No updates yesterday because my computer is acting up. I
was not able to get it to do anything on the Internet. It's just
barely working tonight. I'll have to take it to my computer guy. So
don't be surprised if I miss some more days soon. I don't think the
problem is with my computer, since the word processing works
normally. If a new computer is required, I'll get one.
GUN CONTROL: Well, this guy thinks he has covered it all. He thinks
his ideas are "sensible" and will "solve" the gun
debate. There's only one little problem: there isn't a thing on his
list they haven't already tried, and NONE of them work. None of them
stop a single killing, or ONE mass shooting. ALL of them, like all
the rest, DEPEND on a LAWBREAKER to somehow OBEY these laws, and that
ain't agonna happen. That has been amply proven, many times. And like
most of the anti-gun fools, this fool ignores that fact, and a few
The Dumocrats insist that "opposition research" is NOT
illegal to defend themselves from the phony "Trump Dossier"
about prostitutes urinating on the bed Obama once slept in,
Trump's request. They're right. Opposition research is NOT
illegal--UNLESS they pay a FOREIGN SOURCE for it, which they
demonstrably did. There is EVIDENCE they did, which is a little
different from the "Russian collusion" connection they
accuse Trump of doing. In that case, there is NO EVIDENCE to be
found, after more than six
months of diligent searching.
OL' SAME OL': Not a new idea. Not at all. Dr.Garen Wintermute, at UC
Davis (in California, where else?) seems to think doctors asking
people about gun ownership in their homes will do it. Not that it
will. All the patient has to do is first, refuse to answer. Or if
he/she does answer, LIE.
The doctor has no way of knowing if the patient's answer is a lie, or
is real. And even if the answer is real, what can he do? Tell the
"authorities?" Does he really think an ILLEGAL gun holder
is going to "fess up" to his doctor when asked? Frankly, I
wouldn't want to trust my life to a doctor who is this gullible.
HASN'T BEEN PROVED": The Dumocrats are still clinging to the
phony "pee report" where Trump is supposed to have paid a
prostitute to pee on a bed once slept on by Obama in Moscow, saying,
"It hasn't been disproven." Wow! since when is such an
outlandish LIE been believed if not disproven? It hasn't been PROVEN,
either! And such an outlandish LIE needs to BE proven before
intelligent people will believe it.
That's a common scam for the Dumocrats: make an UNPROVEN assertion
and insist that their opposition DISPROVE it. I say they need to
BACK TO BITE HER: Hillary thought she had a winning issue with that
phony story about Trump colluding with the Russians, but that bilge
has come back to bite her on the rear. There is NO PROOF her story is
true after more than 6 months of looking, but there IS PROOF that SHE colluded
with the Russians. It's another common scam used by the Dumocrats to
accuse the opposition of what THEY are doing, but this time it's
backfiring. But they're still insisting he did, using another
Dumocrat scam, saying "it hasn't been disproven."
Waters is stupid. she proves it every time she opens her blow hole.
Now she's telling Trump "We didn't ask you to be president."
How then, does she think Trump won the election against all odds,
including "the fix" the Dumocrats had in?.... A
fourth woman has "come forward" "piling on."
accusing George Bush (the elder) of sexual misconduct. Hmmm--I wonder
if she has any real proof? Most women who "pile on" in such
cases don't. All they seem to have is their unsupported word. Unlike
with Harvey Weinstein.... Mueller
has announced that some charges will be filed against SOMEBODY--he
won't say who, what charges, or when he will tell us. I guess he just
wants to titillate us and get us "panting" to know. Now we know who. It's a former short-term Trump election committee boss who only lasted a few months before being fired, and what ha's charged with has NOTHING to do with the Trump campaign....