Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guaranteed Failure

You want to know how to GUARANTEE failure as a city or as a county? Or even as a nationwide government? Just allow the Democrats (liberals) to run it. It will soon be bankrupt, as the United states government and a number of cities and states are now. Don’t take my word for it. Look up the states and cities that are bankrupt and then find out what political party runs them. In almost EVERY case, it will be Democrat-run. Like Detroit today and New York City some years ago.

DOCTORS KILLED MORE CHILDREN THAN GUNS: Liberals want to BAN GUNS from the United States because they “kill our children.” But DOCTORS, covered by laws THEY made, have murdered more UNBORN infants than guns ever have. So should we ban doctors?

MADE-UP NUMBERS: Soon to be retired (thank Goodness) Rep. Charlie Rangel recently said, “MILLIONS of kids have been killed by assault weapons.”  Man, what a WHOPPER! This is yet another instance of liberal politicians “making it up as they go along” when they can’t “dredge up” real statistics to prove their lies. Always check reliable sources yourself when ANY politician gives you a set of figures. They’re probably (most likely if they're Democrats) false.

MUSLIMS IGNORE PARKING LAWS TO PRAY: Apparently our laws mean NOTHING to a Muslim who wants to pray (they think their wish to pray is above our laws). Maybe if we got the Muslim bosses to make a SHARIA Law against illegal parking (maybe the penalty could be loss of his cab driving license or, under Sharia, loss of a hand) they might stop ignoring our parking laws. In any case, this tells me a lot about the New York City cab business. I wouldn’t want to ride in one of their cabs. I might be kidnapped and beheaded if they don’t like my looks.

SYSTEM IS WRONG: There’s something wrong in our system when the Democrats, who CAUSED all our economic problems with their prolific spending, get to accept or reject the budget offered by the Republicans, which from all I’ve seen solves most of the problems caused by Democrats as they spent more money than there IS. Yes, Democrats DID offer a budget that includes TRILLIONS more in deficit spending over the next few years.

WHY DON’T WE LEARN? Islamic terrorists will NEVER negotiate meaningfully. They USE “negotiations” to their benefit, sometimes wringing concessions out of their opponents while NEVER giving their opponents any meaningful concessions. In other cases they use the negotiations to “buy time” to resupply and reposition their attack units while we “sleep on.” But rest assured, negotiating with Islamic terrorists will NEVER work. They want only ONE THING: the DEATH of anybody not THEIR KIND of Muslim. The only thing they understand is their own death.

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