Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Now He's A Racist!

Liberals are, even now, publishing stories (based on false claims by real white supremacists, of course) that the killer of 17 mostly kids in a Broward County, Florida school was a member of a white supremacist group. Anything to inject racism, particularly the black against white racism, into it. That's their story, and they're stickin' to it. The same people who would rather crawl over broken grass than say the words, "Islamic terrorist" easily buy this story. Unfortunately, for them, the cops have a higher standard for evidence. The cops tell us they have found NO EVIDENCE that he had any connection to ANY "white supremacy" KKK-like group, and even the white supremacists are backing away. But they don't want to hear that, so they ignore it, or ridicule it.

DESPERATION MOVE: Bob Mueller, the "Special Counsel" who is "investigating" the "Russian Connection" to Trump in the 2016 election, has been diligently searching for ANY evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians in getting him elected. He has, in more than a year, found not a single shred of "evidence" of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. He's getting desperate. Dumocrats who appointed him expected him to come up with, or MANUFACTURE, something they could use to "get rid of Trump," but he has failed to do so. So now he has indicted a bunch of Russians for spending money and buying ads to support Trump, while doing the same to OPPOSE him.

IT'S NOT WRAY'S FAULT! Ignorant fools in the government and the news media are demanding "the head of Christopher Wray" because of the failure of the FBI to properly investigate the report that the guy who ended up murdering 17 CHILDREN in their school in Broward County, Florida was a potential school killer. It's a "knee-jerk" reaction for some to call for the "head guy" to resign or be fired when things like this happen. But this case never reached the director's office. It didn't even reach the office of the Agent In Charge in MIAMI! The failure was LOCAL.

GUN CONTROL NO ANSWER: The very first thing that seems to go through the minds of everybody when something like the school shooting in Florida occurs is gun control. The very thing that makes it much easier for a potential shooter to get an ILLEGAL gun to use in such atrocities. They demand of their politicians, "Why didn't you support that gun control law that was just voted down?" That's because they've been taught, every day, in the liberal media, that such laws DO "stop gun violence," but REALITY intervenes, showing that they DON'T. But that same liberal media doesn't report that. It doesn't fit their narrative.

OUTRAGEOUS CALCULATED LIES: The left is on a calculated lie campaign against a legally elected president they never thought could win--until he did. and they can't figure out WHY he won, even though it is obvious to people who can THINK, and have a modicum of INTELLIGENCE. They thought Hillary was a "shoo-in" because "the fix was in," but she was such a terrible candidate, and a socialist, too boot, and didn't even bother to campaign in some states where she thought she had them tied up. Voters were incensed at the way she and her henchmen screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination by creating "super delegates" to guarantee she would come away from every primary with more delegates, whether Bernie won the election, or not. And the lies continue....

"ARM EVERY TEACHER!" Somebody has to say it, and Adrian Vance, a former teacher, has done so. Of course, that's something that would be difficult to obtain, since there are anti-gun fools among the teachers, everywhere, who REFUSE to be armed in order to protect themselves AND their students. Apparently, they would rather DIE, and have their students die, rather than be armed. Fortunately, most teachers, after a school shooting such as happened in Broward County, Florida, rightly wish to be able to be armed in order to accomplish that wish. And so, more people die.

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