Monday, October 23, 2017

Ya Think, Chuckie?

Chuckie Schumer, MINORITY leader in the Senate, says the Dumocrats "don't need to get bogged down in the gun control debate" because it may "come back to bite them" in future elections. It's okay to "get bogged down in the gun control debate" when you've already been elected and your position is somewhat secure, of course. Of course, his opinion ADMITS something important, that he did not wish to admit: that gun control was AGAINST what the electorate wanted, and they wanted them to forget that Dumocrats WILL support gun control at every opportunity--in Congress, just not while trying to be elected or re-elected.

3 MILLION CARRY GUNS: The American Journal of Public Health did a survey recently, that told them that 3 million people carried guns concealed often. Sometimes daily. The most often cited motivation was self defense (surprise, surprise!). What they didn't talk about was the number of people who carried loaded guns daily ILLEGALLY, which, if I'm any judge, EXCEEDS the number who carry legally. But, of course, they ignore those numbers, just as the anti-gun fools ignore those who carry illegally while making their laws. Lawbreakers don't obey laws. That's a FACT, not an opinion.

IT'S ALWAYS RACISM: Even when it's not. The latest Dumocrat scheme is accusing EVERYBODY who disagrees with them of racism, on the slightest provocation. Their latest effort involves a highly respected former top general, now White House Chief of Staff, who defended President Trump against the lies of omission by congresswoman Frederica Wilson, who "listened in" on Trump's phone call to a grieving widow, and left out half of what he said, making it look like he just didn't care. Since she's a black buffoon, she immediately cried "racism." This sequined cowboy hat wearing fool doesn't know what racism really is, if she imputes it, in any way, to what General Kelly said.

SUPPORTING INFANTICIDE: People accused returning Viet Nam vets of being "baby killers," and now THEY are the baby killers. For real. MILLIONS of babies have been MURDERED, in the womb, and sometimes out of it, for the CONVENIENCE of the parents, who just don't want to take responsibility for the raising of the result of their unprotected sex. I never thought an entire political party (Dumocrats) would SUPPORT the murder of defenseless babies. But that's what we have today, and I'm sick of their stupid excuses for supporting it.

"MOST DESTRUCTIVE PRESIDENCY": Board Chairman of Breitbart News, and former White House chief Strategist Steve Bannon criticized George Bush's remarks about Trump, and said Bush's presidency was the most destructive presidency in history. Which completely ignores the SUBVERSIVE presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama did so much to injure the United States during his presidency that it will take years to repair the damage, if, in fact, it is possible to do so. Obama committed many acts of terrorism as president, and should be brought up on charges for those acts. But will he? Not likely. The "fix is in," and Dumocrats aren't usually called to account for their crimes.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Kaepernick's refusal to stand for the National Anthem is NOT allowed by the Constitution because he's doing it while ON THE CLOCK at his workplace. The Constitution only guarantees the government can't punish him for it. His employers, and the fans CAN.... The liberal media doesn't like to talk about the economy because, under Trump, it is moving to record highs, and they don't want to give Trump any credit for that....

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