Saturday, July 19, 2014

Typical Obama

Taking credit for the accomplishments of others. That’s what he’s doing when he says, “You didn’t do that!” He thinks because taxpayers paid for many things we had to use in order to accomplish ANYTHING, we OWE something to them. And they deserve a SHARE of the credit for our accomplishments—WRONG! People who accomplish things do so with, or WITHOUT help from “society.” Obama is doing his usual thing: taking credit for the accomplishments of others while stealing some of the credit, unearned.

PRESIDENT COMING TO DENVER: He’s coming here to stump for Mark Udall. Big thrill! That ought to seal his defeat! Obama is the cause of most of the ills in this country today, and Udall is part of it. Him coming here to stump for Udall ought to “put paid” to the fact that a vote for Udall is a vote for more Obama—which a majority of people don’t want. Udall has to be out of his mind to even ASK for Obama’s support. He’d be much better off “running” from support from Obama like many of his Democrat colleagues are doing.

“INEPT OR DON’T CARE”: Texas governor Rick Perry says, Obama and his administration are either inept or they just don’t care about the immigration problem. I think it’s BOTH. They’re BOTH inept AND don’t care. In fact, it’s mostly Obama’s purposefully inept handling of it that has made it much worse than it has ever been. Obama is the most inept president we’ve ever had, and that’s in ADDITION to his efforts to destroy our economy so he can move us to socialism.

PRICES KEEP RISING: And the liberals in the government are too INCOMPETENT to know why. Or they DO know why, but refuse to admit it. One of the BIG reasons is environmentalism. The new “rules” sponsored by environmentalists and global warming fools (including Obama) cause much of the ever-rising prices because of the increased costs to suppliers to obey these “rules.” Another major cause is INFLATION. Inflation is the inevitable result of the Fed “printing money” with nothing valuable behind it. Every dollar of what I call “Monopoly money” printed and put in circulation makes every other dollar in circulation worth less. Thus, sellers must ask for more of them to come out EVEN.

COSTCO: IT ISN’T POLITICS!” A COSTCO spokesperson said, the decision to BAN Dinesh D’Souza’s book, “America,” was NOT because of politics. He said it was because it was not on New York Times’ Book List. Like most liberal liars, it’s an easily disproved lie. NYT finally added the book, long after its sales numbers would have put it as high as EIGHTH. But COSTCO had no plans to return the book to its shelves, so do you believe that damned fool lie? COSTCO is simply using the NYT List as an excuse (Update: They finally surrendered and returned the books to their shelves when they realized their mistake).

DAMNED FOOL HAMAS: They get angry when Israel “fires back” as they daily fire rocket bombs into Israel. I guess they think they are the only ones who have the right to kill people. They kidnapped and murdered THREE teenagers, then got “righteously angry” when someone in Israel killed a Palestinian teen in retaliation. Mind you, I’m not approving of EITHER. But I needed a good laugh, and the idea of HAMAS getting angry at Israel’s RESPONSE to their atrocities did it, for me.

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