Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Taking Down "CHOP"

Word is, they’ve finally moved in on that illegal takeover of other people’s property called, “CHOP.” What the hell took them so long is the indecision of their liberal Dumbocrat mayor, who was apparently afraid to oppose the rioters. They refused to let the cops move in and enforce the law until the police chief told them, “Enough!” So the fool politicians finally gave her permission to go in and “take them out." The mayor finally "grew a pair" and ordered her cops to go in and put a stop to CHOP's excesses in the name of their phony "equality."

BIDEN OUTRAISING TRUMP”: I keep getting messages that tell me that, even though Biden can’t even fill a hall with 20 people. Where he gets that much money is a real mystery. Frankly, I think it’s “fake news” designed to make us think Trump is losing, while he has $200 million at his disposal. Of course, I also get messages telling me just the opposite. I don’t know what to believe, so I don’t believe any of it. It’s all politics, and politics is all lies.I think the Dumbocrats are funneling money from other sources to his campaign, in order to "prop him up."

JUST WON’T LET GO: The Dumbocrats are still pushing that “Russian collaboration” idea and they just won’t let go, even though it has been disproved time and time again. They’re like a child with a lollypop that’s gone, and they don’t want to admit it. Now their latest effort has been stopped. The Supreme Court refused to allow them to see the “confidential papers” from the Mueller “investigation,” so they can forget that. But they won’t. They’ll go into the NEXT century still trying to prove Trump collaborated with the Russians to get elected, when the one actually DOING it was Hillary.

THE “CHOP MICROCOSM”: That abortion called “CHOP” in Seattle was a microcosm of what unrestricted socialism offers us. A complete breakdown in social order, and no restrictions on the actions of the malcontents in our society. They called it “freedom,” but it was far from any sort of freedom. It “took over” private property and used that property for its own purposes. That’s not freedom, that’s slavery. But they aren’t smart enough to know that. So they went out and broke the law, and are now going to suffer for it.

SHOWING RESPECT?” NYC Mayor DiBlasio says allowing the painting of BLM logos on public property “shows respect” for a “good cause.” But that’s not what it is, at all. It is showing capitulation to a mob, that uses illegal means to gain their objective, counting on ineffective politicians to “knuckle under” to them. Which is just what’s happening in NYC with their incompetent mayor. The City of New York is “going to hell in a handbasket,” and that will continue as long as DiBlasio or any of his ilk is in office.

WHAT GOOD IS SOCIALISM? No good, actually, at least to people who are willing and able to earn their own way. Socialism is only a good thing to those who would rather live at someone else’s expense, so they don’t have to work for themselves. So that’s what the socialism salespeople sell. “Freebies;” things to gain without working. And they get takers. Because there will always be such people in every society. And they work together to convince others that socialism is a good thing. And socialism will work—for a while—until they run out of other people’s money. Then it collapses. The socialist-sellers make excuses, and move on to sell socialism somewhere else.

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