Thursday, April 26, 2018

"Morally Unfit"

Comey says Trump is "morally unfit to be president. This coming from a man who LIED to get a special counsel appointed; who LIED to get Hillary elected (failed) and was "fired for cause" as head of the FBI. He is probably the most immoral ex-FBI Director ever, possibly barring J. Edgar Hoover, himself, and he really thinks he has the right to say such a thing about the man who is fast "draining the swamp. He doesn't even realize that he is a "swamp-dweller" himself, and has no right to even be in the same room with President Trump. Comey is "morally unfit" to be anything, yet he pretends he has the right to so label President Trump, who is completely his better.

NO BOOK SOLD HERE: James Comey wrote a 276 page book, insulting President Trump and calling him "Morally unfit to be president." This from a man who ADMITTED to being "ruled" by the fact that he "lived in a world where Hillary was going to be president," and he wanted to keep his job, or maybe get a better one. He won't be selling any books to this writer, because I'm not interested in reading a litany of lies and misrepresentations--which is what this book is. Like Hillary's book, it does nothing but give him excuses for his failures. It's "sour grapes," and that's all it is. He hates being fired, and wants to "shoot back" at Trump for firing him. The only people reading his book are Trump haters, who didn't like Trump, anyway, and his book reinforces their fantasies.

THE COMEY OBSESSION: If you look at ANY television "news" show, you'll think fired former FBI Director James Comey was every bit of news there was to tell. Even Fox News is "wall-to-wall" Comey. As such, they're all contributing to making Comey a rich man through sales of his "book of lies." The book that he is promoting valiantly recently. I'm not going to go into the lies he told, because I have before. I don't want to cooperate in promoting his inane book I'm actually getting sick of the hooraw over this "tome." It's getting to the point where I have to take a Meclazine to keep from barfing all over my keyboard.

DEMOCRATS ARE CONFIDENT: They firmly believe they are going to take back control of the government in a landslide, in the next election. They think they will become the majority, and then immediately impeach Trump for the imaginary crimes they think he has committed. It doesn't matter to them that he has done nothing but good during his first year as president. They don't look upon getting rid of the corrupters in the "swamp" as being good work, because THEY are "the swamp." They BELIEVE what the liberal media tells them, as they did before Trump actually got elected--something they thought was an impossibility. It was NOT. It is not this time, either. And their "anti-Trump derangement" will only get worse, until it causes the destruction of the Dumocrat Party

IT'S A SCAM: The Stormy Daniels thing is a scam from the word "go." So she had a one-night stand with Donald Trump, a decade or more ago. Before he even thought of running for president. So what? So a man claiming to be Trump's lawyer gave her a lot of money to stay quiet about it. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Maybe he was representing Trump, or he wasn't. There is only her UNSUPPORTED WORD that it ever happened, and if it did, SO WHAT? And what is she after now? Another payoff? What's her purpose in bringing it up--now--with an important election looming?Sounds like a setup, to me. The kind the Dumocrats are famous for.

DEMOCRAT RUINATION OF CITIES: If you want to see an example of what will result from the Dumocrats running things, just look at ANY Dumocrat-run city. Chicago, for instance. They are in "money trouble," but that's common in Dumocrat-run cities. Dumocrats just don't have any idea how to manage our money. And when they run out, they just demand more, saying too many people "don't pay their fair share." But more obvious in Chicago is their astronomical "gun crime rate," after they've passed all those tight "gun laws," some of which were so tight they were DECLARED unconstitutional.

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