Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stupid Liberal Notions

That “the rich” STOLE their money from the POOR (how do you steal from people who have nothing?); that it is not necessary to make a profit. (Then what is the POINT of going into business in the first place?); that raising taxes makes the economy better (No, it does NOT. All that is, is taking from one group of citizens and giving it to another. That just transfers money from one group to another without creating new money).

CONSTANT PANIC: They think we don’t notice that the “constant panic” in Washington shows their complete INCOMPETENCE to govern. And with many Americans who pay no attention to politics, they’re right. Those people accept anything they’re fed by the media. And what the media feeds them is what the feds feed the press. Obama lies, and the press swears to it. One example: we haven’t had a budget since Obama came into office, even though that’s illegal. But nobody wants to call him on it.

KARZAI IS A FOOL: He’s now saying America is “in cahoots” with al-Qaida. He doesn’t know who his friends are. We got rid of the Taliban and allowed him to be elected. Now he’s accusing us of being in cahoots with al-Qaida. Somebody needs to take him aside and slap some sense into him.

CHAVEZ TO BE “LENINIZED”: They want to “canonize” him as Russia did to their mass murderer who enslaved them for 75 years, Vladmir Lenin. They’re going to “stuff him” and place him under a glass dome, so they can keep him “on display” for years. They say “forever.” But he won’t last that long, just as Lenin did not.

OBAMA CLOSES WHITE HOUSE TOURS: But gives S260 MILLION to Egypt’s Islamic terrorist president of Egypt (including tanks and jets). Can it BE more obvious that he is SUPPORTING the Islamic terrorists’ war against America in every way he can “explain away?” Morsi has said that “trade with America” is bad, but Obama’s accomplices still give him $MILLIONS.

DID WE GIVE FT. HOOD KILLER A MEDAL? Word is, we gave the Ft. Hood killer a promotion to Lt. Col. And a medal, according to the blog, “The Duffel.” Is it true? Is Obama really THAT stupid? “Authorities” say it’s “routine” to do so. But plainly, you don’t give a promotion to a “suspected” mass killer that is “in custody” waiting for trial. And you CERTAINLY don’t give him a medal. What the hell’s going on?
ENOUGH, AWREDDY!: Jody Arias, accused of killing her boyfriend, has been on the stand, responding to a “tag-team” questioning by MANY lawyers for a LONG time.. She talks about one of the things she killed him because of is that he “came at me and came at me, over and over . . .” I guess she could add those lawyers to that list. Frankly, I think sitting there, day after day, answering their incessant and inane questioning is enough punishment for anything she might have done. To those lawyers: Let the poor girl go, fergawdsakes! If she’s guilty, convict her and “put her away.” But stop “browbeating” her! Enough is enough awreddy!

DID IT WORK? Rand Paul spoke for thirteen hours to delay the vote on the nomination of the new CIA Director and force Obama to answer the question ab0ut the legality of killing unconvicted people with his drones. No doubt he is exhausted today and “sleeping in.” But did his action change anything? Doubtful. The vote is still scheduled to be held and the “best guess” in Washington is that John Brennan is a “shoo-in” for his nomination being approved (he WAS approved), and Obama’s determination to murder Americans is still there although he DID answer the question, for whatever THAT'S worth.

“FAT LETTERS”: Massachusetts “authorities” recently sent a “fat letter” to the parents of a boy who is as far from being “fat” as you can be. He engages in many sports, including the martial arts. This is obviously an example of bureaucratic incompetence, which seems to be rampant in education. Getting such a letter at such a young age can do much damage to a child’s “self-esteem,” which seems to be yet ANOTHER “concern” for school “authorities,” who seem to have many silly “concerns.”

“GUNS ARE FUN:” That’s what the “anti-gun freaks” say about gun owners. This is an effort to minimize gun ownership and their determination to keep their “right to keep and bear arms.” Rightfully, that has nothing to do with “guns being fun.” They are ESSENTIAL for self-defense from illegally-armed CRIMINALS. “Gun rights” have NOTHING to do with hunting and target shooting. It has EVERYTHING to do with defending yourself and your loved ones.

CRYING WOLF: That’s what Obama and his “gang of thieves” are doing right now, with their dire predictions of what will happen because of the “Sequester. What they’re trying to do is keep America from allowing ANY KIND of a cut in spending. Nancy Peelosi, MINORITY Leader in the House, says, “We don’t have a spending problem.” But we DO, all protests to the contrary notwithstanding. Obama has spent more money than there IS, and wants to spend more.

MANY FOOLS OUT THERE: The proof is the many people who say Hugo Chavez was a great man. One even compared him to Jesus Christ! But ANYBODY who examines what he has DONE will change their opinion—unless they are just plain STUPID. Some people can watch as a man empties their wallet and praise that thief as if he were doing something good. I do not. I “call a spade a spade.” And you liberals can forget calling me a racist for using the word, “spade.”

HOLDER: DRONE STRIKES ON AMERICANS LEGAL: But they aren’t. What a FOOL this man is! Obama lies and he swears to it. And he is the top law enforcement agent in the nation! My God! What have we (not me) done? Have we allowed the CRIMINALS to take over the government? It certainly looks that way, with all the crimes being committed by our president, as well as his “gang of thieves,” of which Holder is one.

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