Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A "Utopian Wet Dream"

That’s what Rush Limbaugh calls “Obamacare” (Obama’s health care swindle), and he's right. Obama tells us he can take care of TEN MILLION MORE PEOPLE without spending an extra DIME. The IGNORANCE of this man is BREATHTAKING! Meanwhile, his accomplices continue collecting money to “pay for it” while the “benefits” won’t start until FOUR YEARS of collecting money goes by (to create the ILLUSION it won’t cost as much as it will) They have written 14,000 pages of regulations to support it, and, like the law itself, very few people (maybe nobody) know what’s in them.

FEINSTEIN IS A FOOL: She actually thinks the GOVERNMENT “allows” people to keep and bear SOME arms. She’d just too stupid to know that the Constitution, the BASIS for ALL our laws, says “the government SHALL NOT INFRINGE” on out right to keep and bear arms. Everything this fool proposes INFRINGES upon our right to keep and bear arms. This is the kind of Senator who needs to be “retired” as soon as possible.

FEINSTEIN NEEDS TO GO: She says, “I’m not a sixth grader!” She’s right. She’s probably more like a THIRD grader if you consider her understanding of the Constitution. The average THIRD-GRADER understood the constitution when I went to school, a LOT better than she does today. How STUPID do you have to BE before the people get rid of you?

RETAKING CONTROL OF CONGRESS: Obama actually thinks he can engineer the “retaking” of control of Congress in the midterm elections in 2014. Maybe he can, and maybe he can’t. If he does, we’re LOST as a free country, and it will only happen if he can get all the MOOCHERS to vote for his candidates to “keep the goodies coming.” If the average voter is as STUPID as Diane Feinstein, it might just happen; which makes me glad I won’t be around much longer.

LETTING OUR ENEMIES IN: Obama has changed the rules to let Saudis into this country while BYPASSING normal limits for entry. WHY? More evidence that he is on our ENEMIES’ side. He will do everything he can to aid our Islamic terrorist enemies. Don’t believe it? Just watch what he DOES, not what he SAYS.

OBAMA KILLS JOBS: Seems like every day he comes out with yet ANOTHER policy that will KILL JOBS, his health care swindle law being the biggest and most oppressive to EVERYBODY. Businesses that are “borderline” (under 50 employees) fire people to avoid having to FINANCE his “Utopian wet dream” and individuals who CAN’T AFFORD” to buy health insurance can’t afford to pay the fine, too go to jail. What part of CAN’T AFFORD don’t you understand, Barack?

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