Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Hate Crimes

HATE CRIMES: It is obviously a hate crime when a man goes into a Jewish Synagogue and starts killing Jews, as one did in Pittsburgh, shouting, “All Jews must die!” But ANY mass shooting, against ANYBODY, must also be considered a hate crime. Many liberals declare what conservatives do as “hate crimes,” and so call them. By so doing, they reduce the effectiveness of that very term. They think, that by so labeling things as “hate crimes,” they can make it so. They cannot. Most of what are their ideas of “hate crime” are simply people who don’t agree with their fool ideas, and do things with which they disagree.

NO BOMB AT CNN: Turns out there was no bomb at CNN, even though there were real (if non-functional) bombs in many other areas the liberals call “Trump targets.” What they found there was simply harmless white powder. They tried to join that fictitious “bomb scare” the Dumocrats “phonied-up” to make the world think that suddenly, a bunch of people who have NEVER been violent, suddenly become violent, just before an election. Never mind the one bomb that actually exploded was sent to a conservative (Jan Brewer).

TRUMP SENDS TROOPS: He’s sending troops to the border to stop their “mass illegal alien attack,” and liberals’ heads are gonna explode! They see him actually DOING something to resist one of their underhanded efforts to discourage Republican voters, and they don’t like it. Trump is winning again, and that frightens them. They know how important the upcoming election is, and they can see their LOSS looming, And that REALLY frightens them. They think the power BELONGS to them, and any vote that denies it to them is “just wrong.” So they’re gonna be infuriated, for all the good it’s going to do them as they lose seat after seat, and end up even further “behind the eight-ball” for the next two years, at least.

DISPROVED MEMES FOREVER: It really frustrates me how the liberals bring up all these fantastic memes that get instantly disproved, but they keep bringing them up, it seems like, forever. They repeat them as if they had not been disproved, but were “true Gospel.” Like the fantasy that President Trump “colluded” with the Russians to get elected. After more than two years of intense “investigation,” Robert Mueller has not been able to find one shred of evidence to back it up, but they keep bringing it up, as if it had not been disproved, many times, in many ways.

CREATING A LIE: Liberals (Dumocrats) take a simple difference in OPINION and treat it as if it were a LIE. A good example of this is the “man-made” global warming/climate change swindle. President Trump doesn’t believe in it, and he says so. Liberals point to that disagreement, and call his remarks about it a LIE. Then they go out and tell the liberal media about his “lie,” and they dutifully report it as a “lie.” Soon, all media is reporting on “Trump’s lie,” and people begin to believe he actually DID lie, when all it is, is a difference of OPINION. That’s how they “spin the fairy tale” that Trump lies. During the proliferation of political ads on TV, it gets worse. Every time I hear a political ad on TV I want to holler, “bullsh-t!” Three times. And that’s the same about ads on BOTH sides.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: Delusional Peelosi. She says people are all the time asking her why she doesn’t run for president. Yeah, right! Damned fool liberals are searching hard for a viable candidate, since none they have mentioned have a snowball’s chance in hell, and neither does Nancy… I have to giggle when I hear Hillary Clinton say we “must come together” when she and her Dumocrat cohorts have been the biggest ones causing divisions and a separation of the American people… Somebody should tell David Hogg, that teenage anti-gun fool, what the laws are. Specifically, that Canadians aren’t supposed to donate to American political campaigns. That’s yet another of his stupidities. He keeps it up, and he’s going to say something actionable, and he’ll be in deep doo-doo…

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