying for credit. But he is too well known, and the story came out.

THE REAL SOLUTION: People everywhere are searching for a REAL solution to the problem of occasional mass shootings in schools. A solution is obvious, but the anti-gun fools won't even consider it. That's even though Israel has had only TWO school shootings since the seventies by arming their teachers. And the only two were ended by a teacher killing the shooter. But even with this evidence, they are "tone deaf" to the answer. They just can't accept the fact that armed teachers and other school staff are a DETERRENT to those who want to come into a school and kill children. Yet our schools remain "no-gun zones," which is an "engraved invitation" to potential school murderers.

NO SCANDALS FOR OBAMA? Obama keeps saying there were no scandals in his White House, but that's only due to his "selective memory" of events. Just because he doesn't RECOGNIZE things like the "Fast & Furious" scandal, his sending pallets of OUR money to Iran, refusing to recognize the very real threat that Islamic terrorists represent, allowing them to proliferate and kill so many people, doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that they are not scandals. Some people still keep asking if he was one of the best presidents in history, but most INTELLIGENT people maintain he was the very WORST president in the history of the world. ANY world.

FALSE COURT RULING: This ruing by the 4th Circuit Court will surely be reversed when it gets to intelligent justices in a higher court, which it surely will. It is a prime example of a liberal dominated court ruling on their PREJUDICES, rather on the Constitution, as they are supposed to do. They ruled that the Second Amendment did NOT cover "assault weapons," whatever THAT is. The Second is not about a certain kind of a gun. It is about our RIGHT to be armed for self defense, whatever kind of a gun we must use to counter the ILLEGAL guns held by the thugs who wish to victimize us, be they simple criminals, crazies, Islamic terrorists, or even government agents. They may have such weapons, so we must have them too,

SMOKE AND FIRE: The liberals like to equate "smoke" with proof when they try and slander President Trump. Whenever asked if they have any EVIDENCE of that collusion, they keep saying, "there is smoke, so there must be fire." The "smoke" was CREATED by the liberals (Dumocrats). So it means NOTHING. They've spent $MILLIONS of OUR dollars trying, without success, to unearth "proof" that Trump colluded with the Russians, and there IS proof that HILLARY colluded with the Russians to hinder Trump and get HER elected. Not that anybody is going to do anything about it.

GUN CONTROL TRIVIA: There are many cases of gun control ignorance. These are some of them. It doesn't make any difference that "bump stocks" are being banned. Inventive people will have them, anyway. You can 3D print them, and they are now making a "bump stock" for a Glock handgun. And I expect there will soon be even more out there as more and more inventive people design and make new ones. Yes, they will be illegal. But what "bad guy" cares? They just get them illegally. And there are plenty of people willing, and able to make them, illegal, or not. The stories about anti-gun fools showing up at anti-gun events with ARMED security are numerous, too. Now we hear of Ellen DeGeneris showing up at an anti-gun rally with SIX armed bodyguards. At an anti-GUN rally! SIX!

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