Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Not Proud to Be American

Like Bill Ayers (noted home-grown terrorist who got away with it), and other liberals, I’m not proud THEY are Americans, either. These are the kind of people whose citizenship should be revoked—IF we can find a country that would take them, which I think would be nigh on impossible. People who knock America SHOULD be denied citizenship, giving them their wish. If they truly don’t like it here, they should go somewhere else.

“LEADING FROM BEHIND”: Is NOT leading. It’s FOLLOWING. It’s what Obama says he is doing. How he can even SEE what he’s supposed to be LEADING people to from BEHIND, I can’t fathom. A horse leader only sees the horse’s BEHIND. How he can lead from that position is beyond me. But he thinks we will buy that BS. Maybe that’s what he means by “leading from behind.”

MAKES ME WANT VOMIT: Every time I hear a Palestinian spokesman talk about Israelis killing babies, then blaming the victims, I want to vomit. Especially since those babies are killed because Palestinians place them PURPOSELY in danger while Israel tried very hard NOT to kill non-combatants; but they are better shots. Palestinians PLACE their rocket-firing facilities in occupied apartment complexes, schools, mosques, and hospitals, KNOWING civilians will be killed when Israel retaliates, sighting in on their launch sites.

JUDGE DOES IT AGAIN: A judge has (again) declared DC’s gun ban unconstitutional. You’d think DC politicians would learn a lesson. Buy NO! They just try it again; and again; and again, until they find a stupid judge to uphold their unconstitutional law. It’s too bad there is no PUNISHMENT for passing unconstitutional laws. If there were, that might make those politicians think twice before making unconstitutional laws. Unless they’re too stupid, which they might be.

UN TO "INVESTIGATE" ISRAEL: For “war crimes.” Not a word about Palestinian war crimes. This is how you falsely turn the world against a country. Lie about them, “investigate” the lies, and declare them to be true and recommend punitive action for them. Never mind Israel is simply DEFENDING itself from Palestinian attacks, rocket bombs that rain down on Israel’s private homes, schools, hospitals, etc., purposely killing adults AND children while Israel does its level best to AVOID killing ANY non-combatants. If this doesn’t prove the UN should be ENDED, I don’t know what would.

NANCY’S COMPLETELY LOST IT: Nancy Peelosi says Hamas is a “humanitarian organization. Anybody with ANY amount of intelligence KNOWS Hamas is NOT a “”humanitarian organization.” They are TERRORIST organization bent on killing all Jews and the eradication Israel from the face of the Earth. Nancy shows her abysmal stupidity every other day. She should be removed from office because she is no longer mentally capable of being IN office. Her and Harry Reid.

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