Thursday, July 9, 2020

Liberal Politicians Are Stupid

How these lame brain fools got into office amazes me. Mayor Lightbrain in Chicago is one of the worst. She didn’t make all the ineffective, unenforceable anti-gun laws in Chicago, but she agrees totally with their “enforcement,” which only serves to get the law abiding killed, since they are the only ones who have trouble getting guns with which to defend themselves from the law breakers, who never have ANY trouble getting the guns they use to victimize the law abiding. Large cities all over the country suffer from the same stupidity displayed in Chicago by Mayor Lightbrain, and murder rates remain high. In NYC, Mayor DiStupid is “enforcing” his anti-gun laws while taking a BILLION DOLLARS away from his cops, effectively destroying any effectiveness they may have had.

CHICAGO: 67 SHOT; 13 DEAD: That’s a horrible headline isn’t it? But it’s routine in Chicago, which has very tight anti-gun laws on the books. Of the 67, three were CHILDREN! And I don’t mean teenage gang members, either. Children at age 7 and younger who were just caught in the crossfire as one gang shot up a family belonging to another gang. Mayor Lightbrain has no idea how to put a stop to this carnage, so she just wants to make even more of those ineffective, useless laws that haven’t ever stopped a single shooting death. Like most anti-gun fools, she blames the gun, and not the shooter.

BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER: At least, not to other blacks, if the rate they kill each other off is any indication. Now they’re into killing black CHILDREN at age 7 or 8. Nothing is said about that while they rail about the tiny number of black people killed by cops, usually while they are trying to kill those cops. Nothing is said about maybe there’s a good reason why cops seem to sometimes “shoot first and ask questions later,” but they have a good one. So many black men are ILLEGALLY armed and trying to shoot them. Meanwhile those who shout “Black Lives Matter!” refuse to admit that ALL lives matter which, to me, discredits them, entirely. Of course, they will call me a racist for pointing these things out. But these things are TRUTH, and I’m in the truth business. Regardless of race.

TAXING COW FARTS: Some time ago, a government bureaucrat came up with an ingenious idea: tax cow farts. Cows fart all the time, so that would be major supply of money for the government. Not a moral supply, but a supply, nonetheless. But don’t tell them this: every living being farts, or they’ll lay a tax on it for everybody they can get to. Cows fart; horses fart; humans fart; So do animals. Bugs fart, though we can’t hear them. Birds and bees fart. But they can’t tax their farts, so they ignore them. Taxing farts is like taxing the very air we breathe. We can’t avoid farting, nor breathing. So taxing farts should be declared criminal. But then, politicians don’t think that way. They want to tax everything they think they can get away with.

BLUE LIVES MATTER TOO” The Black Lives Matter crowd doesn’t want to hear this, but the fact is, black men kill cops at a much higher rate than do cops kill blacks. And many of those cop killings are from ambush. Cops being killed by black men as they sit in their very distinctive cruisers wearing their very distinctive uniforms are rife. But there are no parades, no “demonstrations,” no riots when a black man kills a white cop. Only when a cop kills a black man. Is it any wonder that cops are a little quicker to shoot black men these days? Those ubiquitous (to BLM) cop shootings of unarmed black men (most of which are errors made by cops who are very frightened of being ambushed and killed by black men

ONE MAN’S OPINION: DiBlasio bans religious gatherings—except for Black Lives Matter gatherings because of “profound meaning.” WHAT “profound meaning?” Religious meetings have a “profound meaning,” too. Or are you too stupid to realize that, DiBlasio? Damn what stupid politicians we have in some places… A Dumbocrat House candidate wants people to “report” Trump supporters—as if supporting Trump was a crime. If that’s true, I’m guilty… Hillary says she would beat Trump if she was on the ballot in 2020. Dream on, girl! You couldn’t beat him before with all the Dumbocrat dirty tricks on your side, and you can’t beat him, now. No Dumbocrat can… Wannabe dictator Joe Biden wants to put people on the terrorist watch list for being CHRISTIANS! Do we really want this fool in the presidency? Not as long as I’m still alive…

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