Monday, July 20, 2020

Democratic Republic

I’ve heard this, and other countries so called many times by people who have no idea what a democracy or a republic is. And many of those people are actually the ones running the country! They’re in charge, and they have no idea what they’re running! In a democracy, such as was old Greece, there are no representatives or senators elected by the people. EVERYBODY votes, on every issue. That system proved to be too cumbersome. In a republic, we do elect representatives and senators, who do the voting on all issues. Thus, this country was never a democracy, as many people thought it was. It is a REPUBLIC. And has always been a republic.
VIOLENCE TO SUPPORT A CAUSE: The liberals have nothing. So they commit violence to stop any opposition tot heir stupid policies. They see a “MAGA hat” and they lose it. Then they run up to the wearer and slap it off his head, then assault him for wearing a legal symbol of the president. I am a solid Trump supporter. He is the only politician who is actually DOING something about the corruption in this country. But as an 83-year-old man who can barely walk, I dare not wear one in public for fear of being assaulted or maybe even killed by a young, healthy thug who disagrees with my support and has nothing to offer except violence. A basketball star was seen wearing a “Blue Lives Matter face mask and has been subjected to intense pressure to wear something else because those “Black Lives Matter” fools don’t like him wearing it.

OBAMA TO BE INVESTIGATED: I’ve heard that a lot. I’ve even heard assurances that he IS being investigated for his knowledge of the investigations (run by Dumbocrats) of Trump loyalists. But never any results. Word of those investigations goes on for years and years, with no results reported. They are all promised to be performed by Dumbocrats, but they never seem to come off. Even those promised by Republicans never seem to come off. Promising investigations is one of the best ways to stall, and they use it to its extremes. Unless it is Dumbocrats “investigating” Republicans. Then it’s “Katie Bar the Door!”

DON’T SHOOT THE LEGS: If the cop in the this scenario had just “aimed for the legs” as that crazed fool came after him with a screwdriver, he would have been dead several times over. When the cop stopped him (for what, I don’t know, but the cop threatened the suspect, in no way), he immediately attacked the cop with a screwdriver, which is a weapon that can inflict deadly injuries. As he charged, the cops shot him many times, with no seeming effect, until the last shots. If that cop had followed Joe Biden’s instructions, he’d be dead, even though the suspect was TECHNICALLY unarmed. This, and many other situations again prove that our former vice president, now a presidential candidate, hasn’t a clue about anything, let alone “gun control.”

KILLING SELF DEFENSE: Do the anti-gun fools really think that eliminating guns will stop all violent crime? They can’t be that stupid… can they? But apparently, they are. They have to be aware that violence predated guns. That before guns were the chief instrument for violence, that position was held by a sharp blade. People injured and killed each other very efficiently with knives and swords. And if they actually succeed in eliminating guns, knives will again come to the fore and violence will continue. The obvious solution is to find out why so many people want to commit violence and get in the way of that violence. Eliminating the TOOL for that violence is NOT the answer. But they can’t figure that out.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: AOC says people steal because they need to “steal some bread,” ignoring the unalterable fact that she was the cause for them to be out of work in the first place… She’s baaaack! Greta is back, as usual, DEMANDING “immediate insane change” in something. Of course, nothing will happen. Nobody with any intelligence listens to anything this bimbo has to say, except the fools who think children should dictate policy… Hmmm, interesting. An art curator was fired from his position for racism because he refused th perform a racist act by excluding work from white artists. Talk about twisting factsAOC is still pushing that tired, old Dumbocrat saw that taxing millionaires—now billionaires—will solve all our financial problems. It will NOT. They don’t have enough money to solve all the financial problems that have been caused by profligate Dumbocrat spending. There’s not enough money in the world to pay for that…

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