Thursday, July 23, 2020

Progressivism IS Socialism!

Every time I turn around, they’re giving socialism (collectivism, communism, etc.) a new name in order to confuse us as to what it is. That’s the only way the collectivism sellers can sell collectivism: by lying to us as to its nature. That’s because it is only good for one group of people: those who want to live at the expense of others instead of having to work and earn for themselves. On the other side are those who ARE willing to work and earn for themselves and collectivism LOOTS those people, taking a “share” of what they EARN, and giving it, UNEARNED, to those freeloaders. They always sell it on the basis of paying for goods and services FOR you, without ever mentioning where the money must come from.

STATUE OF LIBERTY PLAY: They did it in the past when they tried valiantly to stop the approval of an honest justice to the supreme court. They had one woman who was willing to lie to please her Dumocrat “handlers,” and when that didn’t seem to be working, they suddenly “found” another equally unbelievable woman to lie for them. But that didn’t work either, and their “victim” became the latest honest Supreme Court justice. Now they’re trying to impeach a president, against whom they could NOT find evidence of any kind of a “Crime” so suddenly they “found” some fool who had only stood behind President Trump once during a photo shoot, and whom Trump didn’t know to “swear” that “Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to get Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s illegal activities.

IN SPITE OF OBSTACLES: Donald Trump is used to people throwing obstacles in his path and still being able to attain his goals. So it doesn’t really bother him that Dumocrats oppose his every move, while he attains every goal he sets for himself. He announced his intent to run for the presidency and Dumocrats scoffed. “He doesn’t have a chance!” they said, and went on with their effort to elect Hillary if they had to cheat to do it. So now Trump is president, and they determined to place every “roadblock” they could in his way. But Trump is used to that, and he “rolled right over them” and created the best economy this nation has seen in decades. The Obama economy was the WORST in history. So bad, he even had to excuse his incompetence by telling us it was “the new normal.” That a good economy was a thing of the past, and wouldn’t be back. So in Trump’s first year as president, it came back, with a ROAR.

ALL THE WRONG THINGS: Chicago Mayor Lightbrain is opposing Trump coming in and using existing federal agents to bring back order in her city, saying, “We’re doing all we can to eliminate the gun violence.” Trouble is, they’re doing all the WRONG things. Chief among those are the plethora of useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing except to disarm the honest, law-abiding citizens, allowing the law breakers “free rein” to victimize them. Next, she signals to her police that she will NOT stand behind them when they do what is necessary to bring back order and convince the law breakers their actions are not a good choice. She does that by her ACTIONS when liberal criminal supporters demand she go after her cops whenever they think they did something wrong.

UPSTAGED DEMOCRATS: President Trump told those incompetent local Dumbocrats that, if the didn’t clean up their cities, he would do it for them, and he’s doing just that. He has a habit of doing exactly what he says he will do, and the Dumbocrats just aren’t used to other politicians actually doing what they promise, and they’re mad about it. So when he sent in his people, using locally rented vehicles to surprise them, they accused him of sending in “secret police” with no identifying marks on their uniforms—which is completely false. They all wore their usual uniforms with the identifying patches that were normally there. The only “secret” part of it was the use of locally rented vehicles he used to “sneak up” on the rioters.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: A fool who describes himself as an “indigenous non-binary local organizer” is calling for the “abolishment of the United States.” Both Germany and Japan tried that in the forties. It didn’t work out too well, for them. What makes this fool think he has more power than those two countries, I don’t know… This one is real. Liberals are naming everything they can to be racist—so much so that the racism charge has been made meaningless. Now Planned Parenthood wants to remove the name of Margaret Sanger from their promotions because of her racist ideas. But that won’t remove the racist actions of PP in killing many more BLACK babies than any others…

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