Thursday, July 17, 2014

A "Plague of Locusts"

That’s what we’re suffering at our Southern border as thousands of unaccompanied CHILDREN are transported to our border by SOME unnamed person or persons who want to inundate our system so it breaks down, and NOTHING will stand in the way of those who want free access to our border for themselves. Obama is cooperating nicely, spending $4 BILLION of OUR money to transport those children INTO the middle of America, forcing the states to deal with their feeding and upkeep, rather than taking steps to stem the tide of children demanding entry. This is an ATTACK on America by subversive forces in Mexico and should be treated as such. It should be investigated to find out who is responsible, and that person should be “dealt with.”

MARRIED TO A CROC: It has happened. People have predicted that the way the laws regarding marriage have changed to allow men to marry men and women to marry women, that one day a man would marry an animal. It has happened—in Mexico, to be sure, but is a harbinger of what may come in America. A mayor of a small town in Mexico has married a CROCKODILE, and the villagers seem to be okay with it. How long before some insane Americans do something similar? The way the laws are now written, it could happen. Watch for it.

FACEBOOK’S INCONSISTENCY: It has BANNED the posting of ANY pictures about hunting. But it ALLOWS a posting suggesting the MURDER of a girl because she posted pictures of herself with several LEGAL animal kills. Hunting haters suggested she be killed, herself, and Facebook allowed that post. These “anti-hunters” probably eat meat, but forget where it comes from. Maybe they should look at the places where animals are routinely killed and butchered every day if they want pictures of something truly sickening. And I’m neither against hunting, NOR the killing of animals for our benefit. It’s “nature’s way.” Animals kill each other for food! I just don’t particularly want to see it.

STILL ASSAULTING STERLING: Yes, he made some comments some people feel are racist. But if you look deep enough into the life of EVERY man or woman who are giving him a hard time about it, you’ll find similar comments, especially if you are LOOKING for them. The problem is that there are way too many people out there just WAITING to be “offended” by SOMETHING. And if you continually look for something, you’re going to find it. But whatever he said, Obama’s government had NO RIGHT to get into the fight by having the trademark administration REVOKE his right to own the very NAME of his team—WITHOUT so much as a court hearing.

ANOTHER BIG LAUGH: Obama ought to be a stand-ip comedian. He tells so many finny jokes. Like the one he just uttered about “not liking photo-ops.” This from the most photographed (in planned shots) there ever has been. BWAHAHAHA!  I Think I wet my drawers. Obama’s most famous statements are obvious lies. And his less than famous ones, too. He really BELIEVES this stuff. Or if he doesn’t, he’s a great actor. After his presidency ends (if it ever does) he should go into show business. That crack was so stupid it has been the top story on every news show all day—with pictures (On Fox, at least. The other media probably ignored it).

OBAMA GRIPING ABOUT GOP: He seems to do a lot of that, because the Republicans are doing what they’re PAID to do: BLOCK as many of his hair-brained liberal schemes as they can. Every program he mentioned in his rant against the Republicans was an extreme liberal plan that would make this country a lot worse. I CHEER every time the Republicans successfully BLOCK one of his atrocities. Keep on griping, Obama! I love it when you have reason to gripe!

MUSLIM EXTREMISTS RAPE CHRISTIAN WOMEN: This is the kind of thing Muslim terrorists DO! They kill indiscriminately and rape women. Then they disparage them as “diseased women.” They use their "religious convictions" as a "reason" to screw defenseless women. This is how “The Religion of Peace” operates. But they define “peace” differently than we do. To them, “peace” is attained by killing all who believe differently than they do; and they rape all the women they can on the way to “peace.” These people need to be shot on sight.

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