Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Can't Pay for WH Tours

While at the same time the IRS is wasting money teaching their agents how to “line dance” and Obama takes million dollar "vacations" several times a year. Meanwhile he is ORDERING specific cuts that are DESIGNED to “hurt us” while FALSELY blaming them on the “chump change” reductions in INCREASES contained in the sequester. This president is the worst con man ever to sit in the Oval Office.

ENOUGH! There comes a time when you have to say, “enough!” We’re coming to that time now, with all Obama’s work to move us ever closer to socialism. He says private enterprise doesn’t need to make a profit. That’s about as STUPID a thought as there is. If not for profit, what’s the use of going into business? To hire people and pay them unnecessarily high wages for the EMPLOYEE’S benefit? I don’t THINK so! Does all money belong to the government? Not a chance! It belongs to the person who EARNED it!

THEY TELL US AND WE DON’T LISTEN: The people surrounding Obama are communists, socialists, Progressivists (another name for communism) and Fascists. They openly say they admire people like Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and other communist murderers and we (not me) don’t say a word. What kind of FOOLS are most Americans?

RUSH IS NOT RACIST: Because he disagrees with them, liberals all over call Rush Limbaugh a racist, as they do ALL those who disagree with them and aren’t afraid to say so. But ANYBODY who has actually LISTENED to Rush knows there isn’t a racist bone in his body. Only those who are TOLD what he says think that. Calling those who disagree with Obama (and all liberals) a racist is "wearing thin" and the whole thing is losing its effect.

“RULES OF ENGAGEMENT”: Talk about “tying the hands” of our troops! The “rules of engagement” for our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq are that you can’t shoot at even OBVIOUS Islamic terrorists until they shoot at you. Which might be okay if they were ALL lousy shots. But all it takes is ONE good shot among them to get some of our men killed when we “give them the first shot.” They know that, and take advantage of it. Nobody keeps count of the number of our soldiers who have been killed that way, so I don’t know how much blood Obama has on his hands from that.

Muslims in Afghanistan hate us. In Iraq, too. So with the fool “rules of engagement” Obama has put on them making their jobs more difficult and causing many more deaths, why do we bother? Let them fight their own battles, as they’ve been doing for years, while periodically suckering other countries into sending their people to die in a Muslim war.

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