Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Victory Is NOT Our Goal"

That’s what Obama says about Afghanistan, and it’s probably true in Iraq, too. This makes me wonder (again) what this guy is SMOKING? We’re in a WAR! The ONLY goal in a war is WINNING. What else is there for somebody with intelligence? It is statements like this that tells us what he REALLY IS. Stupid.

INCREMENTALISM: Obama has told us himself that he WANTS a “single payer system” (socialized medicine) but he doesn’t expect to get it right away. He’ll have to “sneak it by us” gradually (he doesn't use those words) and it might take ten or even fifteen years. He said that to a “friendly” union audience years ago, before he even BECAME president. And he didn’t expect it to ever come up when he was working hard to impose it on us.

BILLIONS FOR BRAZIL OIL: But not a penny for OUR oil. The U. S. government STILL won’t let us drill for oil on our own soil, but the Obama is giving $BILLIONS to Brazil to help them look for oil in theirs so they can "nationalize(steal) it) and sell it to us at inflated prices. What the hell is WRONG with these people?

CREATED BY INCOMPETENTS: "Obama's health care plan will be written by a committee whose head, John Conyers, says he doesn't understand it. It'll be passed by Congress that has not read it, signed by a president who smokes [and has a doctor following him around _RT], funded by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that's nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?" (stolen From Rush Limbaugh)

A “THIRD PARTY GROUP”: When Obama finally admitted sending out those unwanted e-mails to names gotten from “snitches,” he tried to blame those e-mails on a “third party group.” But he failed to mention he HIRED that “third party group” and HIS PEOPLE wrote the e-mail copy for them to send out. Gawd, what a faker this jerk is!

SLAP IN THE FACE: This government asked Kaddafi not to “welcome” the “Lockerbie Bomber” warmly and publicly, which he duly did. This is a “slap in the face” to America and all other freedom-loving people who abhor wanton murder.

KENNEDY IS DEAD: And good riddance. They SAY you shouldn't say bad things about the dead, but I can't think of anything GOOD to say about him except that he's dead. He's screwed so many things up in this world through his "bought and paid for" seat in the Senate, and killed so many people through his ignorance, and the only way we're going to get him out of there is if he's dead. So he's dead. Now they're talking about appointing Vicky Kennedy, "the next in line to the throne", to replace him and keep the Democrat control complete.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Uncooperative Computer

I've been fighting this computer all week (and more). It's like a little kid; I tell it to do something and it doesn't. Or it does something else altogether. Or if I wait long enough, sometimes it does what I tell it. Believe me; its days on my desk are numbered. Sorry.

CRYING “WOLF”: Obama and his liberal friends “cry wolf” all the time so we’ll agree to the most outrageous things to allow him to “solve” all our problems. Unfortunately, politicians have been doing it ever since I can remember, and before. But so far, they haven’t “solved” a single problem. So why do we (not me) keep on believing them and ceding so many of our rights and our money to them?

THERE IS NO BILL: Obama and his accomplices in the Democrat Party keep telling us things such as “if you like your current insurance, you can keep it.” Aside from the fact that he doesn’t have the right to either allow OR deny us that right, he can’t promise that, or anything else because there IS no bill in Congress and nothing has been voted into law. So how can they assure us these things will be true? It’s simply a “sales campaign” to get us to approve of our own downfall without knowing the facts.

KENNEDY WANTS WHAT HE WANTS: When he wants it. In 2004, when John Kerry resigned to run for president, Kennedy was afraid the Republican governor was going to appoint a Republican to replace him. So he got a law passed to prevent it. Now Democrats are "in charge" in both Massachusetts and Washington, so he wants to change it back because he’s afraid the 60-vote majority for Democrats will “go away” when he dies. Kennedy is used to getting what he wants, and he’d rather not die. But There’s somebody with more power than he has that has decided he WILL.

DISCONNECTED FROM TRUTH: A Republican was talking about the Obama “talking points” on his socialized medicine swindle being “disconnected and contrary to the facts. Why don’t people stop using these “weasel words” and call a lie a lie? Are they afraid, or what?

“VICTORY IS NOT THE GOAL” That’s what Obama says about Afghanistan and, I presume, Iraq. Which leads to the logical question, “What IS the goal? Defeat?” It certainly was during the election campaign. Is it still? What else could BE “the goal” when you’re in a war with people who want to kill you because you don’t believe the same way they do? I’ll ask again; what is this man SMOKING?

“DOUBLESPEAK”: George Orwell brought us that momentous government method of confusing its people in his landmark book, “1984,” They called it “doublespeak.” Things like “war is peace” and “truth is lies.” That’s what Obama is trying to use on us today in his efforts to sell us down the river with socialized medicine. He calls the TRUTH we speak in opposing him “misinformation” (“lies”) while dispensing his own misinformation daily.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Unruly Mobs"

That’s what Obama calls the people who are trying to be heard over the shouting of Obama’s “union thugs” at those ubiquitous town hall meetings where his “mouthpieces” are getting “reamed” by Americans. But there is no PROOF of this. The ONLY“ violence” at these meetings is that done by his union thugs, against demonstrators. I think those thugs ought to be beaten up by the crowds when they beat up on demonstrators. Even if they don’t, they’ll get accused of it. So why not do it?

“SCARE TACTICS”: Obama is accusing opponents to his “socialized medicine swindle” of using “scare tactics” when they tell the TRUTH about what is IN his proposal. But the only “scare tactics” are HIS when he sends his union thugs out to beat up on demonstrators.

“NO PUBLIC OPTION”: rumor has it Obama is removing “the public option” from his health care swindle. Even so, look for it to be there under a different name, or many different names.

OBAMA: LEAVE US ALONE! That’s what a rising number of Americans are saying to Obama and his thugs. Like that old commercial saying, “Mother, I’d rather do it myself,” I’d change it to say, “Obama, I’d rather do it myself!” I don’t need Obama sticking his nose into my health care.

“NOT FOR US”: government employees all, including congresspeople and Senators, as well as the president, don’t have to submit themselves to the “health care swindle” Obama wants to impose on us, And don’t look for that to ever happen because they’re “better than us.”

“CLINTON’S STAR RISING”: No, not Hillary, Bill. It is said that his “approval numbers” are now better than Obama’s after his trip to Korea to bring back those two women. Forget that the whole trip was a “set-up.” That their release and return was agreed to before he ever left home. Probably before they were even kidnapped for ransom—that ransom being Clinton’s visit) Nothing he did except “show up” caused their release. Kim just wanted a former “high U. S. official” at his “beck and call” for a while.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"Keeping Us Honest"

Secretary of Health Sebelius (however she spells it) says all the government is doing is “keeping the insurance companies “honest.” But who keeps the GOVERNMENT honest? I don’t know of any organization that is more DIShonest.

LET HIM DIE ALONE: The Scotts want to let the only convicted terrorist responsible for the Lockerbie, Scotland airplane disaster that killed 270 be free to die at home with family. They do that if the prisoner has three months or less to live in Scotland. I think they should put him in a deep, dark dungeon just big enough for him to be able to lie down, which never sees the light of day, and leave him to die there, with no contact with anyone, not even his guards.

GOVERNMENT-MANDATED “INSURANCE MESS”: They talk about the “health insurance mess” and the “high medical costs” as the “reason” for government intervention in both. What they DON’T tell you is that ALL those things are government CREATED. The high medical costs are because of the government-mandated paperwork that takes up so much of SOMEBODY’S (sometimes the doctor’s) time and all the “rules and regulations” in the insurance industry doing the same. Does anybody (outside of liberal politicians) think more government intervention will make it any better?

DEALERS “OPTING OUT”: They’re “opting out” because they’re not getting paid. This will, of course, cause Obama’s ill-advised Keynesian scheme to ultimately fail because he forgot to hire enough bureaucrats to process the deals. I wonder what’s going to happen to the used car market when all those perfectly good cars he has had crushed or disabled are no longer on the market for people who can’t afford a new car under any circumstances won’t be able to buy one?

FALSE STATISTICS: Obama again “threw in” that false “47,000.000 Americans who can’t get health insurance” number in a radio interview with a liberal interviewer who calls himself a conservative. He never mentions that the largest part of that number is made up of people who DON’T WANT health insurance, plus those without insurance for only one day.

“RUSH IT THROUGH”: Why does Obama want to “rush” his health care swindle through so fast we don’t have time to really examine it? Because if we DO examine it, we’ll see that we want no part of it. He’s seeing the result now of just a small part of Americans actually READING the major bills that are out now.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

"That's A Lie! Next Question!"

That’s the Democrat (liberal) way to answer “tough questions” in “town hall” meetings and in Robert Gibbs’ press briefings. Anything they can’t logically answer, they call a lie, then ignore the questioner. That’s easy to do when your people control the podium.

PHONY CONSERVATIVES: People like Kathleen Parker, who CLAIMS to be a conservative, yet criticizes conservatives, saying they are “racist.” This proves that Obama’s contention that electing him would “destroy racism forever” is false. It merely made it worse, since he and his accomplices call EVERYBODY who opposes him racist. This does nothing but show his COMPLETE CONTEMPT for the people who elected him and his cronies.

WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION does it give Obama the power to do ANYTHING he has done? One congressman in the past once said (and I’m paraphrasing) “I fail to see anything in the Constitution that allows the government to take money or property from one American and give it to another.” But nobody (with any power at all) questions him, so he gets away with it.

NUMBERS OUT OF THIN AIR: That’s where Obama gets all these numbers he quotes. The $40,000 or $50,000 to amputate a leg, for instance. Then there’s that famous “47,000 people without health care insurance” figure that has been spouted for years. It’s a phony number, based on counting people who don’t WANT health insurance and those who don’t have it for ONE DAY in any given year. Corrections are not made for those who get it the next day.

WE’RE SCARING THEM TO DEATH! Every time I hear a liberal give Rush Limbaugh hell I love it! That means to me, he’s EFFECTIVE. They’re “pulling out all the guns” to discredit him, but they can’t. Anybody who actually LISTENS to Rush knows he speaks LOGIC. They can’t “dismiss” it, so they simply try and discredit him without ever talking about the issues. If they did, Rush would destroy them.

“UNFORTUNATE SITUATION”: That’s how a female liberal refers to Clinton getting oral sex (yes, SEX, whatever he calls it) in the White House. But if it was HER husband doing that, she would not call it “an unfortunate situation.” It continues to amaze me how even female newspeople can “paper over” the fact that Bill Clinton had his pants down getting oral sex IN the White House while important people were waiting in the outer office.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rush Using "The Nazi Word?"

Liberals are “giving Rush Limbaugh hell” for “calling liberals Nazis” when it was Democrat (liberal) Nancy Pelosi and other liberals who first brought up the “Nazi” thing and applied it to HIM. And it is liberals who are using Nazi methods to solidify their power (but they don’t want people to SAY it). These people are so irresponsible it amazes me. And they THINK they are convincing people.

THEY’RE “IN DENIAL”: Presidential press flack Robert Gibbs says, “The town hall meetings are not indicative of what’s really going on in America. What’s this guy SMOKING? The same thing as Obama? The abysmal IGNORANCE of these people amazes me! Do they really think we BELIEVE any of this crap? I don’t think most of the Democrats are going to survive 2010, and Obama will be gone in 2012. Especially if Sarah Palin runs against him.

“NOT REPRESENTATIVE” Sen. Arlen Specter says the “hard questions” he has received at those ubiquitous town hall meetings is “not representative of what Americans think.” But they ARE. That’s what so frightens him, as well as Obama and the rest of his henchmen. America is “standing up” and telling them exactly how it feels, and they can’t stand that. They can’t afford to tell the TRUTH about what they’re doing, and Americans are catching them in their lies.

AMERICA IS “WAKING UP”: And that’s scaring the hell out of Democrats. They thought they could fool America forever, but they’re wrong. With the “alternative media” telling them the TRUTH about what they’re doing and Americans no longer having to depend on their “willing accomplices” in the liberal media who are telling them lies. They’ve “awakened a sleeping giant.” They can deny that all they want, but America is “waking up” and they are realizing the people they elected are con artists who are conning them out of not only their constitutional rights, but TRILLIONS of their dollars, as well.

NO “WEASEL WORDS”: What I like about Sarah Palin is that she refuses to use “weasel words” in challenging the liberal administration. Liberals say she has “crossed the line.” But who DRAWS the line? The liberals, of course.

NATIONAL SOCIALISM: Nazism is but one kind of socialism, the system Obama and his henchmen are trying to impose on this country by “hook or crook.” They say WE are “crossing the line” when we suggest they are trying to impose a Nazi system on us, but they are. The system they want to impose is eerily similar to what Adolph Hitler imposed upon the German people. The “line” they talk about is one THEY imposed. And I, for one, will continue to “cross it” every chance I get. Irritating liberals is my “favorite thing.”

LIBERALS NEVER GIVE UP: They never go away. We defeat them time and time again but they go away for a while, lick their wounds, and come right back next year with the same thing. Sometimes there are “cosmetic differences,” but in totality it is the same thing: hidden socialism. They hope to “wear us down,” and sometimes they do. Which is why we now have a liberal-controlled government that is moving ever closer to socialism.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Screaming Meemie"

Obama’s “politeness czar” has released “rules” for demonstrators at his town hall meetings. Forget what DEMOCRATS have done in the past: "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." (Hillary Clinton screeching about people trying to “shut her up” as she was criticizing Bush) Not the same when they’re demonstrating against Obama.

READ IT! Congresspeople are snickering at the very suggestion that they should actually READ the bills they pass into law. Never mind that’s what they’re PAID to do when elected. I think they should be made to PROVE they’ve read ANY bill they vote on while Supreme Court Justices should be made to cite the U. S. Constitutional section on which they base their decisions.

NOT ENOUGH TIME: They’re snickering about being required to read the bills they vote into law, and for good reason when the Executive “releases” these bills (which usually number 1000 or more pages) within HOURS of the scheduled vote. This should not be allowed, but don’t look for the Democrats (especially) to change it soon.

UNFAIR COMPETITION: Obama says “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.” He also says,” We’re only giving insurance companies some competition.” But what KIND of competition is it when one side (the government) does not have to make a profit while the other side (private insurance) does NOT? Expect all private insurance companies to be out of the health care insurance within a year. Then what will be left?

REFUSING TO CUT ART BUDGET: In Denver, Colorado, at least, they’re trying to find places where they can cut the budget. But they REFUSE to cut the “art budget.” They (predictably) want to cut cops and fire and other essential cost budgets.

U. S. IS BROKE: So then, why are they trying to take on so much more cost? Universal health care is one of the most expensive. Obama has promised so much there isn’t enough money in the WORLD to pay for it all. He’s already printing counterfeit money apace.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The U. S. Is Broke

So they’re buying a bunch or new private jets to carry congresspeople on their vacations and junkets. They SAY they’re canceling the purchase, but I don’t believe that for a minute. But that’s only the “tip of the iceberg” compared to the other th9ings they want to spend the money they don’t have on, such as the planned takeover of the medical care business and other things. Obama seems to think there is “no end” to the money—and there isn’t, for him—as long as he can get away with counterfeiting money without punishment. We’re the only ones who are punished, when suddenly our money buys a lot less than before.

SUDDEN INCREASE IN ANTI-GOVERNMENT GROUPS: Liberals say one of the reasons for the rise in such groups is that some people “don’t like having a black president.” What a load THAT is; we ELECTED a black president! The reason for the rise is that Obama has gone too far, too fast; and people are now “getting wise to him” and starting to organize against him. And that has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Personally, I don’t care if he is black, white, or purple with pink polka-dots. Mark Potok, with the “Southern Poverty Law Center,” a very liberal racist group itself, says people need to see if he “makes sense.” I have, and he doesn’t.

RACISM ISN’T “OVER”: Many people said electing a black president would “end racism forever.” It didn’t. It only exacerbated (made worse) the whole problem because the PRESIDENT and his goons call you racist ANY TIME you disagree with him rather than actually ANSWER your charges.

THE NEW “N-WORD”: Nobody wants to say “nigger” any more, and I support that. There’s no use for that word except to denigrate someone. But the liberals are now trying to remove the word “socialism” from the language people are allowed to use by calling socialism “the new N word.” I don’t buy that. I will continue to use the word “socialism” to describe what Obama and his gang are after. If they make use of that word a crime, I’ll become a criminal.

MISLEADING MYTHS: That’s what the Obama swindlers call the logical facts given them in “town hall” meetings when asking a logical question. This shows their complete CONTEMPT for the people who elected them. These people, unlike Obama’s cohorts, have actually READ the bills (so far) now in Congress, even if they had to stay up nights to do so (something our congresspeople are apparently not willing to do, even though they’re PAID to do so) and this angers them that the average American knows more about their subject than they do.

OUT OF TOILET PAPER! That’s a current problem in Cuba, the “worker’s paradise” where a “new car” is often of fifties vintage. Where there is a “two-tier” medical system where Fidel and his accomplices get “top tier” treatment while the average Cuban gets a lot less, while liberals crow about the “excellent medical care” in Cuba, which does not exist.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Specter Says "LIAR!"

He ought to know how to recognize one, since he's one of the biggest. Somebody asked him about people in their seventies being “written off” under “Obamacare.” To which he replied, “That’s a dastardly lie!” But it’s not. Obama himself has said so in front of a crowd of his friends AND a television camera. I’ve seen it and heard it myself. It was not “taken out of context.” They can’t answer our questions with truth, so they lie.

MAN BEATEN AT TAX PROTEST: Kenneth Gladney was selling anti-tax buttons at an anti-tax meeting and was beaten by some of Obama’s blue-shirted union thugs. Then he was ridiculed by liberal blogs when he showed up at another meeting in a wheelchair (since he was so “doped up” under doctor’s orders he couldn’t even talk, let a lone walk). This is classic liberal. Have your goons beat somebody up, then ridicule him/her.

WHY DON’T THEY LEARN? Americans want nothing to do with Obama’s “health care swindle,” and they’ve said so at every “town hall” meeting where they were allowed to speak. At other meetings they were thrown out and the meeting canceled because Democrats were afraid of the reasoned questions they asked (based on an actual READING of the bill) and called them an “unruly mob.” Problem is, the Senators have not read the bill, but questioners have. And that frightens them. They’re determined to impose this on us whether we like it or not and they’ll do what it takes to accomplish it.

SIT DOWN! SHUT UP! That’s what Obama wants us to do. He’s blaming Rush Limbaugh for the violence at some “Tea Party” demonstrations that were caused by his own union thugs. He knows that those who don’t pay attention will believe him (and his dupes) when he blames such as Rush. This is how the Democrats have amassed so much power. Creating violence then blaming others for it.

“TOO WELL-DRESSED”: That’s what Democrats say about demonstrators AGAINST Obama’s “health care swindle.” Apparently only “dirty, ragged hippies” can be taken seriously as demonstrators. There are many hammer & sickles in evidence at these demonstrations, always used to impute a connection to communism in this government. Apparently that doesn’t bother the liberals. Maybe they even like it.

OBAMA LIES AGAIN: Just like he was lying when he said Caterpillar would be rehiring people as soon as his “bailout bill” was passed (He lied when he said the Caterpillar CEO told him that. They not only did NOT rehire anyone, they’re laying more people off), he is lying again when he tells people AARP supports his health care swindle. They have NOT decided yet to support OR oppose his plans. But when did truth ever matter to Obama?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama As Dictator

I never thought I’d be living in a country that ignorantly let someone use the same tactics as did Adolph Hitler in Germany after being freely elected (if it was free) to gain complete control of a government, but that’s what we’re faced with today. Obama is doing everything Hitler and the Nazis did to increase their power. They’ll criticize me for saying “Nazi,” but they first mentioned it when they referred to the “hated” Bush administration and more recently when Nancy Pelosi (with no proof) said “Tea Party” demonstrators were wearing swastikas (They WERE! Inside red circles with a line through it). If we don’t stop them, soon we’ll be “government property” and they’ll make ALL our decisions. And if we so much as complain, we’ll be punished.

“PANIC GOVERNING” Have you noticed that everything Obama wants to do is to “solve” an “emergency?” That he always wants Congress to pass his laws QUICKLY, without even reading them? While only releasing the 1,000 page bills hours before a vote? That’s because he doesn’t want ANYBODY to be able to know what’s IN these bills that contain language that soon will make him into a dictator if we allow it.

BELIEVE IT! Nobody seems to want to believe that we have freely elected (if we did) a bunch of con men to run our government, and that they would actually pass laws and do other things that will enslave us if we don’t pay attention to what they’re doing and vote them out in the next possible election. I believe it because I’ve seen it before. He’s using the same tactics Hitler used to “take over” Germany after being elected Chancellor.

CASH FOR CLUNKERS A FAILURE: Obama is crowing about the “success” of the “cash for clunkers” scam. He thinks it is a “success” if you offer “free money” and people line up to take it. His first billion dollars lasted only 4 days. To him that’s success. Now Congress has given him another $2 billion to play with. That ought to last about EIGHT days and cost charities a lot of money.

“DEMONIZE” YOUR ENEMIES: That’s right out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” read by sixties radicals who made so much noise in the sixties and are now IN OFFICE in our government. But they don’t like the same tactics being used AGAINST them so they call demonstrators an “unruly mob.” That’s not what they called the “unruly mobs” who demonstrated FOR their ideas.

MAKING A PROFIT: That’s what existing insurance companies have to do to stay in business. Government does not. Obama says we can keep our insurance if we like it (unless there is ONE change in it) but HE doesn’t have to make a profit. So that takes the “fairness” out of it. Soon those companies, not making a profit and being unable to compete, will disappear, leaving ONLY the “public option” and then we’ll be FINED thousands of dollars if we don’t “sign up.” Is this going to be good for us?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ripped for Hating Murder

I never thought I’d be living in a country where a congressman could be “ripped” for being against the murder (in the womb) of a defenseless infant. But I am. “Kansas Congressman Todd Tiahrt simply told the truth about low-income Americans being given an INCENTIVE to use abortion instead of a rubber. Abortion is MURDER (but it is LAWFUL murder today because of the decision of nine black-robed dictators who know nothing about the Constitution) and our LEADERS are criticizing our lawmakers for opposing it. Seems like that’s a decision he has a right to hold, to me.

TWO MONTH PAID VACATION: Remember the Oklahoma state trooper who assaulted an ambulance paramedic after stopping him while he was on an emergency run with a patient in the ambulance? He got suspended and lost five day’s pay. Then got a “two month paid vacation” they CALL a “suspension. Which tells us the cops WILL be protected at all costs when they “go off the reservation” and commit an uncalled-for assault that could have resulted in the death of that patient. But the politicians and bureaucrats don’t care about that.

“ONLY THE RICH”: When they foisted that onerous income tax on us way back when, they PROMISED faithfully that “only the rich” would ever have to pay it and it would never be more than 3%. At one time the top tax rate was 75% or MORE (until Reagan lowered it and nearly DOUBLED the “tax take”) and the IRS is now going after the TIPS made by waitresses and cab drivers! Now Obama says his latest “tax the rich” scheme will ONLY apply to the “top 2%” who make more than $200,000 a year. Riiight!

SHAMELESS LIES: Obama tells them every day with a straight face. Like the one that he told about you being able to keep your health care insurance if he passed his health care swindle (if you don’t change ONE LINE on your coverage, but he didn't tell you that). I get really tired of having to listen to these lies because ALL the news media carries them LIVE. Even Fox. I’m getting sick of it.

STUPID PEOPLE: Obama was making a speech telling the usual lies, when a female voice in the back was heard to scream “we love you!” to which Obama replied, “love you back.” How stupid ARE the people in this country? I always wondered how Hitler gained his power, but now I’m watching the same scam WORKING here in my own country.

SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IS WRONG! Everybody is arguing every detail about Obama’s “health care swindle” except the simplest part: socialized medicine is WRONG and doesn’t work. Everywhere it has been tried it has failed—much like socialism itself. It creates “rationed health care” right up to, and including, denying life-saving procedures for some people because they’re “too old” or too fat, or are smokers. That’s a DEATH SENTENCE for some of those people, but Obama doesn’t care. So long as his “pie-in-the-sky” power grab succeeds.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Not His Business

Obama is holding a “texting summit” to “deal with” people who text while driving and other “driving while distracted” issues. What the hell business is it of his? Texting while driving is a STATE issue, not federal. Doesn’t he have enough on his plate with all the giveaways he’s pushing?

"IS NO ALL YOU CAN SAY?" That’s what the Democrats are asking the Republicans, as if NOTHING is good enough for them. But it’s true. Nothing the Democrats have done so far IS good enough for the Republicans. If they ever DID do something good (such as get rid of Bush’s ban on paying for any infant stem cell research), I’d be the first to praise them for it. But the good things they do are very rare, and I’ for one, am not afraid to criticize them for them.

BI-PARTISAN? I don’t EVER plan on being “bipartisan.” Being bipartisan means to abandon your principles and agree with the opposition. I will not ever do that, no matter how much the liberals criticize me for it. That’s one of their chief cons, anyway, hoping to “shame” people into agreeing with them. I don’t fall for it.

“SERVING THEIR TIME”: Obama and his gang talk about Islamic terrorists “serving their time” and being released. These people are not here TO “serve their time.” They are the same as prisoners of war, but they don’t even qualify for that status since they wear no uniforms and represent no government. They are being held simply to keep them off the battlefield so they can’t kill any more innocent men, women, and children. To think otherwise is INSANITY.

LYING LIBERALS: They lie outright whenever opposed. The majority of Americans want NO PART of Obama’s health care swindle yet they continue to lie and say a majority WANT universal health care. But the “alternative media” has done a good job of making people a lot better informed than before. In fact, better informed than Obama’s goons, sent out to con us into agreeing to our own destruction.

THE “FIX IS IN”: Sotomayor WILL be confirmed. The “fix is in.” The “dog and pony show” around her confirmation is only to convince gullible Americans there was ever any question. I will be very surprised if she is not, regardless of her racist tendencies and her tendency to make findings based on her own opinions, not on what’s in the Constitution. She forgets there is only ONE source to look in for her findings, and that is the Constitution. But she’s a liberal and doesn’t think that way.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Lured Him Outside"

so he could arrest him. That’s what the liberals in media (even one at Fox News) are trying to sell us about the Gates/Crowley case. But Gates didn’t need much “luring,” it appears. He willingly (without “luring”) followed Crowley out to his car as he was trying to leave his (Gates’) big mouth behind. But Gates wasn’t cooperating. He continued to berate him until Crowley, desperate to shut him up and go on with his day, arrested him for disturbing the peace.

CONGRESS EXEMPTS ITSELF: Have you noticed that whenever Congress passes some onerous law, they always pointedly exempt themselves so they won’t have to suffer from it? Like when they created that pyramid scheme called Social Security and made sure they had a different, much better health care plan, paid for by others. The president’s plan is even better. He has a doctor AND an ambulance “standing by” just in case he gets sick.

HIS OWN WORDS! Obama is convicted of being a racist with his OWN WORDS. All you have to do is read his book, “Remembrances of My Father” (or some such). In it, he talks about many things, one of which is a cop being “surprised to find a clean, articulate black man who is polite.” That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I believe his now vice-president said something similar about HIM while he was running against him in the primaries.

RIDICULE: The liberals think ridiculing us for calling Obama’s “health care swindle” is socialism will work. But it IS. It is socialism personified. The only people with whom it WILL work are those who pay NO ATTENTION to politics until just before an election when the lies are flying. Of course, it is those people to whom they are pandering. The only way not to “buy” their lies is to PAY ATTENTION to politics! Politics will CERTAINLY pay attention to YOU.

OBAMA: “NO LOBBYISTS”: He has said, “there will be no lobbyists in my administration.” But if that were true, he’\d have to fire 90% of the people IN his administration. There is more lobbying going on in Washington than ever before, and more lobbyists in this administration than in any before it. Which just shows you how truthful Obama is.

EVEN ON FOX: “Profit” is somehow “dirty,” according to liberals. And that fallacy has “filtered over” even to Fox News. Today I actually HEARD a Fox News commentator SAYING it. Apparently they don’t know the only way they’re going to get paid is if the outfit they work for MAKES a profit. Profit is the “lubrication” that makes this world “go around.” Even SOCIALIST nations (such as communist China) use the profit motive in their dealings with other countries, even though they deny its advantages (for the most part) to its citizens. When are these people going to learn such a simple thing?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Lured Him Outside"

so he could arrest him. That’s what the liberals in media (even one at Fox News) are trying to sell us about the Gates/Crowley case. But Gates didn’t need much “luring,” it appears. He willingly (without “luring”) followed Crowley out to his car as he was trying to leave his (Gates’) big mouth behind. But Gates wasn’t cooperating. He continued to berate him until Crowley, desperate to shut him up and go on with his day, arrested him for disturbing the peace.

CONGRESS EXEMPTS ITSELF: Have you noticed that whenever Congress passes some onerous law, they always pointedly exempt themselves so they won’t have to suffer from it? Like when they created that pyramid scheme called Social Security and made sure they had a different, much better health care plan, paid for by others. The president’s plan is even better. He has a doctor AND an ambulance “standing by” just in case he gets sick.

HIS OWN WORDS! Obama is convicted of being a racist with his OWN WORDS. All you have to do is read his book, “Rembrances of My Father” (or some such). In it, he talks about many things, one of which is a cop being “surprised to find a clean, articulate black man who is polite.” That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I believe his now vice-president said something similar about HIM while he was running against him in the primaries.

RIDICULE: The liberals think ridiculing us for saying Obama’s “health care swindle” is socialism will work. But it IS. It is socialism personified. The only people with whom it WILL work are those who pay NO ATTENTION to politics until just before an election when the lies are flying. Of course, it is those people to whom they are pandering. The only way not to “buy” their lies is to PAY ATTENTION to politics! Politics will CERTAINLY pay attention to YOU.

OBAMA: “NO LOBBYISTS”: He has said, “there will be no lobbyists in my administration.” But if that were true, he’d have to fire 90% of the people IN his administration. There is more lobbying going on in Washington than ever before, and more lobbyists in this administration than in any before it. Which just shows you how truthful Obama is.

EVEN ON FOX: “Profit” is somehow “dirty,” according to liberals. And that fallacy has “filtered over” even to Fox News. Today I actually HEARD a Fox News commentator SAYING it. Apparently they don’t know the only way they’re going to get paid is if the outfit they work for MAKES a profit. Profit is the “lubrication” that makes this world “go around.” Even SOCIALIST nations (such as communist China) use the profit motive in their dealings with other countries, even though they deny its advantages (for the most part) to its citizens. When are these people going to learn such a simple thing?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pre-Existing Conditions

There’s a good reason for not covering pre-existing conditions in selling life insurance. To cover them would be financial suicide. People could be told they’re dying in six months and go out and buy life insurance. When they died, they’d get paid. Obama says that will no longer happen, but his plan allows his people to DENY treatment to people who “might not live much longer anyway,” which you can translate to mean “old folks.” That sounds like a “pre-existing condition,” to me.

PRODUCER OR CONSUMER: Are you a producer or a consumer? Do you work and EARN your way? Or do you expect someone else to support you? A large part of out population do just that, and the “wanna-be-socialist” government we now have promotes it. One thing to remember: without PRODUCERS, the looters who supply support to the CONSUMERS would have nothing to loot. Yet they are constantly trying to discredit the producers and make it harder for them to produce new wealth. I wonder if these people have any idea what they’re doing?

WHO DROPPED THE CHARGES? Remember those two intimidating looking “Black Panthers” who were standing in the doorway at a polling place the day Obama was elected president? You know, the ones wearing “military-looking” black uniforms complete with nightsticks? They were arrested and charged with intimidating voters, but surprise, surprise, Obama’s “Justice” Department dropped the charges. The word is, the decision was made “at the highest levels,” probably meaning Obama himself. If they’d have been supporting McCain, they’d have probably been executed. Will we ever know who made that decision? I doubt it. They were clearly in violation of the law, but the charges were dropped.

STARVING FAT PEOPLE: Liberals are constantly complaining about how many people there are who are starving in this country. It’s a “hard sell” because we have such a problem with people who are obese. They never explain how there are so many obese people on welfare. And nobody (but me) asks how this can be. If you don’t believe what I’m saying, just go down to the local food bank and see how many overweight people come in for their free food.

SCARING SENIORS: Obama talks about opponents to his health care swindle “scaring seniors.” But the ones “scaring seniors” are Obama and everybody telling lies to promote his swindle. This is his usual scam to stop people from opposing his swindles. Accuse them of “scaring” people when it is HIM scaring” people to get them to agree to his swindles.

LIKE WWF: Michael Moore is like the World Wrestling Federation. Nobody believes he’s real any more, although he’s somewhat entertaining.