Wednesday, March 13, 2013

White House Caught in Another Lie

That’s a “news item” coming out right now. That’s news? Obama lies every time he opens his mouth, and the press swears to it. So why is this news? Anybody who believes a single WORD that comes out of Obama’s mouth is a FOOL! You can deny that all you want, but it IS truth. I’ve never seen so many lies coming out of a president’s mouth in my life, and I lived through Bill Clinton’s presidency. Bill Clinton is the previous record-holder.

DRONES CAN TELL IF YOU’RE ARMED: And then KILL you without any other action being taken. But even illegal gun ownership is not a death penalty offense the last I heard. What the hell is Obama THINKING? That he has the right to KILL someone for being armed, legal or illegal? This man reveals every day more and more what a FOOL he is. He’ll probably send a drone to kill me for saying that after declaring me to be a terrorist.

SUBSIDIZING OBSOLESCENCE: Now somebody wants to tax your e-mails to subsidize the Post Office. Who was taxed to subsidize the buggy whip makers when the automobile came along? Yes, the Post Office is suffering, and may even go out of business. Or if they’re smart, they’ll “pull in their horns” and ADJUST to reality. Budget less money to delivering first class mail and more to delivering packages. They will always be needed, but not as much.

FOR BEING “TOO CONSERVATIVE”: Elizabeth Hasselback is being booted from “The View” because she’s “too right-wing.” So is that a reason for being booted? Apparently it is, for the producers of “The View.” We’ve always known they were “Left-wing” in their viewpoint, but now they’ve confirmed it. That’s why I never watch it. I think they have a spot waiting for her on Fox (Update: They now deny it).

“OBAMA BASHING’: I’ve gotten some static for constantly “bashing” Obama. What? I don’t “bash” ANYBODY. I merely tell the truth they wish you would not know. So they apparently send people out to give people like me a “hard time” for it. But it’s not going to stop. I’ll call attention to all his stupid actions and statements as long as he makes them. I figure if I don’t make liberals hate me, I’m not doing my job. The only way to stop me is to “get rid of me,” and I don’t think Obama’s ready for that (yet).

BLAMING OTHERS: Obama is STILL blaming Bush and the GOP for all the bad things HE does, even though he has been president for more than 4 years. It’s time he realized that at least SOME of the stupidities in Washington can be found at his feet. But will he? Never. He isn’t smart enough for that.

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