Thursday, June 13, 2013

ACLU On the Right Side (for a change)

For a change, they’re on the “right side.” They have filed suit against the GOVERNMENT for a “gross violation of our civil rights” in the “collecting phone information” case. I guess they just couldn’t find any outrages to go after and didn’t have a lot to do. Even so, I’m glad to see them joining us. Obama won’t be able to call them “right-wing extremists” because they are KNOWN to be a “left-wing” outfit.

SIBELIUS GETS A PASS: Kathleen Sibelius got a pass in the news because it was discovered that she solicited money from the people she was “regulating” because it came out amid all the OTHER scandals plaguing the Obama administration; so it didn’t get much press, even in the “alternative media” that normally reports EVERYTHING, including that which might hurt Obama and his agenda.

RESPECT FOR OBAMA: Megan Kelly of Fox says former President Bush has been “very respectful” of Obama. But has Obama been “respectful” of HIM? In NO WAY has Obama been respectful of George Bush (the younger). He blames EVERYTHING BAD on him and the Republicans and has since before he was inaugurated. Even when it was IMPOSSIBLE for him to be at fault, Obama blames him. When they were forced to be together, as at the unveiling of Bush’s portrait or that gathering of ALL presidents, past and current, he worked very hard to overcome his well known antipathy for him.

MY GOD, I HOPE NOT! Obama is “considering” resettling Syrian refugees” among whom I KNOW will be many Islamic terrorists in disguise IN the United States (if the UN requests it). What better way for Islamic terrorists (which we KNOW are among the Syrian rebels) to come here and settle, to do their “dirty work” later while making as much trouble as they can in the interim when people object to how they treat their women, etc.

SO MANY SCANDALS: There are so many scandals cropping up in the Obama administration, I can’t even keep TRACK of them! Benghazi, IRS, NRA spying on our phone calls; heads of departments soliciting money from those they “regulated.” Hillary STOPPING “investigations” into corruption, what else? How many scandals are there that we haven’t even learned about yet? I think this is the most corrupt administration we have ever had. Some people may say Nixon’s was the most corrupt, but I don’t think so. Yes, he knew about, and supported breaking into the Democrat headquarters, but I think his corruption was mostly limited to that and his “enemies list.”

SAVED BY THE NUMBERS: There is no possible way that the government can listen to ALL our phone calls. There are just too many of them. All they can do is run them through a computer “key word” program to see if we use certain words that reveal subversive notions. And even THOSE phone calls are too numerous, which means there won’t be much chance they will learn much about YOU. They will be too busy checking out REAL terrorist calls. Add to that the usual incompetence among government workers (not ALL, I realize, but enough) and it won’t hurt us TOO much.

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