Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Frightening America

Obama’s efforts to frighten us about “The Sequester” (and many other things) are becoming so obvious that nobody believes him any more. His con man methods are becoming so common and he has “cried wolf” so many times that nobody gets excited any more when he comes up with yet another “panic.” He is only still the president because the LOOTERS who only want a “free ride” voted in higher numbers than “real people” that he stayed in office. They don’t care what kind of government we have as long as the “goodies” keep coming.

“ASSAULT WEAPONS” BAN WON’T PASS: Feinstein’s “assault weapons ban” is being removed from the “gun bill” and attached as an “amendment,” because of the solid opposition from Republicans AND Democrats. Both sides see enough danger in that part of the bill that Feinstein is really “crying” about it, while still carrying HER gun.

ROOSEVELT’S SCAM: When FDR foisted that Ponzi (Pyramid) scheme called Social Security on the American populace with the age for beginning to receive benefits set at 65, the average life expectancy was 65. He expected to collect money from the populace their entire lives and never have to pay off (yet another example of incompetence in government). But he got fooled by “Mother Nature.” The life expectancy now is a lot longer and the “Social Security Fund,” which only existed as long as it took the government to LOOT it is not able to continue to pay benefits. I’m glad I won’t be around to see it run out completely, but my descendants will, and that’s bad.

RETALIATION: When Standard & Poors and Eagan-Jones lowered The United states government’s credit rating, Obama had his SEC file charges against them in retaliation, but couldn’t prove anything was wrong. So all that accomplished was to force them to spend a lot of money on lawyers.

HAMAS KILLS ISLAMIC CHILD: Then blames it on Israel. The United Nations proved otherwise (which means they might be useful, after all). This is “modus operandi” for the Islamic terrorists: kill a child, and then blame it on their enemies. Sometimes they kill the child themselves, then CLAIM their “enemies” did it.

NEVER DEBATE THE ISSUES: Did you ever notice? When someone “calls” a liberal on a lie, he “calls them names,” never arguing on the merits. That’s because there usually IS no logical argument on their side. So they just call their critic a nasty name and go on as if nothing happened. That’s their “Modus operandi.”

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