Thursday, October 12, 2017

Violating His Civil Rights

The liberals think only they deserve to have civil rights. Like the right to disrespect the American flag and all who fought and died to keep that right for them. They scream bloody murder when the vice president of the United States walks out of a football game when some of the players refused to stand for the National Anthem. They called his action a "planned publicity stunt" that amounted to oppression. How stupid do they think human beings ARE? If the government WANTED to oppress them, there are many ways to do so, But rights ARE being violated here. The right of the vice president to speak his mind about their disrespect.

"ONLY CROOKS HAVE GUNS": It has been said, "When guns are banned, only criminals will have guns, The reason for that is that the very people anti-gun fools SAY they want to disarm are the "bad guys," but they are the ones not touched by ANY gun ban. When you ban a certain type of gun or gun accessory, you merely create a new black market for that gun or accessory. The proof of that is all over the place. For instance, when "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines were banned, you could still buy them. Just not from legitimate gun stores.

"WHITE FOLKS CAIN'T CRITICIZE:" CNN's Symone Sanders thinks white people should not be allowed to criticize NFL members kneeling for the National Anthem. Symone who? Where does this bimbo get the idea she can dictate what ANYBODY can say, at any time? She forgets the Constitution and the First Amendment. You know, the amendment that preserves her right to say such crap, even if it proves her ignorance? The government can't punish her for being stupid, but her (former) watchers can.

THEY JUST DON'T KNOW: Liberals who insist on getting rid of fossil fuels such as coal are blissfully IGNORANT of the fact that coal is what drives the generators that PRODUCE electricity. So if those fools who think they're doing such good things by driving electric cars haven't a clue that so much COAL fire is necessary to power the charging stations they use to charge the batteries in their cars so they can drive another 100 miles to hopefully find another coal-fired charging station to charge it again. The liberal fools who preach the elimination of fossil fuels like coal have to know this, but refuse to admit it. If they don't, they're just as ignorant as those who buy their bullcrap.

NOT FUN WHEN LOSING: It seems like ISIS terrorists in Syria aren't so determined to throw their lives away for their beliefs as we thought. It's easy to talk about "going to a better place" and "getting my 74 virgins" (who somehow, affter having sex, remain virgins) when your side is losing, and losing BIG. As they saw their last stronghold ready to fall, ISIS "fighters" surrendered by the thousands. In doing so, they talked about now being able to return to their families. Hopefully, their families haven't been raped and beheaded, murdered by their fellows while they were away raping, beheading, and murdering.

YES, IT DOES! Noted firearms expert (sic) Nicholle Wallace, infobabe at MSNBC, says that the Second Amendment was "designed to fight foreign militias, not create an armed populace." What an ignorant statement that is! Just who does she think would be a bar to foreign militias, if not an armed populace? It really frosts me how ignorant people like Nicholle think they know what the intentions of the Founders were. They do that simply to promote their wish to disarm America. The Founders wanted ALL Americans to have the RIGHT to own and use firearms for self defense as WELL as for the defense of the country (ergo: against foreign militias).

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