Sunday, March 24, 2013

Obamacare A "Job-Killing Machine"

In an economy that is trying its best under difficult conditions to “create jobs,” Obama’s “health care SWINDLE” is soon to go into effect after they sucked BILLIONS from us for FOUR YEARS before ANY “benefits would be received, and will COST jobs at small businesses that are “borderline” (under 50 employees) ELIMINATE JOBS to keep from paying the CONFISCATORY FINES to be imposed upon them for “noncompliance” when “compliance” will constitute a 90% TAX.

“COMMANDED TO GIVE IT BACK”: Israel won many square miles of territory in the “Six-Day War” that was STARTED by Muslims. Since then, they have given most of it back under this edict or the other. People seem to forget that Israel was ATTACKED to start that war and whipped their butts in SIX DAYS. But POLITICS has taken most of that away.

THE WAR ON ACHIEVEMENT: We have always rewarded people on the basis of their ACHIEVEMENTS. No more, if liberals have their way, and it looks like, more and more, they ARE “having their way.” One instance is a Massachusetts school that has cancelled “Honors Day” in order to not “hurt the feelings” of those who didn’t qualify. As this trend increases, there will be no INCENTIVE to achieve and people will only be rewarded on the basic of the “group” they’re in. This is the ULTIMATE in discrimination.

THE STUPID THINGS PEOPLE DO! Somewhere in this country (I won’t say where) they’re having a “scrambled egg festival” where they scramble THOUSANDS of eggs and people “gobble them up.” I’m not one of those who want to control what you eat, but it DOES seem to me that’s a little too much egg. But they don’t care; they regard that festival as a “coming of spring” thing.

COVERING PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: That’s one of the STUPIDEST things about Obama’s health care swindle law. To cover something that exists WHEN the insurance is bought is economic SUICIDE for the insurance companies, and will cause MASSIVE rate increases to recover the money. Say a man has no health insurance and discovers he has a virulent form of cancer, which he KNOWS will cost a LOT of money to treat. He buys “insurance” and that insurance company is forced to pay for his cancer treatment, whatEVER it costs. The insurance companies cannot survive it, and that’s Obama’s plan, to destroy the health insurance industry and FORCE Americans to buy HIS “government insurance.”

WHAT FOOLS THEY BE! Michigan “workers” are whining over the “right to work” law that was voted in by a MAJORITY of Michigan citizens. They want to hold people who aren’t into unions captive to the unions that THEY use. They want to FORCE them to pay to belong to unions they want nothing to do with. They’re apparently against ANYTHING that has the word, “freedom” in it. They just don’t understand what they’re giving away.

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