Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Executive Orders Are NOT Law!

Obama just signed an executive order forbidding federal contractors from “discriminating” against those who “identify as different from the gender they had at birth.” In other words, gays; homosexuals, etc. An executive order is NOT law, and therefore cannot be LEGALLY enforced. I recommend those who wish to violate it do so, and take the matter to the Supreme Court. It’s about time somebody SCHOOLED Obama on just how laws re made—and how they’re NOT made. I have nothing against gays, but I DO have something against Obama making his own laws without involving Congress.

DOES OBAMA PAY FOR FUNDRAISERS? The tab for just ONE three day fund raising trip is $2.85 million dollars. Does Obama pay for that? Or do the taxpayers? If he pays fot it, it seems like that would put a big strain on his finances. If we pay for it, he’s asking way too much of the taxpayers. If his campaign funds pay for it, I guess that’s okay. If gullible people give him the money, I guess he has the right to spend it.

DUNGY DOESN’T WANT THE HASSLE: What’s wrong with that? Yes, he may have touched a “sacred cow.” So what? That’s his right. No, he doesn’t hate gays. He just doesn’t want the hassles that having Michael Sam on his team would bring. That’s his right, too. Except for the gay harassers who don’t think ANYBODY should have a right to make his own business decisions if it involves gays. Get off his BACK! Damn! Why don’t you argue about something IMPORTANT, like Obama spending more of our money than there IS, or running guns to Islamic terrorists.

SUING OVER “COMMON CORE”: There is a flurry of suits about “Common Core,” mostly because it is an ABORTION of a system that is too complicated for young children to learn ANYTHING, and is a propaganda tool for liberals. You’d think the incompetent politicians who push that disastrous “program” would get the idea that nobody WANTS “Common Core” and, maybe, BACK OFF! But NO! They “double down” and push it harder. Damned fools.

LERNER E-MAILS MAY STILL EXIST: Her hard drive was supposed to have been destroyed after crashing, and several other hard drives of people who had regular contact with here went down at the same time and were subsequently “recycled,” which is code for destroyed. They told us the information on them could not be recovered. Now we find out there may be “taped backups” still available. Why they didn’t tell us about this isn’t hard to divine. The idea that a bunch of hard drives containing criminal information for her and others going down together just after Congress asked for that information is so hard to believe it’s funny. I needed a good laugh, and they gave it to me.

OBAMA “GENEROUSLY” GIVES HOMEOWNERS A BAILOUT: That’s what the headline in a ubiquitously-run ad on the Internet says. “Generously?” With WHOSE MONEY? Obama is quick to be “generous” with OUR money. Never with his own. But if I were you, I’d look carefully at the “fine print” for the con involved. Obama NEVER does anything without some kind of a con being involved.

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