Monday, July 13, 2020

Infant Life Matters

Liberals are all bent out of shape about the number of black men who are killed by police. They imagine every killing by a cop is murder—but they’re not, In most cases. In most cases, the cop kills in self defense against the attack of the man involved. In those few that are not “good shoots,” the cops are reacting to things like “Black Lives Matter” and cops being murdered from ambush before they even know they’re in danger. But the same isn’t true in the case of the murdered infants who are killed before they even take a single breath. Mostly. BLM is so “concerned about the number of adult males killed, but seemingly unconcerned about the number of unborn infants that are murdered at the behest of their parents, most of them black infants. It’s their method of birth control.

DEFUNDING THE COPS IS STUPID: Just because there are a few--very few—bad cops who think they can get away with abusing their power is no reason to hamstring them by defunding them, or to get rid of them, altogether. The whole idea of getting rid of the police is stupid if you think it through, which those screaming to do it just have not done. Think about it, What would inevitably happen if you abolished the cops? The crooks and other malcontents like the Islamic terrorists would take over. Murder rates would go sky high, and YOU might even be one of the victims. Even if not, you’ll probably be the victim of the crimes that will inevitably be committed by the criminals and malcontents who will be given unfettered power to victimize you without reprisals.

THE PREDICTED RESPONSE: Remember that St. Louis couple that defended it’s home and life from violent threatening rioters who were committing felonious breakins to get to them with an automatic weapon? Rioters who broke a gate to get to them, making that couple “afraid for their lives?” Now the cops have come for their weapon to make sure that doesn’t happen again. They WANT them to fear for their lives, maybe get beaten to death by an angry mob. I have noticed that this is the usual response by the authorities when they find a person has the means for self defense, knowing the cops are precious minutes away—minutes in which thugs can do much damage, even kill them. They come and take away that tool for self defense, even though the Constitution guarantees us the right to have it.

REASON TO USE GOYA: If there’s a good reason for every person of intelligence to use Goya’s products, it is this: the liberals will hate you for it. Frankly, I have never heard of Goya’s products before, but I have now, and I will be searching them out to buy them. And I recommend every intelligent person in the universe do so also. The left would like nothing better than to arrest, and convict Goya’s CEO of a crime for praising President Trump. Which is a terminally stupid response, and has no place in politics. Someone’s personal opinion is sacrosanct, and should not be a reason for a boycott. That’s what the First Amendment is all about.

TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET!” That’s where this country is going, and it is Dumbocrat politicians who are allowing it. In NYC DiBlasio is letting criminals go while further limiting the ability of HONEST people to have guns with which to defend themselves against the plague of crime that’s coming. Murder is up more than 200% in NYC and he spends thousands of dollars to spitefully paint “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of the president’s NYC headquarters. In another place permission for a patriotic mural is refused while permission is granted for “Black Lives Matter” mural. The drumbeat to “defund the police” or “ disband the police” altogether is gaining strength among the criminals and Islamic terrorists who would benefit most from it.

A CRIMINAL UTOPIA: The United States: as a “cop-free zone.” A world completely open for criminals to victimize anybody they wished without having to worry about some cop having the temerity to actually arrest them for their crime. A world in which they could rob, rape, con and murder without punishment, where all the law-abiding people would be at their mercy. The criminals would love that. The honest people would not. What I should not have to point out is the unalterable fact that, without the police, the criminals would “run free,” taking what they wished, assaulting and killing those who objected. That is what they would like, and they can see progress in that direction with the recent successes of that lawless outfit, the Black Lives Matter movement.

ONE MAN’S OPINION: It used to be that self defense was sacrosanct. Apparently no more, as a St. Louis couple is being shamed, derided, and threatened with prison time for armed defense of their home against a mob of rioters. Not once, but twice… Dream on, Joe. “Crazy Joe” Biden thinks Trump’s campaign is in a slide and is mocking him for that. He wishes. In actuality, it is JOE’S campaign that is sliding and he thinks by saying Trump’s is, he can make it happen… I’ve been hearing for a while that Ilian Omar was “busted funneling a lot of money to her husband’s company, but nothing about anything being done about it. I hear similar things about many people. I think that’s just fake news. Just something to get more “clicks.” Clicks sell ads… 

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