Thursday, October 19, 2017

Democrat Pipe Dreams

The Dumocrats are hoping a string of unlikely happenings will yet get Hillary in the White House. It all hinges on Mueller finding SOME evidence of a "Russian Connection" to Trump in the 2016 election. If one is found (outside of the DUMOCRAT "Russian Connection," that is), they hope Trump will resign because of it, leaving Pence as president. Then they hope he will appoint Paul Ryan as vice president, and then resign, himself, because he also "benefited from the Russian Connection," leaving Paul Ryan as president. Then they hope Ryan will appoint Hillary as his vice president, and then resign, himself, realizing that she is really the "entitled president."

CREATING GUN VIOLENCE: There's no more effective way to guarantee more gun violence than to attempt to take away the constitutional right to be armed in the United States. The British tried it in the colonies and sparked a revolution that created a free country while separating the colonies from British rule. Glenn Reynolds said it well: "There’s nothing that would provoke more 'gun violence' than an attempt to seize guns. But gun control isn’t about preventing violence, it’s about forcing those rubes in Flyover Country to knuckle under." That's the general opinion in DC, that people living in "Flyover Country" are simply "rubes," and they, in their "superior knowledge" are the ones to keep "the rubes" in line.

TAKING THE WRONG TACK: Hillary is like most Dumocrats. she always "takes the wrong tack" on all issues. She did it again when she commented on the actions of the football players to disrespect the National Anthem in support of a phony "cause." She said those players were just "exercising their constitutional rights" when they refused to stand for the National Anthem, which is absolutely wrong. And she should know better. Demonstrating in support of ANYTHING while being paid to do a specific job is in violation of their employment contract with their employer. This does not stop them from exercising their constitutional right to demonstrate. Just not at work, while they're being paid to do a specific job.

THE REAL RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY: While Congress wastes millions "investigating" whether or not the Russians colluded with the Trump campaign to get him elected, they're ignoring completely the REAL "Russian connection" to the American government. The sale, by Hillary Clinton (as Sec. of State) of American uranium to Russia in return for a million dollar "contribution" to the Clinton Foundation (approved by Obama). It's all going on, "behind the scenes," because the liberal media will not cover it. Unfortunately, for them, they can't stop the less than liberal media from covering it. Will there be charges filed? Doubtful. This is HILLARY, fergawdsakes!

ANOTHER CLINTON MURDER: There's a suspicious number of deaths connected with attempts to call a Clinton to account for their crimes. That's with both Bill and Hillary. Some of the ones attached to Bill are so absurd they're impossible. Like one that was labeled a suicide with TWO bullets in his head. How does one shoot himself TWICE in the head? The latest is the death of a journalist responsible for the exposure of million dollar bribes to the Clinton Foundation. Of course, it is possible that her death was a result of an investigation of a local Maltese politician, but the juxtaposition of deaths like this to a connection with the Clintons is very suspicious.

....AND NOBODY CAME: In Massachusetts, they called a meeting about "bump stocks" and other accessories to make guns fire faster AFTER passing a law to more tightly regulate them....and nobody came, except the politicians. The Las Vegas shooting happened on October 1, and their laws (two of them) were passed on October 11, and 12. I don't think we've ever before seen a legislature act as fast. Never mind that such bans will not stop a single mass shooting. They "did something," even if it was USELESS. Anybody who thinks a LAW will stop somebody intent on KILLING a bunch of people from getting the guns they need is an imbecile.

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