Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Self Defense Now Illegal

Apparently it is if you live in St. Louis and are attacked by an angry ANTIFA mob. An innocent couple watched as an angry mob approached their property with “blood in their eyes.” So they got their guns and went out to defend themselves. One of their guns was a dreaded AR-15 and the mob, which had already destroyed an expensive gate, turned and ran for the hills at the sight of the guns, cowards that they are. Nobody was hurt, which I’m sure would not have been the case if the mob had not have been stopped in their tracks by the display of a legally-owned gun. Now a crooked politician wants to charge them with a crime for defending themselves and their property against an angry mob.

SHOULD HAPPEN MORE OFTEN: In Portland, Oregon, an ANTIFA thug jerked a car door open, planning on beating somebody up—and got himself beat up, instead. Somehow I don’t think he planned it that way. The car driver jumped out and started beating on him, and all his friends fled, like the cowards they were who thought they were so tough when they had the numbers. This kind of thing needs to happen more often. The ANTIFA thugs attack someone and get beat up, themselves. What I’m afraid of is that some time they’ll attack somebody, thinking they have it all their own way and will get one or more of their number shot and killed.

JOE BIDEN IS WRONG! Everything he proposes to do if he gets elected president is wrong. He wants to open the borders and allow MS-13 gang members to come into this country with nothing to stop this murderous gang, which is staging a “slow-motion invasion” of this country to enter so they can kill many more of us—and victimize many others. He plans to raise your taxes unmercifully. He’s very up front about that. He thinks he can take your money and spend it wildly (like Dumbocrats do) will improve the economy. His apologists claim that he intends to raise taxes only on the top 1%, which is a lie. And even if true, it mitigates against any improvement in the economy. He wants to put Christians—which many of you are—on the terrorist watch list, which demonstrates his abysmal stupidity for all to see.

IT’S BEGINNING: I’ve been predicting the start of a civil war for a long time, and ANTIFA is bringing my prediction to life. I’ve also said that the time will come when someone in an ANTIFA crowd will bring a gun to their demonstration and will shoot and kill somebody who opposes them. Fortunately this time, lousy marksmanship stopped a killing, but otherwise, it was just what I predicted. An SUV that was not involved in the “demonstration” (riot) was instantly surrounded by screaming rioters and the driver, afraid rightly for his life, accelerated through the crowd of swarming rioters. Not one, but TWO demonstrators pulled guns, but only one fired, hitting the driver. Then he put his gun away and continued “demonstrating” until he was arrested and charged with attempted murder later.

WORRIED ABOUT FARTS: As if the fuss about the CEO of GOYA Foods having the temerity to actually praise our sitting president weren’t enough, now liberals, far and wide, are “very worried” about how the increased farting by buyers of GOYA beans will affect global warming/climate change. The fact that “climate change” is an imaginary problem doesn’t enter into it. Liberals have targeted GOYA because its CEO didn’t “toe the liberal line,” so they’re going to find everything they can to use in hitting him over the head every chance they can get. For my part, I’m going to seek out GOYA products, and fart as much as possible, and liberals be damned.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: What a doofus! Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono says “All Trump supporters are racists and white supremacists.”Really? I’m a Trump supporter and I’m neither of those. I think the racist here is Hirono. She’s certainly the stupid one… AOC talks about “poor people shoplifting bread” as if that were legal after she was responsible for putting thousands of New Yorkers out of work… Hillary’s at it again. She’s saying she is afraid Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses the election. Aside from the fact he is NOT going to lose, that’s just a pipe dream on her part. Same as it was when the GOP advanced the same BS about Obama. This from the woman who refused to concede when she lost her own election… Former Clinton staffer calls Senator Marsha Blackburn “inbred racist trash” for criticizing Black Lives Matter. I guess I am too, since I criticize BLM every day, and rightly so, since they are the black equivalent of the KKK…

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