Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Search for Fools

I hear Democrats are now looking at Jerry Brown (Gov. Calif.) as a presidential candidate. Damn! They really work HARD to find the silliest, most outlandish candidates to run against Republicans who do the same. But Republicans usually come up with somebody who hasn’t got a chance in HELL odf defeating the Democrat candidate, even is the Democrats run “Howdy doody.” The amount of damned foolishness in politics amazes me. They run the REAL good candidates out of town while pushing the FOOLS.

MOST IMPORTANT THING: The world is in chaos; so Al Roker asks Michelle Obama, “Who is the best cook in the White House? Who the hell CARES? What is Obama doing about the Palestinian rocket bombing Israel daily? What about the suicide bombers in Islamic countries? How about the Muslim extremists coming into the country at our southern border to kill unbelievers and blow things up? There are so many other things to worry about, I can’t even list them all here. And Al Roker is worried about who is the best cook in the WHITE HOUSE? Damn! No wonder the world is going to hell in a handbasket! Nobody cares about what’s important!

OBAMA HAS BROUGHT “TRANQUILITY?” What world hes the person who says this been living in? What has he/she been SMOKING? Tranquility? Rocket bombs landing in Israel every day? Muslim extremists  wantonly murdering innocent people who don’t believe exactly the same way they do? Our own PRESIDENT “running guns” to the Mexican drug cartels as well as the Syrian “rebels” who are actually Islamic terrorists in disguise? What about our veterans being treated like nothing when they try and get the medical attention they were PROMISED? Damn!

CONGRESSMAN GOES SOUTH: To find out what REALLY drives all those CHILDREN who are overwhelming our border defenses by showing up in the thousands. What he found was, it’s dangerous in their schools; it’s dangerous in OUR schools. They have little or no job prospects; OUR children have no job prospects. They don’t have much to look forward to; neither do OUR children. So why are they coming here? Because Obama promised them all the things he could NOT provide.

WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? What are the chances of an entire group of computers, all tied to Lois Lerner’s would go down all at once, right about the time that Congress demanded access to them in an investigation? If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I want to talk to you about. “That fatal computer flu that did in Lois Lerner’s hard drive must have been nasty contagious. The IRS told a Congressional panel last week that several more previously-undisclosed instances of “computer problems” had afflicted the devices of IRS employees who had regular interoffice communications with Lerner.” I think she is lying; I think all her co-workers are lying. I think OBAMA is lying about the IRS scandal (and many other things). The chances that ALL these computers that might have held incriminating information went down just when Congress wanted access is little to non-existent. Who do they think they’re fooling?

NOT INCOMPETENCE: INTENT! Many people are insisting that the lack of ability to control our borders is due to Obama’s INCOMPETENCE. I disagree. i think it’s INTENT. I think he WANTS the borders to be effectively open so his friends, the Islamic terrorists, can come in, unobstructed, to bedevil us and kill Americans like they do elsewhere, I think Obama IS a “closet Muslim” and wishes to help them win. Don’t believe it? Just look at his decisions with regard to everything Muslims DO in this country. Every one has been made in FAVOR of the Muslim extremists.

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